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updated Tue. June 18, 2024

Even if you've already seen all of the artifacts on display in the Field Museum's permanent "Inside Ancient Egypt" exhibition and its temporary "Mummies" show, there's still one more piece of Egyptian history hidden somewhere within the museum. Later this week, visitors will be able to take part in an ...
The legacy of one dictator has been replaced by another, and the cakewalk victory of Sisi in last week's three-day election reaffirms that democracy has been relegated to the footnotes of Egyptian history, as indeed it has in Libya and Syria. The army overthrew Morsi, the elected Muslim Brotherhood ...

But Sisi's hollow victory — like the coup that brought him to power in the first place — fits neatly within the flat arc of modern Egyptian history. The lesson of that history isn't that Egyptian citizens are unprepared for a more just, open, and democratic society. Rather, it's that Egypt's political elites have always ...
She was known for starting a religious revolution and oversaw what was arguably the wealthiest period of Ancient Egyptian history. So, naturally, Queen Bey is seen on each of the pieces in various poses, dressed as Nefertiti and channeling the late Egyptian queen's regal attitude. We'd be surprised if you ...
Tutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty who ruled between 1332 and 1323 B.C. and is best known as “King Tut.” In 1922, British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the young king's tomb, sparking a renewed interest in Egyptian history and artifacts. Millions of local visitors. Another ...
The 3,000-year-old leather war-armor of the boy king has uncovered the signs of battle scars, which could change our understanding of Egyptian history. According to the Channel 5 documentary "Secrets of Tutankhamun's Treasures", experts analyzed the history of Tutankhamun's ancient battle-hardened ...

Maya Morsi, National Council for Women (NCW) president, announced at a press statement on Sunday that Your Vote for Tomorrow's Egypt campaign succeeded in reaching 3.5 million women and their families in villages across all of Egypt's governorates through 1,219 public meeting and 489 door-knock ...
The vote comes during a harsh crackdown on dissent, one of the most dramatic in Egyptian history. [Associated Press / Maggie Michael and Brian Rohan]; Even though Sisi will likely get a new term, there are signs that growing dissent could threaten his long-term prospects of staying in power or cause his ...
A chance find at a university in Wales has uncovered a previously unacknowledged image of one of the most beguiling characters in ancient Egyptian history – the female pharaoh, Hatshepsut. Images of Hatshepsut are always of keen interest to Egyptologists, because – albeit in a very different context to ...
Cairo is a historic megacity, home to ancient bazaars, the Great Pyramids of Giza, and one of the world's oldest institutions of higher learning, Al-Azhar University. And tucked in its midst is al-Darb al-Ahmar ('Red Road' in Arabic), a 14th-century quarter that's a maze of narrow, twisting alleyways lined with ...
Think of Egyptian dancers and the first image to come to mind is not likely to be a ballerina. Yet once upon a time, the Egyptian ballerina Magda Saleh danced the dream role of Giselle in Moscow as a guest star with the mighty Bolshoi Ballet. Even more improbably, she danced it in the opera house in her ...
In later Egyptian history, tattoos would continue to function in the same way, with some spectacular examples including amuletic and divine images. As the newly discovered Predynastic tattooed individuals reveal, permanent bodily adornments can express an individual's role in the larger world, as man or ...
Mohamed Salah has etched his name into the history books once more, becoming the third Egyptian in history to reach the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals. Salah qualified to the last eight after Liverpool managed to hold FC Porto to a comfortable 0-0 draw at Anfield, meaning their 5-0 win at ...
The two mummies, one man and one woman, are incredibly significant not only because their tattoos are much older than any others previously observed, but also because men from that period of Egyptian history have never before been found with tattoos. News of the discovery is detailed in a new report ...
CAIRO – 5 March 2018: A position like that of the Coptic Orthodox Pope of Alexandria can very easily influence an entire region; and this is no surprise. The Vatican has been exerting power for centuries. It is no different for Christians in the Middle East and Africa. Lebanon's dominant political denomination ...
Every occasion, feasts and memories are associated with certain foods that have evolved throughout Egyptian history. In celebration of our rich Egyptian cuisine, I will be taking you on a quick tour of some of our signature appetizers, main dishes and desserts, along with some easy quick recipes for you to ...
A spectacular 2,000-year-old necropolis containing at least eight tombs has been uncovered in Egypt, according to the country's Supreme Council of Antiquities. The previously unknown complex—located in the Minya region, south of the capital Cairo—consists of a vast network of burial shafts inside which ...

His acquittal symbolized the grim continuum between his military-backed government and that of his political heir, the army general Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who's been called “the most repressive dictator in modern Egyptian history.” Sisi's Egypt is a torture epidemic against political detainees at the hands of ...
And at the same time, there are so many women in Egyptian history to note and be aware of – whether it be in the modern period, like the likes of Umm Kulthum, whose voice will undoubtedly go down in history for centuries to come or in pre-modern times such as Sayyida Nafisa, who was the teacher of one ...
The archaeological excavation of an ancient Egyptian city at Tell Edfu in southern Egypt, led by the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, has discovered well-preserved settlement remains dating to an important turning point in ancient Egyptian history, when the pharaohs began to renew interest in ...
"It's extraordinary. When taken alongside the latest reading of the genetic data, this provides us with truly exciting evidence that the mummy of the Younger Lady is none other than Queen Nefertiti herself." The show is focused on investigating three of the most powerful women in ancient Egyptian history: ...
She received her PhD in Near Eastern Studies from the University of California, Berkeley in 2006—having specialized in Egyptian art and archaeology. After teaching Egyptian history at the University of Michigan she returned to Berkeley to conduct various courses on ancient Egyptian civilization, before taking a position as ...


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