updated Mon. August 5, 2024
Media Matters for America
April 11, 2018
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): They're trying to intimidate him to speak to [special counsel Robert] Mueller or answer his questions. Does this change anything, Newt? What would you recommend the president do? NEWT GINGRICH (FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE): I think the president should beÃâà...
Media Matters for America
April 11, 2018
MICHAEL SAVAGE (HOST): Irrespective of whether [Michael] Cohen paid off some low-life slut who may have slept with the president -- that is not a crime by the way, as you'll hear from my defense attorney. It's not a crime to pay anyone hush money, I don't know if you know that. There was no crime here.
Media Matters for America (blog)
April 11, 2018
On the April 11 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade said that “it almost seems like the media is pushing the president to fire [Deputy Attorney General] Rod Rosenstein, pushing the president to fire [special counsel] Robert Mueller, as if they are saying please, create a constitutionalÃâà...
Media Matters for America (blog)
April 11, 2018
Within an hour after Axios broke the news that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) will not seek re-election, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), the third-ranking Republican in the House and a likely candidate to succeed Ryan, repeatedly praised President Donald Trump in an interview on the president's favoriteÃâà...
Media Matters for America (blog)
April 11, 2018
This morning, the president pecked out an especially unglued Twitter tirade in which he announced that the United States would be taking military action against the Syrian government. According to Donald Trump, who very likely made this announcement because the lackwit bobbleheads on his favoriteÃâà...
Media Matters for America
April 11, 2018
Chaffetz: “Remember the Southern District of New York who got this referral, it was President Trump that came in and actually dismissed that person … So that's the district in which you give this?” Video ››› 7 hours 14 min ago ››› MEDIA MATTERS STAFF. 0 Ãâ÷ Print Ãâ÷ Email. From the April 11 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:Ãâà...
Media Matters for America
April 11, 2018
GREGG JARRETT: The tragedy is what we saw unfold yesterday, going in and seizing the documents that are largely privileged, of a lawyer -- really to me is one of the most shameful episodes in American legal history. Yes, there's an exception, but what they did is they went in there and they just cartedÃâà...
Media Matters for America
April 11, 2018
ABOUT THE VIDEOS. In addition to reviewing print and online media, Media Matters monitors at least 150 hours of television and radio each week. This section features highlights (or low-lights) from our monitoring efforts, other noteworthy clips as well as original videos.
Media Matters for America (blog)
April 10, 2018
Fox & Friends aired a video from Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips in which he lied to students about Trump's State of the Union address to make college students appear uninformed. As Media Matters reported, this deceptively edited video got heavy playtime on Fox News and was also featured on AlexÃâà...
Media Matters for America (blog)
April 10, 2018
Media Matters first documented Allman's extremism in October, noting his promotion of fringe conspiracy theories, use of anti-immigrant slurs and race-baiting language on air, and frequent misogynist tweets. Many of these examples predated his hiring by Sinclair -- but none of this seems to matter to theÃâà...
Media Matters for America (blog)
April 3, 2018
In his April 2 appearance on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight, Mark Steyn praised Jean Raspail's The Camp of the Saints, a novel described by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a “favorite racist fantasy of the anti-immigrant movement” and “revered by American white supremacists.” SteynÃâà...
Media Matters for America
April 3, 2018
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): These special counsels, I don't care where you stand, are ripping this country apart. The Robert Mueller investigation is tearing this country apart. It's putting people into their corners, and then this would add to that, even though their objectives are pure and simple and theyÃâà...
Media Matters for America (blog)
April 3, 2018
A report from The Daily Beast shed light on the close relationship between President Donald Trump and Fox Business' resident Trump sycophant Lou Dobbs. Dobbs joined Fox Business in 2010 and, over the last several years, has transformed his show Lou Dobbs Tonight into a pro-Trump propagandaÃâà...
Media Matters for America
April 3, 2018
ABOUT THE VIDEOS. In addition to reviewing print and online media, Media Matters monitors at least 150 hours of television and radio each week. This section features highlights (or low-lights) from our monitoring efforts, other noteworthy clips as well as original videos.
Media Matters for America
April 3, 2018
Sinclair Broadcast Group is mandating that its local news anchors across the country narrate “hostage video”-like segments echoing President Donald Trump's attacks on the press. Media Matters has compiled these propaganda videos from 66 different local news stations in 29 states and Washington, D.C..
Media Matters for America
April 3, 2018
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): This country is headed towards a civil war in terms of two sides that are just hating each other and if Robert Mueller wants, there's a big red button in the middle of the table. And if Robert Mueller is so pompous and so arrogant and so power hungry and so corrupt that he's going toÃâà...
Media Matters for America
April 3, 2018
Mike Adams, a far-right blogger who has pushed fake news, is behind a new site smearing Parkland, FL, mass shooting survivor David Hogg and some of his fellow student survivors. The site pushes previously debunked hoaxes about Hogg, along with smearing him as a Nazi and a “fascist youth front manÃâà...
Media Matters for America
April 3, 2018
And who out there believes that so much of the media – who believes CNN, anybody? MSNBC, anybody? ABC, CBS, NBC? Certainly Media Matters, really? Boy, what a hypocritical title that is. Media Matters, MoveOn.Org, Southern Poverty Law Center, the Huffington punks, who believes these people?
Media Matters for America
April 3, 2018
BILL HEMMER (CO-HOST): Scott Pruitt, the EPA administrator, now expected to make an announcement rolling back Obama-era fuel standards. This event happening in Washington, D.C. This while he is under fire from some for a housing arrangement he had during the transition period. Scott Pruitt hasÃâà...
Media Matters for America
April 3, 2018
CAT BROOKS (CO-HOST): You brought up the fact that [Sinclair Broadcast Group is] about to expand. So, currently they're in really conservative markets, but there is a pending merger with Tribune Media Group, which would expand them to 42 more stations, including cities like Los Angeles and New York.
Media Matters for America (blog)
April 3, 2018
After The Atlantic hired former National Review writer Kevin Williamson, Media Matters and a number of others called out Williamsons' history of problematic commentary -- including his belief that “the law should treat abortion like any other homicide” and, as Rewire.News characterized it, that “women whoÃâà...
Media Matters for America
April 3, 2018
According to The Washington Post, the complaint accused human rights groups “of committing 'mass fraud' and 'actively distorting the scientific research by promoting the 'Born Gay' hoax.'” [National Task Force for Therapy Equality, accessed 3/28/18; Media Matters, 3/9/18; National Task Force for TherapyÃâà...
Media Matters for America
April 3, 2018
PAMELA VOGEL: For poor working class folks or black and Latino communities specifically, they're less likely to have cable which means that the choices for trusted news are very limited to the local stations for the most part if you're still using TV to get your news. It really just sort of magnifies theÃâà...
Media Matters for America (blog)
April 3, 2018
LAWRENCE O'DONNELL (HOST): Matthew Gertz has given us the definitive study of how Fox News governs the thoughts of the person who is supposed to be governing the United States of America. And he did it in a series of tweets that will guide historians for centuries unless historians at some point justÃâà...
Media Matters for America
March 29, 2018
ALEX JONES (HOST): I just want you to know Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, the globalists, Michael Moore, Lord [Jacob] Rothschild, the Rockefellers, all of them: Listen up. You hate everybody because you hate yourself. You're filth. You're garbage. So you want us to all exterminate ourselves and depopulate?
Media Matters for America
March 29, 2018
Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade said President Donald Trump should "put the National Guard" in Chicago to help address gun violence there, echoing a suggestion Trump made over a year ago. Such a deployment likely isn't legal and experts say it wouldn't address the root causes of the violenceÃâà...
Media Matters for America (blog)
March 29, 2018
CNN contributor and right-wing radio host Ben Ferguson gave up the game on one of right-wing media's favorite inaccurate talking points about Planned Parenthood, admitting that the organization does not use taxpayer funding to cover abortion services. The comment came during a discussion on theÃâà...
Media Matters for America
March 29, 2018
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): When you put all of this together there was far more involvement with the White House and Barack Obama in all of this than anybody knew. GREGG JARRETT: Oh, absolutely. To believe that the president didn't know that there was an investigation of Donald Trump, candidate forÃâà...
Media Matters for America (blog)
March 29, 2018
Fox News has repeatedly aired the Russia commentary of the author Joel C. Rosenberg over the past few weeks, credentialing him as a “Russia expert” and pointing to his recent bestseller, The Kremlin Conspiracy. In an appearance on the network and in packaged reports, hosts and contributors of theÃâà...
Media Matters for America
March 29, 2018
On most campuses, men are a distinct minority. At Carlow University in Pittsburgh, women outnumber men by more than six to one, and yet almost every campus has a women's studies department. In many of them, the stated goal is to fight expressions of masculinity and disempower men. At Ohio State, aÃâà...
Media Matters for America (blog)
March 29, 2018
The Parkland student survivors behind the #MarchForOurLives are now public figures. Their social media presence is massive, they're a fixture on TV news, and according to a poll from Public Policy Polling, they have a “56/34 favorability rating.” Their advocacy has inspired many Americans to engage (orÃâà...
Media Matters for America
March 29, 2018
Walsh: "This Tuesday in Holy Week, I put this in front of you ... A growing segment in America is coming for the Second Amendment, and I'm not going to take it lying down. Are you?" Video ››› 12 hours 16 min ago ››› MEDIA MATTERS STAFF. 0 Ãâ÷ Print Ãâ÷ Email. From the March 27 edition of Salem Radio Network's The JoeÃâà...
Media Matters for America (blog)
March 29, 2018
The Trump Make America Great Again Committee -- a joint fundraising operation run by President Donald Trump's 2020 re-election campaign and the Republican National Committee -- is running a campaign advertisement on toxic conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' YouTube channel. Media Matters observedÃâà...
Media Matters for America
March 28, 2018
GARY TUCHMAN: Seth Rich was murdered but evidence has always pointed towards a botched robbery according to DC police. Despite that, Hannity continued to fan the flames night after night, it took pressure from advertisers pulling their commercials from his show for Fox to finally take action.