updated Mon. September 16, 2024
CBS News
August 21, 2017
Despite being on the front lines of this cyber war, hackers like "Geekboy" tend to keep a low profile. "So do you think people in this neighborhood know you're a hacker?" Reena Ninan asked Sandeep. "No actually… when they ask what I am doing, I tell them I'm doing my masters," he says. Geekboy hopesÃÂ ...
Dark Reading
July 20, 2017
During the first half of 2011, Sabu and The Jester tried repeatedly to uncover each other's identity. The conflict between Sabu and the Jester reached a fever pitch at DEF CON 19, the nineteenth annual security convention in Las Vegas. Both hackers claimed to be in attendance along with the 20,000 otherÃÂ ...
June 2, 2017
Known by his online avatar, Sabu, Monsegur led the hacking group Lulzsec, an offshoot of the notorious hacktivist group Anonymous. ... in 2011, Monsegur maintained his persona and worked undercover as an FBI informant, preventing potential attacks and helping the FBI catch other infamous hackers.
April 28, 2017
The founder of LulzSec, Hector Monsegur, known by his hacker handle Sabu, now works for Rhino Security Labs, a company that helps businesses assess cybersecurity threats so they can plan to combat them. He talked to Marketplace Tech host Ben Johnson for our series on hacktivism. Below is anÃÂ ...
October 21, 2016
For the past year, Hector "Sabu" Monsegur has quietly been working as the lead penetration tester for the small Seattle security firm Rhino Security Labs, managing a six-person team ... The path from criminal hacker to prison to professional penetration tester is one plenty of hackers have followed before.
The Guardian
December 9, 2014
Former Anonymous hacker Hector Xavier Monsegur, aka Sabu, gives first TV interview after stint informing for FBI. ... That cooperation involved helping the FBI nail eight prominent Anonymous and LulzSec hackers including Jeremy Hammond, the then No 1 most-wanted cybercriminal in the world on theÃÂ ...
The Guardian
May 28, 2014
Monsegur, or “Sabu” as the celebrated hacker was known, was sentenced to time served – equivalent to the seven months he spent in prison last year .... In May 2011 he became a founder member of LulzSec, a splinter of Anonymous, that operated as a tight team of highly skilled hackers in the US, UK andÃÂ ...
New York Magazine
June 3, 2012
From a housing project on Avenue D, a hacker mastermind of Anonymous and LulzSec was out to upend many worlds. ... Sabu, along with 4,500 other hackers and volunteers from around the world, activated a simple program that, when launched, would bombard PayPal's site with requests—“packeting,”à...
Naked Security
November 10, 2017
Kevin Mitnick, once known as “the world's most-wanted hacker,” and who ... And Hector “Sabu” Monsegur, another LulzSec founder, who then ...
Seattle Weekly
September 13, 2017
Under these screen names, along with co-conspirators Sabu and AVunit, ... bits and pieces of the hackers' IRL contexts or reactions from their victims. ... when hacker Sabu was secretly apprehended, turned into a mole on a ...
CBS News
August 21, 2017
"White-hat hackers" are the good guys -- paid by companies to hack their ... "So do you think people in this neighborhood know you're a hacker? ... Hector Monsegur, known as "Sabu" in the hacking world, founded LulzSec ...
June 2, 2017
Known by his online avatar, Sabu, Monsegur led the hacking group ... potential attacks and helping the FBI catch other infamous hackers.
May 22, 2017
Under the alias Sabu, Hector hacked corporations, news outlets, and ... systems designed to stop hackers, and the high-tech arsenal being ...
April 28, 2017
The founder of LulzSec, Hector Monsegur, known by his hacker handle Sabu, now works for Rhino Security Labs, a company that helps ...
October 25, 2016
Short Bytes: Hector Xavier Monsegur aka Sabu is a former LulzSec ... With his help, FBI was able to arrest other hackers from LulzSec and ...
October 21, 2016
For the past year, Hector "Sabu" Monsegur has quietly been working as ... will allow one of the world's most notorious hackers, reformed or not, ...
The Guardian
December 9, 2014
Former Anonymous hacker Hector Xavier Monsegur, aka Sabu, ... the FBI nail eight prominent Anonymous and LulzSec hackers including ...
The Guardian
May 28, 2014
Hector Xaviar Monsegur, the notorious hacker known as Sabu, .... the extent that the FBI will go in turning prominent hackers into informants.
Seattle Weekly
September 13, 2017
Under these screen names, along with co-conspirators Sabu and AVunit, ... bits and pieces of the hackers' IRL contexts or reactions from their victims. ... when hacker Sabu was secretly apprehended, turned into a mole on aÃÂ ...
Kabar News (Siaran Pers) (Pendaftaran) (Blog)
August 22, 2017
Di mana pelaku berhasil ditangkap yang diduga menjual sabu lewat ... Wawan Spocil mengaku akun facebooknya diretas atau di hacker.
Tribun Timur
August 21, 2017
Penjual Sabu-sabu di Facebook Ternyata Warga Lamuru Bone, Ini ... pelaku kepada penyidik bahwa facebooknya dihack (hacker) orang lain.
CBS News
August 21, 2017
"White-hat hackers" are the good guys -- paid by companies to hack their ... "So do you think people in this neighborhood know you're a hacker? ... Hector Monsegur, known as "Sabu" in the hacking world, founded LulzSecÃÂ ...
June 1, 2017
Known by his online avatar, Sabu, Monsegur led the hacking group ... potential attacks and helping the FBI catch other infamous hackers.
May 22, 2017
Under the alias Sabu, Hector hacked corporations, news outlets, and ... systems designed to stop hackers, and the high-tech arsenal beingÃÂ ...
May 22, 2017
Under the alias Sabu, Hector hacked corporations, news outlets, and ... systems designed to stop hackers, and the high-tech arsenal beingÃÂ ...
April 28, 2017
The founder of LulzSec, Hector Monsegur, known by his hacker handle Sabu, now works for Rhino Security Labs, a company that helpsÃÂ ...
October 25, 2016
Short Bytes: Hector Xavier Monsegur aka Sabu is a former LulzSec ... With his help, FBI was able to arrest other hackers from LulzSec andÃÂ ...
October 21, 2016
For the past year, Hector "Sabu" Monsegur has quietly been working as ... will allow one of the world's most notorious hackers, reformed or not,ÃÂ ...
The Guardian
December 9, 2014
Former Anonymous hacker Hector Xavier Monsegur, aka Sabu, ... the FBI nail eight prominent Anonymous and LulzSec hackers includingÃÂ ...
May 27, 2014
Lulzsec Leader and Informant 'Sabu' Let Off With Time Served ... model law enforcement informant, quietly drawing out his fellow hackers and directly ... of the LulzSec hacking crew and Anonymous hacker Jeremy Hammond.
March 23, 2017
Surabaya - Wakil Komandan Regu (Wadanru) satpam Lotte Mart Pakuwon Mall Surabaya, M. Kusno, meminta maaf atas perbuatan yang telah dilakukan.
March 16, 2017
Jakarta - Ternyata bukan hanya Emma Watson yang baru-baru ini jadi korban peretasan. Aktris Amanda Seyfried juga ikut menjadi korban hacker tak bertanggung jawab. Dikutip dari TMZ, Kamis (16/3/2017) foto-foto pribadi Amanda tiba-tiba diunggah olehÃÂ ...
March 10, 2017
Tangan Usil Hacker di Videotron Porno, Apa Mungkin? detikInet .... DETIKNEWS | Senin 20 Mar 2017, 14:11 WIB Mereka dihukum mati karena mengedarkan 26 kg sabu di Indonesia. Dua terdakwa di antaranya telah dikuatkan di tingkat banding. Adik IparÃÂ ...
March 9, 2017
Tangan Usil Hacker di Videotron Porno, Apa Mungkin? detikInet ... Petugas Razia Rutan Tanjung Gusta, Ada Napi Simpan Sabu. DETIKNEWS | Sabtu 11 Mar 2017, 22:19 WIB Petugas melakukan razia di Rutan Klas I Tanjung Gusta, Medan, Sumatera Utara (Sumut) dan ...
March 8, 2017
Tangan Usil Hacker di Videotron Porno, Apa Mungkin? ... DETIKNEWS | Sabtu 11 Mar 2017, 20:25 WIB Fahkrurozi (27) ditangkap ketika menyelundupkan narkoba jenis sabu ke Rumah Tahanan Polri (RTP) Polrestabes Medan, Sumatera Utara (Sumut).
March 8, 2017
Tangan Usil Hacker di Videotron Porno, Apa Mungkin? .... DETIKNEWS | Kamis 09 Mar 2017, 15:56 WIB Saat ini, pelaku dan barang bukti berupa sabu seberat 1,34 gram, satu unit alat hisap sabu dan satu buah tas diamankan di Mapolresta Banda Aceh.
February 16, 2017
Jakarta - Sempat beredar di media sosial ancaman dari peretas (hacker) untuk membuat server pada website Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) down.
February 10, 2017
Hector Monsegur, the former LulzSec hacker who went by the name Sabu, says key infrastructure is particularly vulnerable to cyberwarfare.
February 8, 2017
"Barang bukti berupa 1 bungkus plastik sabu seberat 1,9 gram, 1 bungkus plastik heroin seberat 1,9 gram, 1 plastik berisi 36 tablet ekstasi pink biru berlogo Penguin Happy Feel seberat 14,4 gram.
October 25, 2016
Eleven months later, Sabu was identified as Hector Xavier Monsegur, having his origins in Puerto Rico. Until then, Sabu was living a life as an FBI informant. With his help, FBI was able to arrest other hackers from LulzSec and AntiSec. Monsegur didn't ...
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
October 23, 2016
Er starb vergangene Woche mit 69 Jahren. Der ehemalige LulzSec-Hacker und FBI-Informant mit dem Pseudonym Sabu arbeitet nun als Penetrationstester bei Rhino Security Labs, berichtet wired.com. Recode.net schreibt unter Berufung auf CEO John Rad,ÃÂ ...
October 23, 2016
Sabu co-founded Lulzsec, going onto receiving press attention after a 50-day hacking spurt targeting the likes of the CIA, Fox, Stratfor, and the US Senate and others.
Heat Street
October 23, 2016
This weekend, in response to the massive hack that brought down most of the Internet on Friday, the U.S.-based vigilante hacker known as The Jester set his sites on the Russian government. The Jester found a way ... When he is not fighting terrorists ...
Collective Evolution
October 22, 2016
A handful of Anonymous's most skilled hackers splintered off to form an exclusive team. They called themselves LulzSec.
October 21, 2016
We caught up with notorious Anonymous hacker Hector Monsegur, formerly known as Sabu, who after a brief stint as an FBI informant and a seven-month prison stay has turned white hat.
October 21, 2016
For the past year, Hector "Sabu" Monsegur has quietly been working as the lead penetration tester for the small Seattle security firm Rhino Security Labs, managing a six-person team that breaks into clients' networks to demonstrate vulnerabilities and ...
October 20, 2016
Sebenarnya masalah yang potensial adalah peretas via sistem daring (online hacker), yang tak ada hubungannya dengan perangkat keras komputer itu sendiri.
kriminalitas (Siaran Pers)
October 10, 2016
KRIMINALITAS.COM, Makassar - Pasca tertangkapnya peretas atau hacker akun facebook milik Kapolda, Yusran alias Komar (34), Tim Unit Cyber Crime Direktorat Kriminal Khusus (Ditreskrimsus) Polda Sulsel menemukan bukti baru.
kriminalitas (Siaran Pers)
October 11, 2016
KRIMINALITAS.COM, Makassar - Pasca tertangkapnya peretas atau hacker akun facebook milik Kapolda, Yusran alias Komar (34), Tim Unit Cyber Crime Direktorat Kriminal Khusus (Ditreskrimsus) Polda Sulsel menemukan bukti baru.
October 6, 2016
Tasmania - Forum yang terdiri dari pimpinan parlemen-parlemen lima negara, yakni Meksiko, Indonesia, Korea Selatan, Turki dan Australia (MIKTA), digelar di Australia.
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