updated Tue. September 10, 2024
San Francisco Chronicle
March 17, 2018
The Free Speech Movement began with a yearlong protest at UC Berkeley led by Mario Savio after students were barred from fundraising and distributing political flyers on campus. The university eventually relented, but student-led civil disobedience quickly spread to college campuses throughout theÃâà...
90.5 WESA
March 16, 2018
Posters adorned his office walls: a Keith Herring print and photos of Bob Dylan and activist Mario Savio. “The first week in office, there was a really bad fire, I had a water main break, a snow storm and a sinkhole,” he said between meetings. “I was waiting for the locusts and the raining frogs.” This is localÃâà...
Daily Californian
March 11, 2018
Before beginning the occupation, student leader Mario Savio gave a famous speech, calling on students to put their “bodies upon the gears” of the university “machine” to show that “unless they're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!” Sam Farber is a professor emeritus of political scienceÃâà...
February 28, 2018
Mainstream media characterized one of the most well known and incendiary protest leaders of the free speech movements, Mario Savio, by over-dramatization and an undesired elevation to celebrity status. Savio's claims were largely undermined, and one Washington Post article even called the activistsÃâà...
February 26, 2018
That is something that was done often during the protests in 1968, when students, like the University of California at Berkeley's Mario Savio, were protesting against the Vietnam War. Today's students are protesting to try to change gun legislation, but Willingham says these protests are more alike than different, pointing out,Ãâà...
February 24, 2018
In 1964, University of California student Mario Savio delivered powerful words during a free speech movement. Protesting the university prohibition on political activity, Savio unleashed on the system. "There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious -- makes you so sick at heart -- thatÃâà...
The Boston Globe
February 24, 2018
As a political statement, the word “body” does a complex job. Half a century ago, the Berkeley activist Mario Savio famously described the university as a corrupt machine and urged student protesters to “put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels.” The abortion-rights movement has emphasizedÃâà...
Socialist Worker Online
December 31, 1999
A subsequent mass occupation of Sproul Hall and campuswide student strike demanded that charges be dropped against students for violating the administration's restrictions on free Before beginning the occupation, student leader Mario Savio gave a famous speech, calling on students to put their "bodiesÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Mario Savio knew this all very well. He was the president of the Berkeley Friends of Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and was a cadre activist of the civil rights movement. The FSM began in the fall of 1964; that summer, Savio was in Mississippi registering Black voters for the massiveÃâà...