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updated Mon. August 5, 2024

I also have an affiliation as a Senior Fellow with the The Aspen Institute. I am currently co-principal investigator of a W.K. Kellogg Foundation research grant on employee ownership and modest income employees. The National Bureau for Economic Research Shared Capitalism Project received funding ...
It's a phenomenon every nonprofit and foundation leader needs to understand and that I believe has particular applicability to the much discussed — and fraught — power dynamic between grant makers and grantees. It also extends to the dynamic between both these groups and those they ultimately seek ...

The Wilmington Township supervisors are applying for a state grant to help finance renovations of Marti Park. ... Marti Park Foundation also has received a $10,000 grant from the Caroline Knox Foundation as part of its fundraising efforts, and it is waiting to hear from a couple of other foundations for other ...
Even as the death toll rises, major foundations have yet to respond to the opioid problem with the numbers or dollars you'd expect in response to the nation's top public health emergency. We've written frequently about the too-short list of funders who have started to steer serious grant money towards opioid ...
We interviewed Amber Slichta, the foundation's Vice President of Programs, to ask about the foundation's announcement of an unusual grantmaking collaboration—two grants worth $4 million to endow grant officer positions focused on caregiving at two other foundations, the Health Foundation for Western ...
Nonprofit directors may want to consider not doing their jobs for a few months, and foundations may want to consider paying them for it. ... A recent evaluation commissioned by the Durfee Foundation, one of the main proponents of nonprofit sabbaticals, reviewed the past 20 years of its program and found ...

Those receiving funds are charitable organizations with a tax designation of 501(c)3, 5, 6 or a 170(b) unit of government. Since 2006 DCF has ... This is the third year for Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation to grant funds to county foundations immediately surrounding Greene County. Grow Greene ...
Depenbusch said it's a collaboration between the Lincoln Police Department, the Lancaster County Sheriff's Office and the Nebraska State Patrol. It will provide resources for people with autism who wander. The Julia Rose Foundation gave a grant to make it possible. The program was approved last week, ...
Charitable support of the Chattahoochee Tech Foundation from alumni, friends, foundations and corporations in the community during the 2017 fiscal year allowed the Foundation to provide over $80,000 in student scholarships and over $10,000 in emergency grant funds to students at risk of not continuing ...
The Warriors Community Foundation, in partnership with Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), the Koret Foundation and Taube Philanthropies, raised ... enhancing charitable impact through partnerships and active engagement with individual donors, foundations and other charitable organizations.
Although some of the perceptions might be based on the roles foundations played historically, I believe the New Albany Community Foundation is much different ... Although grant-making is something the foundation does, in New Albany the community foundation serves another important role: a convener, ...
The Brown County Literacy Coalition works closely with the Brown County school corporation to provide early childhood reading support to children in our elementary schools. At the end of last year, we were informed that school employees were being required to provide updated and enhanced ...
The same goes for the Walmart Foundation's contributions to reduce carbon emissions in China and to protect wilderness areas in the United States, or the Dow Chemical Foundation's contribution ... “Firms deploy their charitable foundations as a form of tax-exempt influence seeking,” the researchers write.
The foundation put up $10 million for its Built to Play initiative. The funder is partnering with the Tony Hawk Foundation and KaBoom! to expand access to free, public play spaces for kids in western New York and southeastern Michigan. As part of Built to Play, there will be several grant opportunities to build ...
For corporations, political lobbying comes with a lot of pesky regulations. For politicians, charitable foundations are an easy way to look good and wield power. A perfect recipe for subverting open democracy! A new research paper published by the NBER attempts to measure to what degree corporate ...
There has been a schism over a significant grant request, a grant of $25 million to fund Istituto Dermopatico dell'Immacolata (IDI), a hospital in Rome. That request came from the pope. The Papal Foundation is an affiliate of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, whose 501c3 designation was ...
As part of the Keeping It Modern grant, experts will conduct new research on the building's signature features, such as its glass curtain walls and original paint ... The Foundation developed Keeping It Modern to complement the Getty Conservation Institute's Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI).

To help strengthen and coordinate its fundraising muscle, the Ford, Kresge and Skillman foundations made a $1.1 million grant to the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan in 2014 to support an assessment of what each city department was doing in regards to grants and to create a framework to ...
HCAT secured money from several foundations including the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation, and the Sheldon and Lenna foundations. ... that the $35,000 grant be used for a new local medical student scholarship assistance program at the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation.
“As a grant-maker or someone committed to our community, you understand the importance of keeping your finger on the pulse of the most pressing needs that our area's non-profit organizations face,” said Charles Barber, president and CEO of the Luzerne Foundation. “This forum setting provides a unique ...
Unfortunately, there has been a longstanding IRS regulation that private foundations cannot own more than 20 percent of any for-profit business. ... So, the good news is that the Newman's Own Foundation can continue using profits of the food conglomerate to fund charitable organizations and causes ...
T he Summerville High School Foundation recently partnered with Sonora Area Foundation and an anonymous donor to award a Bear Grant of $3,100 to Summerville's Mock Trial Team, one of the largest academic awards ever given by the foundation. Mock Trial is an extracurricular activity at the high ...
The Tides Foundation has long been a leading foundation known for its support of progressive causes. It has also been regularly assailed by right-wing critics. Most recently, Hayden Ludwig of the Capital Research Center wrote a five-part series on the supposedly “shadowy” organization. It is worth noting ...
In 2015, Emmett Carson, the president of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and a voice of some influence in the field of philanthropy, suggested that Independent Sector and the Council on Foundations, two of the largest infrastructure groups in the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, should merge.
The board looked at the results from the investing of other foundations. The company interviewed board members, specifically investment committee members, along with staff. It revealed that there was a positive interest in impact investing. After an impact audit of the foundation's existing investments and ...
Lady Gaga and the Born This Way Foundation: The “Million Reasons” singer founded the non-profit organization in 2011 with her mother Cynthia Germanotta. The foundation's aim is to build better communities and inspire youth, and it works with partners like the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at ...
A new makerspace will be added to All Saints Catholic School in Norwalk, thanks to a grant from Foundations in Education, a nonprofit that supports the ... A grants committee carefully reviewed each proposal and submitted recommendations to Foundation's Board of Trustees for approval, under the ...
The Wabash Valley Community Foundation (serving Vigo County) and the Clay County and Sullivan County Community Foundations (serving Clay and Sullivan counties) are ... Donors may give to existing funds or establish a charitable fund at the Community Foundation by contributing a variety of assets.
CEO Jeff Ochs of the Venn Foundation gained experience in investments as a small-company entrepreneur and a nonprofit manager. He formed Venn, a recent Minnesota Cup entrepreneurial award winner, in 2016 with Rob Scarlett and Jeanne Voigt to help foundations and philanthropic investors make ...
One is the New Economy Initiative (NEI), a project of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, which was created in 2007 with $100 million in initial contributions from 10 foundations, including Ford, Kellogg, and Charles Stewart Mott, in response to the loss of 367,000 manufacturing jobs in the ...
ROCK ISLAND, IL – The Doris and Victor Day Foundation and Rauch Family Foundation I are now accepting grant applications from non-profit agencies. Grant information and access to the shared grant portal can be accessed at and
That led to some changes, Mr. Gobioff said, with the help of Foundation Source, which provides advice and back-office services to foundations. Previously, the Gobioff Foundation would mail checks to recipients with letters stating terms of the grant; cashing the check meant the recipient agreed to the rules ...
"When viewed together, the organizations represented in our grant-making this month are creating a pipeline of opportunities for our community from the earliest age through college, career and beyond." Established in 1914, the Cleveland Foundation is one of the world's first community foundations.
Mayor Dan Horrigan announced Wednesday a $127,000 grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to hire Copenhagenize Design Co. of Montreal, ... Other initiatives like Better Block and Reimagining the Civic Commons are drawing on funding from Knight and other foundations to support ...
Beyond growing, the Community Foundation has done a lot of good for the local community and beyond. In recent years, the organization has topped the list of the most active grant-makers among all U.S. community foundations. By the end of 2018, the Community Foundation will have awarded more than ...
A new report finds that, broadly speaking, health legacy foundations “are expanding the scope of their grant making and initiatives to focus on the social determinants of ... In such cases, the federal government requires that a percentage of assets remain in the nonprofit sector, typically in foundation form.
According to tax records, the Express Scripts Foundation gave away roughly $1.98 million in 2016, with similar amounts in 2015 and 2014. That total did not rank it among St. Louis' 25 largest charitable trusts and foundations by grant volume in the past three years, according to Business Journal research ...
According to a 2015 study by the Council of Foundations, some 75 percent of full-time paid foundation staff in the United States identify as white. ... Foundation, “is taking the time to listen for the possibilities and then adapt to community knowledge,” instead of shutting down grant-seekers because their ...
In 2016, former Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller seeded the creation of a statewide network of Indiana foundations with a $500,000 matching grant from Indiana's Consumer Protection Education Fund. A group of foundations collectively matched $500,000 by Dec. 31, 2016. INPTOA's priority is placed ...
The Lilly Endowment, one of the world's largest private foundations with assets of more than $10 billion, recently announced a $10 million grant to the new ... The next year, the Endowment invested a total of $42 million to support a regional workforce/education initiative, an Applied Research Institute (which ...
It features the work of the Network of Foundations of Puerto Rico, about which I wrote extensively in the special series on Puerto Rico NPQ just completed. In it, I compare the Network's equity-neutral approach to the equity-focused one of the Puerto Rico Community Foundation. In this recent El Nuevo Dia ...
Of the women's foundations studied for this research, 79 percent practiced participatory grantmaking. What does this look like? Diverse members of the community, including nonprofit organizations and individuals benefiting from grant funding, are included on their grant review teams. These teams review ...
Foundation leaders fanned out across Capitol Hill this week with a simple message to lawmakers: The tax bill signed into law last year will hurt charitable giving and leave struggling nonprofits across the country wanting for funds. Several legislative experts who met with the visiting foundation executives ...
The longstanding tax provision states that in exchange for tax-exempt status, a charitable nonprofit, foundation or religious organization may “not participate in, ... Since 1954, that language has served to protect charitable nonprofits, foundations, churches and the donating public by ensuring that these ...
This is no time for business as usual, Sharon Alpert, president of the Nathan Cummings Foundation, made clear in a note last year, when the foundation boosted its grant-making to challenge xenophobia, racism and attacks on democratic institutions and the legitimacy of the press. Now, the 70-year-old ...
The Community Foundation in recent years has topped the list of the most active grant makers among all US community foundations. ... than 40 individuals and families have already chosen to entrust Indian River Community Foundation with their charitable legacy by making a planned gift from their estates.
To assess risk, grant makers look closely at every number, from how much employees are paid to the salary/benefit ratio to the fund balance. ... After seeing this information, a grant maker is likely to reach out to these foundations to learn about their experience supporting your group, which can turn your ...
Three business veterans with a philanthropic bent have created a new foundation to breathe life into a little-used alternative-investment tool, Program Related Investments, ... PRIs are a special type of investment that private foundations make for the primary purpose of advancing charitable missions.
Of the 30 foundations, ten were found deficient, with such issues as expired contracts between campuses and their foundation that include student fees, expenses that were not consistent with the foundations' missions (like retirement parties and travel expenses without documentation), and foundations not ...
Regional grant makers that have started making mission investments include the Baltimore Community Foundation, the Incourage Community Foundation, and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. One reason foundations historically haven't rushed to invest their endowments in ways that mesh with ...


National Charity Reports Index
This page lists the current BBB Wise Giving Alliance reports on charities and other solicting organizations that solicit nationally.


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501c3 foundations