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updated Fri. May 31, 2024

The Clinton Foundation launched the effort at UM with the hopes of securing long-term investment in countries still trying to rebuild. A number of Caribbean leaders, including the prime minister of Dominica, the governor of the Virgin Islands and the resident commissioner of Puerto Rico, made up the panel.
What might have been a smooth ride to Congress for Donna Shalala is instead turning into a demolition derby. In an open congressional seat in Florida that represents one of the Democratic Party's best pickup chances in the nation, fellow Democrats are bashing the former Clinton administration Cabinet ...

... now the decision is up to Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Read More. The issue stems from findings in an internal Justice Department watchdog report that claims he misled investigators about his decision to authorize FBI officials to speak to the media about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes participated in health-care summits sponsored by the Clinton Foundation. Rupert Murdoch, the executive chairman of News Corp, invested $100 million in Theranos in a funding round that lasted between 2014 and 2015, according to a Wall Street Journal article.
The potential costs of not doing so are growing, as maturing investigations into Clinton Foundation charity frauds by the IRS, FBI and multiple foreign governments gather momentum. So helping to cover up crimes that began in 1997 and escalated to the present is certainly not a viable option in any U.S. ...
Later, she is also expected to attend a function organized by a local organization, which works with the Clinton Foundation. She will also be interacting with children at a local school in Maheshwar before retiring for the day to the hotel. She is expected to leave for Indore on Tuesday, from where she will be ...

Clinton had difficulty navigating some stone steps at the Jahaz Mahal palace in Mandu. A viral video was shared widely showing her tripping twice and requiring the aid of two men before kicking off her shoes. The White House didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. The Clinton Foundation ...
Klevorick was caught up in accusations that the Clintons were running a pay-to-play operation while reviewing incoming offers of assistance being funneled to the State Department by the Clinton Foundation, according to emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the Republican ...
There is far more to tell about this matter. Here are the bare bones. Later we will flesh out the details. There is evidence that the Clinton Foundation may have been birthed as a lucrative money laundering operation to both aid the CIA while enriching the Clintons. Here is the story as we understand it, and ...
The report details how on October 31, 2016, the records were prepared for public release, but someone from the FBI's public affairs office requested "a one-day delay on the release of the Clinton Foundation material." The section chief overseeing the FBI's records division, David Hardy, approved the ...
Part 3: The Harmon Wilfred Matter: Clinton Foundation CIA Covert Corruption; A whiff of Clinton. March 5, 2018. Artvoice. Harmon Wilfred and wife, Carolyn Dare-Wilfred.
Former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer's role in securing $25 million in aid from his country to help the Clinton Foundation fight AIDS is chronicled in decade-old government memos archived on the Australian foreign ministry's website. Downer and former President Clinton jointly signed a ...
In part one: The Harmon Wilfred Matter: Clinton Foundation CIA Covert Corruption & New Zealand, I outlined how Harmon Wilfred, a professional contractor and consultant, was under contract with the CIA from 1994 through 1998. While working for the CIA, Wilfred claims he discovered fraud and ...
The Journal, citing sources including “one person close to Mr. McCabe,” revealed a tense conversation with a senior Justice Department official in which McCabe insisted that the FBI had the authority to press ahead with the investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The inspector general has concluded ...
But we have yet to learn the real story — one that explains why, for example, so many Obama appointees would allow Hillary Clinton to mishandle classified information, while also letting the Clinton Foundation run riot soliciting billions of dollars (including affiliates) in contributions for patently unauthorized ...
I always regarded the FBI as the ultimate investigative arm of the U.S. Justice Department. Now it appears that after eight years of the administration of President Barack Obama, "Fast and Furious," and former Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, the FBI has been transformed into a political tool.
It's not nice to mess around with the Clintons… or the CIA – ask Harmon Wilfred. Wilfred, a CIA whistle blower, claims to be in possession of evidence and testimony against Bill and Hillary Clinton that could have significant influence on New Zealand foreign policy. Wilfred says the setting up of the Clinton ...

An Australian journalist, who is also a retired police detective, said he has been asked to provide the FBI with info and documents which suggest fraud and bid rigging by a top Australian official, for the Clinton Foundation, at the expense of Australia and possibly sufferers of HIV/AIDS. “I have been asked to ...
Hillary Clinton isn't done with Donald Trump just yet. Clinton threw shade at the current president when she tweeted about the "real" story concerning the Clinton Foundation. Trump has long criticized the organization, ran by Clinton and her husband, Bill, as being corrupt. By providing the "real" story, ...
Rumors have been floating up from Little Rock for months now of a new investigation into the Clinton Foundation. John Solomon advanced the story recently in a January report for The Hill. FBI agents in the Arkansas capital, he wrote, “have taken the lead” in a new Justice Department inquiry “into whether ...
The Clinton Foundation's effort to spur action among all who could make a difference to improve community health and wellness notched some important successes during its run. The bringing together of hundreds of experts in these fields in 2012 for brainstorming sessions brought into clear focus some of ...
Six years ago, the Clinton Foundation came into the Coachella Valley with a plan to bring medical providers and administrators, community leaders, educators and others together and help them build a cohesive strategy for improving health and wellness in the community by establishing the country's first ...
Glemaud, who was born in the island's capital, Port-au-Prince, and moved to the U.S. when he was 3 years old, visited at the invitation of the Clinton Foundation, to attend an event produced by the Haitian Action Network, an organization focused on women's empowerment and enterprise initiatives.
The Clinton Foundation having Austin bomber, Mark Anthony Conditt, on its payroll is fake news. There is no truth that the foundation run by Bill and Hillary Clinton had Conditt who was behind the recent bombings in Austin as an employee in its record. The Clintons have been the subject of many fake ...
On Monday President Donald Trump praised an initiative to fight the opioid epidemic by the Clinton Foundation, a charity that he has repeatedly accused of being embroiled in double dealing and corruption. During a speech in New Hampshire, Trump lauded the firm Adapt Pharma and its work getting free ...
The Clinton Foundation being found guilty of killing hundreds of children with “pesticides” is fake news. There is no truth to a report that former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton's foundation was found to be guilty by a Uganda court for its involvement in the deaths of hundreds of children.
When objective accounts of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation are written, important truths will finally emerge. Escalation of a small, sloppy misadventure with an Arkansas-based records repository into the largest unprosecuted set of charity frauds in history will not be seen as an accident, but ...


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