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updated Sat. July 20, 2024

One of the ironies in the rumbling debate around the crisis of capitalism is that the banking and finance industry so often fails to practice what it preaches. While the industry advocates free market capitalism and extols market discipline, it often tends towards 'rentier capitalism', or extracting profits from the ...
What's the history of global capitalism, and how has the United States shaped global economic policy? What caused the financial crisis, and how was it able to send shockwaves throughout the world? And what should we make of trade agreements, particularly with recent statements made by Donald ...

Capitalism triumphed over communism, freedom over tyranny. The early 1990s witnessed a victory roll for markets: economic shock treatment was administered to the former Soviet Union and its satellites; a global free trade deal was wrapped up; and parties of the left got with the programme. They stopped ...
The triumph of neo-fascists like Viktor Orban in Hungary, the rise of far-right parties elsewhere in Europe, increasing trade conflicts with China, and the appeal of our own President Trump have one thing in common: the failure of a naive faith that deeper globalization would spread both liberal capitalism and ...
When addressing a veteran or active-duty member of the U.S. military, it's common for government officials to begin by thanking them for their service. And when Republicans address an American business tycoon, it's apparently good form to congratulate them on their massive riches before attempting any ...
Capitalism is defined as an economic system in which a country's trade, industry, and profits are controlled by private companies, instead of by the people whose time and labor powers those companies. The United States and many other nations around the world are capitalist countries, but capitalism is not ...

2. Women have played important leadership roles in the history of the CPUSA. Which of the following women was not a leading CPUSA activist? (a) Claudia Jones. (b) Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. (c) Helen Keller. (d) Angela Davis. 3. Marxists have seen the question of women's rights/women's liberation as ...
'Surveillance capitalism' was the term coined in 2015 by Harvard academic Shoshanna Zuboff to describe this large-scale surveillance and modification of human behaviour for profit. It involves predictive analysis of big datasets describing the lives and behaviours of tens or hundreds of millions of people, ...
President Trump's attacks on Chinese trade practices may be garnering the headlines, but underpinning that dispute lies a more consequential struggle, between liberal democracy and state-directed capitalism. Of late, it's a competition in which the Chinese approach has been delivering the more robust ...
I have never written about my views on people who wear Crocs. I also have not written before about how I see the relationship between liberalism and capitalism.Anyone interested in my views on either of these issues should simply ask me. That would help to avoid elementary errors in logic such as those ...
Capitalism, we can safely argue, perpetuates inequalities. People with money will always have an inherent advantage over the poor and uneducated in free-market economies. And since capital grows faster than wages thanks to the power of compound interest, the gap in wealth between the haves and ...
Students walk past a poster featuring a photograph of India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi at an IACM Smart Learn Ltd. learning center in New Delhi, India. Anindito Mukherjee. Share on twitter · Share on Google Plus. by Luke Malpass. In November 2016, India introduced a new term into the lexicon of ...
It's a story about vulture capitalism, and about how 10 years after America's addiction to risky finance — which largely profits Wall Street insiders at the expense of working people — crashed and nearly burned down the global economy, we've done nothing to address the fundamental problems.
The Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism's Embankment project, launched after a meeting of 10 CEOs the week following the Kraft Heinz attempt on Unilever, is trying to come up with new metrics to allow markets to reward long-term value. Terry Slavin reports. In the week after Paul Polman rebuffed a hostile ...
This is a slightly edited version of a talk given at a Workers World Party forum on Feb. 3, titled “Women and the Struggle for Socialism,” in New York City. How could you have not been horrified at hearing woman after woman share their painful experiences of being sexually assaulted by Michigan State ...
Despite McKaiser's genuine concern for redress, his reclaiming of liberalism is ultimately flawed because it does not question capitalism's core logic — the rights, freedoms and power of capitalists to maximise profits on the basis of appropriating the commons through the private ownership of the means of ...
From the start, the United States has embraced the free market, founded as economists and philosophers were developing theories about laissez-faire capitalism. Perhaps one the most famous of those thinkers was Adam Smith — considered by some to be the father of modern economics. Smith coined the ...

Poet Daniel Borzutzky's newest collection, Lake Michigan, out from the University of Pittsburgh Press last month, is his latest in a series that explores the underbelly of government, capital, and the privatizing, punitive regime of neo-liberalism—all the acts of violence that uphold current systems of power but ...
While the most popular answer to the "how would you help the world if you had a time machine?" parlor game is going back to kill baby Hitler, don't sleep on going back to 1962 to stop economist Milton Friedman from publishing Capitalism and Freedom. This series of essays codified his life's work ...
Students in an introductory Political Science course at San Diego Miramar College were recently given an exam featuring questions that openly disparaged both capitalism and referred to the War on Terror as "propaganda." ...
Just a little over a kilometre long, this New York road can lay claim to being the global "headquarters" of market capitalism. Revered as an unmatched repository of capital and financial advice behind a range of innovative services and technologies, it is equally reviled as the site for unconscionably greedy ...
The political network backed by billionaires Charles and David Koch isn't happy about the steel and aluminum tariffs proposed by President Donald Trump and is mobilizing grass-roots activists in 36 states against them. “The tariffs are, in many ways, crony capitalism,” James Davis, the network's top ...
At the time I was also lucky enough to work in Europe and Asia, and it was there I became exposed to another form of capitalism, one where long-term shareholders consider themselves more like stakeholders. The distinction between shareholder and stakeholder is simple but very powerful, and it has a ...
In his highly influential 1962 collection of essays, "Capitalism and Freedom," Friedman proclaimed that in a free economy, "there is one and only one social responsibility of business — to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, ...
The writer asked, “does capitalism or socialism reflect Christ's teachings?” A bit of research in the Bible would show that the Bible supports capitalism from cover to cover. God granted men land and possession. With this grant God expected the men to increase their wealth. The Parable of the Bags of Gold ...
That is the individualist code of Western capitalism, as it was preached by the philosopher Adam Smith (1723-1790), the father of free-market economics. It is Smith himself (portrayed with beaming complacency by Daniel Davis) who narrates Jim's tale, with a shrug-of-the-shoulders omniscience that befits a ...
Back in 1930 the economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that growth would end within a century – but he was unclear whether a post-growth capitalism was really possible. Today, mainstream economic thinking still considers growth to be a vital policy objective – essential to the health of a capitalist ...
A hundred years ago, the United States adopted daylight savings time in order to extract more profit from labor. How would we organize time differently if we were free from the demands of capitalism? A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, George Seurat, 1884. Wikimedia Commons. Our new issue, “The Health of ...
Back in 1930 the economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that growth would end within a century – but he was unclear whether a post-growth capitalism was really possible. Today, mainstream economic thinking still considers growth to be a vital policy objective – essential to the health of a capitalist ...
When Spotify “went public” last week, it did so in name only, eschewing the usual fanfare of ringing the opening bell at the NYSE and most of the conventions of an IPO. While the price exceeded expectations in the early hours of trading—the most customary measure of success—CEO Daniel Ek had ...
In capitalism, practiced in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany and the U.S., the businesses are owned by private entities. They decide what to produce, what quantities and what sizes. The price is determined in the open marketplace. If people don't like the product, they don't buy it and the company does ...
The term “left” now seems to imply support for the ideology of green, liberal, global capitalism. The term “right” now denotes nationalistic capitalism, with resistance to the global capitalist plans for free movement of commodities and labour. The qualifications “green” and “liberal” before the term “global ...
IN THE MONTHS following the election of Donald J. Trump as president, momentum gathered to unite anti-racist and anti-poverty advocacy in the resurrection of the Poor People's Campaign — an effort Martin Luther King Jr. was beginning at the time of his death in 1968. Organizers bill the campaign as ...


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