updated Thu. October 3, 2024
Food and Water Watch
April 2, 2018
... been contaminated by factory farms from filing similar citizen suits under RCRA. Sounds shady...because it is. Dubbed the 'Farm Regulatory Certainty Act,” the bill would not prevent the Mountaire suit from moving ahead (as this is a processing plant and not a factory farm), but is still deeply concerning.
Lady Freethinker
April 2, 2018
Factory farm animals are raised in extreme confinement and subjected to mutilation and torture to maximize profits in the meat, dairy, and egg industries. The animals in this video were rescued from factory farms, and finally feel human love in the tender care of sanctuaries. Well-intended shoppers oftenÃâà...
March 30, 2018
Worldwide, two-thirds of all farm animals are now inhumanely imprisoned on highly-polluting factory farms, fed pesticide- and chemical-contaminated grains and GMOs, often supplemented with contaminated fish meal and oils, and routinely dosed with antibiotics and hormones. In the U.S., 90-95 percent of all dairy, meatÃâà...
Canton Daily Ledger
March 28, 2018
Previously in the the Senate the legislation was titled a catchy name, the FARM (Fair Agriculture Reporting Method) Act. The phrase itself would bring to mind farmers, fairness, agriculture and everything green But in reality this legislation represents a cloak that exempts industrial factory farms from a vitalÃâà...
PETA UK (blog)
March 22, 2018
Pigs on UK factory farms are typically confined to crowded, barren sheds, where they're denied the chance to do anything that comes naturally to them, such as playing, exploring their surroundings, foraging for food, and raising offspring. The frustration and stress from this extreme confinement can driveÃâà...
City Pages
March 15, 2018
Neither Ripley Township nor the factory farm's owners have filed a response. The Troms' lawsuit is hardly going to reverse damage already caused by all the other feedlots that surround them, but Eayrs says it's really about mounting a challenge against Big Ag that says small farmers aren't going to just rollÃâà...
March 15, 2018
Inside China's Factory Farms for Mink Furs. VICE China visited the farms that harvest minks, the factories that turn their fur into coats, and the malls that sell the upscale garments to find out how they're made. SHARE Ãâ÷ TWEETÃâà...
March 13, 2018
They also want to avoid government oversight and accountability, and have successfully passed so-called "right-to-farm" laws to shield themselves from liability stemming from their irresponsible behavior. Factory farms cut corners to maximize profits, and they don't want to be held accountable for the harmsÃâà...
March 6, 2018
While the image was not taken in the United States and does not depict the permanent living conditions of pigs on factory farms, the actual living conditions on factory farms are not much better. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals writes that pigs are commonly kept in over-crowded windowlessÃâà...
March 2, 2018
(Des Moines) -- Recent application denials at the county level mean more Iowans see the need for a moratorium on new factory farms, according to Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement. In 2017, Iowa's Department of Natural Resources approved 450 new or expanded hog factories. Jess Mazour, aÃâà...
Plant Based News
March 1, 2018
A planning application for an intensive broiler chicken farm in the UK has been withdrawn - just 24 hours before it was due to be considered by the local council. The proposed site in Northamptonshire would have housed more than 540,000 chickens at any time - making it one of the biggest in the UK.
Peoria Journal Star
December 31, 1999
A bill allowing factory farms to “go undercover” is currently advancing through the U.S. Senate. S.2421 has a catchy title called the FARM (Fair Agriculture Reporting Method) Act. The name itself would bring to mind family, farmers, fairness and everything green. But in reality it is an industry-sponsored cloakÃâà...
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