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updated Fri. July 26, 2024

Radad Alborati, a Yemeni-American, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in New York. Alborati's wife is stuck in war-torn Yemen after his years-long effort to bring her to the U.S. ended last month, when a U.S. consulate said she was ineligible for a waiver from President Donald Trump's ...
It's the story of Mokhtar Alkhanshali, an American of Yemeni ancestry now in his 30s, and his quest to bring fine Yemeni coffee to the coffee lovers of San .... by al-Qaeda extremists; the murder of eight Spanish tourists near Marib by bombers in 2007; the car bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Sana'a in 2009; ...

While we conclude that the primary justification for ongoing military operations in Yemen is consent by the Yemeni government, each form of U.S. military .... 2017, the Yemeni Embassy to the United States issued a statement praising the U.S. strategy opposing Iran, which “exposes Iran's attempts to use the ...
The United States has yet to take a decision on taking military action on Syria as France called on Russia to “intensify” talks on bringing peace to the war-torn .... Later on Thursday, the UN envoy held a series of meetings at the Yemeni embassy in Riyadh with representatives of Yemeni parties and political ...
AL-HODEIDAH, Yemen – The lack of official follow-up into the alleged rape of a Yemeni woman by a Sudanese mercenary fighter has led to widespread popular anger at the Hadi government and Saudi-led ... Salahi also encouraged Yemenis in the US to protest in front of the Sudanese embassy in DC.
As people try to flee the war in Yemen — which U.N. agencies have labeled the "world's worst humanitarian crisis" — some Yemeni-Americans living in the United States have been able to get family members out of Yemen and to temporary safety in countries in East Africa. But the next step, to the U.S., ...

... of both countries receive considerable support from the United States and Britain. Summer knew it wouldn't be her dream wedding. Her dad, who lives in the US, wouldn't be there. Nobody from the US could fly in, because the runway at Sanaa International Airport was cratered, and all of Yemeni airspace ...
Settlement Expansion, Jerusalem Embassy Decision Eroding Prospects for Peace in Middle East, Special Coordinator Tells Security Council ... including the United States, Kuwait and the United Kingdom, condemned the recent missile attack on cities in Saudi Arabia by Yemeni Houthis as a violation of ...
A spokesperson for the embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia says "seven ballistic missiles were shot toward Saudi Arabia from within Yemen. ... The Iran-supported Houthi missile strikes against Saudi Arabia play into the narrative that the U.S., Ambassador Nikki Haley in particular, is trying to convey to ...
Secretary of Defence James Mattis confirmed that the United States had assisted a UAE-backed operation to drive Al Qaeda out of the Yemeni city of ... Cole destroyer in 2000, the attempt of shoe bomber Richard Reid on an American Airlines flight in 2001, the attack on the US embassy in Sanaa in 2008, ...
The crown prince also faces headwinds from Congress on the Yemeni war, although the vote today to restrict U.S. aid to the Saudi-led coalition was voted ... the Qatar embargo and furthering an Israel-Palestine peace plan (which the crown prince warned would be impossible if the Embassy were moved to ...
U.S. Ambassador to Yemen, Matthew Tueller and other senior defense officials from Yemen and KSA attend the Yemen Border Guard Training Program ... “As a result of this joint Yemeni-US-Saudi initiative, Yemeni border guards are much better positioned to conduct check point operations, vehicle ...
A Yemeni boy sits near firewood for sale amid ongoing cooking gas shortages in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, on March 6, 2018. (AFP) ... The statement was made during a meeting organized by the Yemeni embassy in the US, where Ambassador Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak reviewed the latest economic and ...
This will primarily be done through increasing the "capacities of Yemeni ports to receive humanitarian as well as commercial imports" - and all sealed ... According to IRIN report, the company "booked US revenue of more than $6m from the Saudi Arabian embassy [in the US] over a 12-month period up to ...
The Qatar Embassy funded a botched protest attempt against the UAE at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. A Houthi Yemeni activist stole 22,000 Swiss Francs (Dh85,725) and fled without recruiting more Houthis or Qatari loyalists, reported the Berlin-based African Commission on ...
Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid Bin Daghr with the Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy to Yemen, Karen Sasahara. ... US supports Yemen in a unified and stable manner, in accordance with the outcome of the national dialogue, which was a key partner in supporting the vision of the Yemeni government and ...
The US Embassy in Yemen has sacked 360 Yemeni employees three years after its closure in the capital, Sanaa, as the country's civil war continues. US Ambassador Matthew Toler sent a letter to the staff on 6 February saying that “new rules issued by the US State Department on embassies that have ...

In 2015, the United States closed its embassy in Yemen as the country descended into civil war. The conflict led the former Yemeni president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his staff to go into exile in Saudi Arabia. The U.S. ambassador to Yemen is also currently operating out of Saudi Arabia. In 2016, the ...
Well, they're Yemeni-American families who are trying to flee the war. Many people in the families are United States citizens, but they're at risk because of slow U.S. immigration processes and because of President Trump's ban on travel from certain countries, including Yemen. KING: But isn't President ...
While calling upon the international community to work towards facilitating delivery of humanitarian assistance in all regions of Yemen, the King said, “We hold the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militias fully responsible for the emergence and continuation of the Yemeni crisis and the human suffering that ...
“The North Korean delegation said that North Korea is fully willing to talk to the U.S.,” South Korea's Presidential Blue House said in a statement ... the first steps along the path to denuclearization,” the White House responded yesterday, adding that “in the meantime, the United States and the world must ...
Saudi Arabia, one of the U.S.'s top Middle Eastern allies, has been attempting to oust Ansar Allah since it took over the Yemeni capital of Sanaa in 2015, but it has faced fierce resistance. With the stalemate in Yemen only producing more casualties, emboldening jihadi groups such as Al-Qaeda and the ...
Photo: Yemeni soldiers stand on their position on a mountain on the frontline of fighting with Houthis in Nihem area, near Sanaa, Yemen January 27, 2018. ... As early as 2007, while serving as Deputy Chief of Mission at the US embassy from 2004-2007, I argued that the central government needed to pay ...


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