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updated Fri. September 20, 2024

The EU President also addressed Turkey's military offensive in Syrian Kurdistan's Afrin region, which has killed over 250 civilians and displaced thousands. “I would remind [all the parties involved in the conflict] that there are human lives at stake; human lives which are coming to an end all too often for wars which don't ...
Speaking to Kurdistan 24 during a live broadcast interview from Stockholm in Sweden, Muslim discussed the recent military developments in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava), specifically Turkey's capture of the Afrin region. The Syrian Kurdish leader warned that Ankara was creating a place for terrorist ...

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The ruling coalition of parties of Syrian Kurdistan has called on rival opposition Kurdish parties mainly based in Turkey and the ... Aldar Khalil, the co-chair of TEV-DEM, the governing coalition ruling the Syrian Kurdistan or Rojava whose backbone is the Democratic Union Party ...
The allegation constituted one of the primary justifications for the Turkish invasion of the town and its some 360 villages in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava). Turkish airstrikes and ground shelling during the past two months killed over 250 civilians, wounded over 500, and displaced hundreds of thousands, leading to a Kurdish ...
Ankara demands the SDF leave Manbij which the latter, with close ground and air support from the US-led Coalition, liberated from IS. After capturing the long-besieged enclave of Afrin from US-armed Kurdish forces west of Manbij, Turkey has set eyes on the rest of Syrian Kurdistan where US troops and bases are located.
Crowds sang songs of resistance, waved the flag of Kurdistan, chanted slogans in support of the Afrin region of Syrian Kurdistan currently under Turkish control, and lauding imprisoned founder of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) Abdullah Ocalan. Pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) leaders ...

The media is not allowed to air any military information not approved by the government regarding the Turkish army's ongoing invasion of the besieged Afrin enclave in Syrian Kurdistan. In January, when Ankara launched the assault on Afrin, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim convened with media bosses and editors and gave ...
Jalal Abdalla, an attorney and author from Syrian Kurdistan, who wrote 'The Hundred Year War in Syria,” was invited to read an excerpt from his book. By encouraging reading and education in the region, Abdalla said he hopes to one day see a new Middle East living in peace without war and violence ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – Pervin Buldan, the Co-leader of Turkey's opposition Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) on Saturday accused the German government of engaging in “dirty deals” and continuing to sell weapons to Turkey which is attacking the Afrin region in Syrian Kurdistan. Addressing a crowd of ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – A Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Friday warned about the situation of civilians in the city of Afrin in Syrian Kurdistan, calling on all sides to take “feasible precautions” to avoid loss of civilian lives. In an official statement, Spokesperson Ravina ...
BRUSSELS, Belgium — Middle East analyst Joost Hiltermann sees Syrian Kurdistan, or Rojava, at a crossroads, where they are going to have to deal with the reality that the United States will not remain forever and without a state, Kurds will need to strike a deal with Damascus. Hiltermann is Program ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – Police in Germany on Sunday used pepper spray against pro-Kurdish protestors demonstrating against Turkey's ongoing military campaign in Syrian Kurdistan's Afrin region. Several people were left injured following violent clashes between pro-Kurdish ...
Later, at the provincial convention of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the same city, he threatened to invade all of Syrian Kurdistan after Afrin which has been under attack by the Turkish military and its Free Syrian Army (FSA) proxies. He designated the population centers of Manbij, Kobani, Tel Abyad, Ras ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – A Spokesperson for the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) on Saturday downplayed Turkey's threats to expand its operations beyond Afrin in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava). Speaking to Kurdistan 24 during a live broadcast interview from Qamishlo, YPG Spokesperson Nuri ...
Kurds in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava) currently control large swaths of territory which they've liberated from the Islamic State (IS) over the past few years. Its troops, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), spearheaded by the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), are supported by the US and the Global Coalition against IS.
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The Syrian Kurdish National Council (ENKS) has called for the US' support in deploying Syrian Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, trained by the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) Ministry of Peshmerga, to Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava). In a statement released on Tuesday, the ENKS ...
In response to another question from Kurdistan 24, Manning dismissed reports that the US is considering replacing its use of Turkey's Incirlik Airbase with a facility in the Kurdistan Region or Syrian Kurdistan, because of the recent deterioration in relations between the US and Turkey. A Turkish delegation is ...

Their competing policies in war-ridden Syria such as Washington's continued aid for Kurdish forces fighting IS, and Ankara's ongoing invasion of the besieged enclave of Afrin in Syrian Kurdistan as well as the Turkish leadership's realignment with Russia has added to the strained relations. Editing by Karzan Sulaivany.
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – Turkish leaders' repeated announcements that they would resettle hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees in the Afrin region of Syrian Kurdistan amounted to a war crime, the opposition Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) said on Monday. Afrin has been the target of a now ...
Briefly discussing the Afrin situation, Hollande said it was “unacceptable” for Turkey to hit populations in Syria, more specifically in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava), that “have significantly helped Syria rid itself of IS.” “I wholly supported the coalition's initiative in supporting our friends the Kurds in retaking Raqqa, ...
Since 2017, he has been working as the foreign relations representative for the Movement for a Democratic Society (TEV-DEM) Coalition, which rules Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava). Ankara views the PYD, and its military wing, the People's Protection Units (YPG), and its Women's Protection Units (YPJ), as a 'terrorist' group and ...
HASSAKE, Syrian Kurdistan (Kurdistan 24) – The Kurdish-led administration in north Syria on Thursday graduated a new batch of forces to be prepared as an army and border security force. The force, established in 2014 and known as the self-defense forces, was formed to help the People's Protection Units (YPG) and the ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – There are no political or diplomatic agreements between the Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava) and the US, a Kurdish leader said on Thursday. “To this date, we have no official agreement or alliance with the US. Our meetings with them are on an unofficial level,” Salih Muslim, a prominent ...
Turkey had offered its own estimate through its own state-run news agency back in the summer, at the time claiming the US had 10 bases, including two military airbases and eight other positions across Syrian Kurdistan. The US appeared to confirm that figure, expressing fury at Turkey. Since that estimate ...
The decision to send in pro-government fighters earlier this week into Syrian Kurdistan's (Rojava) angered Turkey, which warned that any force supporting the People's Protection Units (YPG), as Ankara carries out an incursion to oust the Kurdish fighters from Afrin, would also be 'a target.' Syrian television ...
Topics of conversation included the latest political and security developments in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava) in general and Afrin in specific, the future of the east Euphrates River, and various military and political factors in the region, according to the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) press office.
The source added that the ongoing discussions involve allowing government forces to enter and protect the Kurdish enclave of Afrin in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava). Meanwhile, Badran Jia Kurd, an advisor to the Kurdish-led administration in northern Syria, told Reuters that army troops would be deployed “along some border ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – A delegation from the Kurdistan Region Parliament on Saturday arrived in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava) to visit and eventually deliver medical assistance to civilians in the Kurdish-enclave of Afrin. In an official statement earlier in the day, the Kurdistan Parliament announced that a ...
The People's Protection Units (YPG) is the US-armed Kurdish group defending Afrin against continued Turkish attacks and fighting IS in Syria while the Democratic Union Party (PYD) is the ruling party in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava). Ankara has labeled both “terrorists” over alleged ties with the Kurdistan ...


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