updated Sun. September 29, 2024
Page Six
September 6, 2017
... Carell as Donald Rumsfeld and Bill Pullman as Nelson Rockefeller. .... Hemsworth maintained a sense of humor about his struggle, postingÃÂ ...
September 4, 2017
It's important to mention that in no way is this a joke. It's not ironic. Believers in .... Donald Rumsfeld and Henry Kissinger admit it. Nixon choseÃÂ ...
September 3, 2017
Great art and humor, unique gameplay, and fun features are all over this ... Released in conjunction with Donald Rumsfeld of all of all people,ÃÂ ...
Dartmouth Review
August 10, 2017
... representative traits: (a) an embarrassing, wretched sense of humor; ... Bill Kristol just savaged Donald Rumsfeld in the Weekly Standard.
The Nation.
August 9, 2017
Donald Rumsfeld famously argued with regard to the WMD question in Iraq, “The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” In essenceÃÂ ...
The Guardian
August 9, 2017
Donald Rumsfeld and Donald Trump are separated by 14 years in age, ... Trump considers everything and everyone before him a sick joke.
Center for Research on Globalization
December 31, 1999
Excuse the terrible joke but sometimes you have to either laugh or cry. ... Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz.
December 31, 1999
... two former Nixon administration officials, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney .... In 2007 Anonymous was still an amusing inside-joke, a looseÃÂ ...
December 31, 1999
... play the Cheney (insert American Psycho joke here), but left people ... Donald Rumsfeld) and Amy Adams (Lynne Cheney), THR reports.
Asia Times
March 26, 2017
... decade-plus of the former Global War on Terror that now has no name, but goes on no less intensely. Consider them just a few obvious examples of what former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld once called the "known knowns" of our American world ...
Lima Charlie News
March 20, 2017
You may not bring an umbrella when it rains or you may have to suffer through your uncle making a hack joke about global warming when it snows in April, but that's usually the extent of the damage.
In These Times
March 16, 2017
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called their reporting "vicious, inaccurate and inexcusable." Under Bush ... Bush was an arrogant, dangerous president whose recent mild comments criticizing the guy who turned his brother into a national joke in no ...
February 2, 2017
"I'm the one that said Ronald Reagan shouldn't send Marines to Afghanistan, I'm the one that said Donald Rumsfeld should be fired, I've said the general in Afghanistan should be fired," McCain said Thursday, when asked by CNN about his public ...
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
January 19, 2017
As he was ironing out the details, however, Donald Rumsfeld, the U.S. secretary of defense, declared that there would be no such agreement.
The National Interest Online (blog)
January 18, 2017
Still, it is worth exploring what could have been a very feasible option offered by then US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. As he explained in his recent autobiography, he suggested a different approach: "When the President asked me what I ...
Sri Lanka Guardian
December 30, 2016
His office accused Obama of "colluding" behind the scenes with this "gang-up" by the UNSC, producing particles of "evidence" that hardly rise to the level of sick humor. A senior Israeli official added that the abstention "revealed the true ... In an ...
December 26, 2016
One joke making the rounds in select areas not long ago went something like this: "When Stanley McChrystal recommended that special ops units flatten themselves and trust subordinates like JSOC did, everyone knew he wasn't thinking of SOCOM's ...
The Ringer (blog)
December 20, 2016
I say all of this as if I'm immune to it, which couldn't be further from the truth. If there is a story about a bath salts epidemic, I will immediately click.
Janta Ka Reporter
December 18, 2016
A Delhi based serving Lt Colonel, who didn't want his identity disclosed, said, " What has happened on Saturday is nothing less than a joke. Forget the fact that two more deserving generals have been overlooked. The fact that ... This is along the ...
December 7, 2016
At long last, we have arrived at the end of 2016, a journey into often surreal political worlds most of us would have thought too fantastical to believe.
The Awl
December 7, 2016
But what kind of humor will suit our troubled times? The 1960s and 1970s experienced social ... In 2016, however, the reaction and retrenchment embodied by Trump were treated as a kind of joke, a self-parodying cable news sideshow that distracted from ...
October 23, 2016
The evidence for this claim rests on reports that Rivers had an unplanned biopsy from a "random doctor" that led to her falling into a coma.
Washington Examiner (blog)
September 11, 2016
I sat in the fourth row while we were briefed by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Carl Levin, Sen. John Warner, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen.
Burlington Hawk Eye
September 11, 2016
He was listening to the "Bob and Tom Show" on the radio, and thought it was a bad joke when the usually comedic hosts were talking about a plane crashing into one of the Twin Towers in New York City.
September 11, 2016
James Mattis, who wanted to send in his own troops), but George W. Bush, on the advice of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney, turned him down, believing that Pakistani forces would trap bin Laden as the Afghans forcedÃÂ ...
Herald Sun
September 9, 2016
"We make one whole person, that is the running joke,'' Ellen says. "Together we can do .... Bundled into a military plane and landed in what then US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld dubbed "the least worst place on Earth". Camp X-Ray opened severalÃÂ ...
Reason (blog)
September 7, 2016
Republicans joke about the incompetence of government to please wealthy donors who don't want to pay for it; Democrats enable incompetence because they are beholden to public-sector unions that expect their members to get paid whether or not they do ...
September 7, 2016
If you're hoping to make a tweet go viral, you might think to add a kitten picture, celebrity gossip, some wacky humor, or a dose of feel-good inspiration.
The Ringer (blog)
September 1, 2016
The genesis for it was I was talking with my better half, Mary Mitchell, about reports that we had read that George Bush, [Dick] Cheney, and [Donald] Rumsfeld can't really travel overseas because there are countries that want to grab them and put them ...
August 30, 2016
Kendall placed the blame on the so-called "transformation" doctrine of then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's Pentagon that directed the services to develop weapon systems at the edge of technological possibility.
A.V. Club
August 26, 2016
The opening sequence is a tense, thrilling introduction to Strikeforce Europa, and the subsequent mission briefing from Amanda Waller injects some humor into the proceedings as she prepares the Squad to rescue the former Secretary of Defense. The art ...
Hollywood Reporter
August 26, 2016
People were speculating [former Vice President Dick] Cheney, [former President George W.] Bush and [former Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld couldn't travel the world because people wanted to indict them for war crimes. Why do you think bringing in ...
August 25, 2016
It's not for nothing that the long-standing joke among the Journal's generally excellent reporting staff has been that the paper didn't need a comics section when the editorial pages sufficed.
Hollywood Reporter
August 25, 2016
People were speculating [former Vice President Dick] Cheney, [former President George W.] Bush and [former Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld couldn't travel the world because people wanted to indict them for war crimes. Why do you think ... Oh God ...
Hollywood Reporter
August 25, 2016
People were speculating [former Vice President Dick] Cheney, [former President George W.] Bush and [former Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld couldn't travel the world because people wanted to indict them for war crimes. Why do you think ... Oh God ...
Concord Monitor
August 24, 2016
In a little noticed story on July 14, the Periodic Review Board of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp approved the release of Mohamedou Ould Slahi, a Mauritanian citizen and author.
Golden State of Mind
August 3, 2016
I've read more of your conversations than Donald Rumsfeld on a three week meth bender. I'm convinced that my relationship .... Much like the Browns, we were a joke, a punchline, but the Warriors are at the pinnacle of sports right now. They're ...
Omaha World-Herald
July 27, 2016
Brad Dickson's humor column, "Breaking Brad," appears daily on Omaha.com and in The World-Herald. To read more from Brad, check out his past columns at ... Donald Rumsfeld said that he's voting for Trump. A celebrity-obsessed U.S. electorate said "Meh.
July 24, 2016
"Trump is more Rumsfeldian," Kristol said - referring to former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, whom he blames for failing to prepare for the post-invasion Iraq civil war.
July 22, 2016
After that, Humphrey became a joke; the great satirist Tom Lehrer even wrote a song about it, "Whatever Became of Hubert?
The Atlantic
July 21, 2016
... around the venue of the Republican convention, I'm impressed both by the extent of the police presence - I've seen (and talked with) detachments from Austin, TX; and Louisville, KY; and the Florida highway patrol; and various California locales ...
July 23, 2016
After that, Humphrey became a joke; the great satirist Tom Lehrer even wrote a song about it, "Whatever Became of Hubert?
The Atlantic
July 21, 2016
... around the venue of the Republican convention, I'm impressed both by the extent of the police presence - I've seen (and talked with) detachments from Austin, TX; and Louisville, KY; and the Florida highway patrol; and various California locales ...
The Atlantic
July 19, 2016
... around the venue of the Republican convention, I'm impressed both by the extent of the police presence - I've seen (and talked with) detachments from Austin, TX; and Louisville, KY; and the Florida highway patrol; and various California locales ...
Philosophy Now
July 18, 2016
When Donald Rumsfeld says there are 'unknown unknowns', they call it 'existential poetry'. Though many politicians and entertainers welcome the ... It's a joke actually. Sartre and I published our books without exception before we had ever met. When we ...
July 15, 2016
By the third and most recent installment of the sketch, they're prodding the lunacy of humor licensing for different groups even further.
July 11, 2016
"People are awed by the vice president and reluctant to disagree with him," Cheney told Donald Rumsfeld in 1975. As vice president, he developed programs that employed torture, skirted international agreements and congressional oversight, and put intoÃÂ ...
June 3, 2016
It seems true that President Muhammadu Buhari is not visiting Ogoniland for that much-publicised flag-off of the implementation of the UNEP Report on the cleaning up of Ogoniland and the Niger Delta.
The Guardian
June 3, 2016
In his book "President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime," biographer Lou Cannon quotes Washington insider Donald Rumsfeld, "You had a president who was new to the office and not taken seriously by a lot of people. It showed a decisiveness and an easeÃÂ ...
Consortium News
May 17, 2016
In his chapter, Michael advocated "accountability by means of criminal prosecutions" of Bush, Dick Cheney, George Tenet and Donald Rumsfeld for their torture program. "Until this occurs," Michael wrote, "a future president can, with the stroke of a pen ...
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