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updated Thu. October 3, 2024

... in Masisi Territory is 12 dead, 18 injured and 92 missing," said Julien Paluku, governor of Nord Kivu province, where the villages are located.
Kinshasha - DR Congo President Joseph Kabila arrived in the Nord-Kivu capital Goma on Sunday on the eve of a deadline to rebels to lay ...

... Edouard Pamba, president of the association of ship operators on the lake, told AFP by telephone from Goma, the capital of Nord Kivu.
The two men were kidnapped last Wednesday near Nyanzale in the south of the restive Nord-Kivu province and were freed on Monday, it said.
I progetti congolesi si concentrano nel Nord Kivu, nel Sud Kivu e nell'Ituri, province ostaggio di un conflitto per bande continuato ben oltre la fine della Grande guerra africana (1998-2003). Secondo gli ultimi rapporti dell'Onu, i gruppi armati che ...
An ADF attack in Nord-Kivu on 25 December resulted in the deaths of 21 civilians and four ADF militiamen, while clashes between Mayi-Mayi Mazembe and FARDC resulted in the deaths of 17 civilians in Rushuru.

"There have been attacks blamed on suspected ADF members near the border with Nord Kivu [province], which left at least six people dead in Irumu territory," the vice governor of Ituri province, Pacifique Keta, said.
"There have been attacks blamed on suspected ADF members near the border with Nord Kivu (province), which left at least six people dead in Irumu territory," the vice governor of Ituri province, Pacifique Keta, said.
The greatest fall in the figures from 2007 to 2014 occurred in Kinshasa and Nord Kivu provinces. Child labour by family poverty.
Kinder in der Hauptstadt der kongolesischen Provinz Nord-Kivu, wo am Weihnachtswochenende die muslimisch dominierte Rebellenallianz ADF ein Blutbad angerichtet hat. (KEYSTONE/AP/JEROME DELAY) ...
Trentacinque civili uccisi nel Nord Kivu. Ci sono stati pesanti combattimenti nel Nord Kivu, nell'est della Repubblica Democratica del Congo tra milizie hutu e milizie nande, che hanno coinvolto anche l'esercito nazionale. Almeno 35 civili sono stati ...
Kinshasa, 22 dic 16:39 - (Agenzia Nova) - Almeno tredici persone sono state uccise nella regione orientale del Nord-Kivu (Repubblica democratica del Congo, Rdc) durante un attacco attribuito ai combattenti del gruppo armato Nyatura. Gli assalitori ...
Kakule, 51, is a pioneer in cultivating cocoa in this area of Nord Kivu province, which has been ravaged by war and violence for two decades.
Kakule, 51, is a pioneer in cultivating cocoa in this area of Nord Kivu province, which has been ravaged by war and violence for two decades.
Violence has also increased in neighbouring Nord-Kivu, which is likely to further constrain access to Ituri. Lack of infrastructure and poor road conditions in the region also impacts the ability of humanitarian actors to deliver aid.
It is only in Nord-Kivu province that full immunization coverage is at least 70%. The provinces in the west of the country reach full coverage between 40 and 69% in children aged 12-23 months.
In mid-August, Pope Francis deplored the "shameful silence" mass killings "perpetrated for a long time" in the Nord-Kivu province. In the latest of a series of atrocities, Islamist rebels from Uganda were accused of killing at least 50 civilians near ...

Kinshasa, 25 ago 15:15 - (Agenzia Nova) - Due persone sospettate di aver preso parte a una serie di massacri nella regione di Beni, nella Repubblica democratica del Congo (Rdc), sono state "linciate e bruciate" dalla popolazione di Butembo, nella ...
Nella Repubblica democratica del Congo resta fortemente instabile la situazione nella zona del Nord Kivu, dopo l'ennesimo massacro, nei giorni scorsi, in cui gruppi armati hanno ucciso 50 civili. Kinshasa accusa delle violenze un gruppo islamista ...
Appello Papa per Nord Kivu, 'vergognoso silenzio' su dramma. CdV, 15 ago. - 'Cari fratelli e sorelle, alla Regina della pace, che contempliamo oggi nella gloria celeste, vorrei affidare ancora una volta le ansie e i dolori delle popolazioni che in ...
The Congolese army last February announced a broad offensive against the FDLR, not just in Nord Kivu, but also in Sud Kivu and the northern part of Katanga province in a bid to sweep them clear of national territory.
"We denounce the killing of 10 civilians and huts being torched," said Captain Guillaume Djike on Tuesday, adding that the violence broke out overnight in Kibirizi, about 85 kilometres (50 miles) north of Goma, the main city of the troubled Nord Kivu ...
Sources in the United Nations (UN) mission in the DRC say that combatants of the Rwanda-backed anti-government Mouvement du 23 mars (M23) militia are circulating in the Nord-Kivu provincial capital of Goma but reckon they currently pose little threat.
Meanwhile, in the volatile Nord-Kivu Province territory of Walikale, Toronto-listed Alphamin is seeking to build an underground tin mine at Bisie.
Emergency measles vaccinations at Kibati camp located north of Nord-Kivu, Goma, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Photo by: Julien Harneis / CC BY-SA.
The allegations "centre on UN personnel from the Tanzanian contingent" of the mission's Force Intervention Brigade serving at Mavivi, a village near Beni in the eastern province of Nord-Kivu, Monusco said in a statement. Monusco said it "immediately ...
The allegations "centre on UN personnel from the Tanzanian contingent" of the mission's Force Intervention Brigade serving at Mavivi, a village near Beni in the eastern province of Nord-Kivu, Monusco said in a statement. Monusco said it "immediately ...
I servizi idrici e sanitari nei campi del nord Darfur non sono in grado di far fronte al fabbisogno degli sfollati recentemente sfuggiti dagli scontri nel campo Jebel Marra. Secondo le cifre delle Nazioni Unite, si tratta di oltre 100 mila persone ...
"The search operation is continuing in the region", infested with rebels and armed militias, about 100 kilometres (60 miles) north of Goma, the capital of the turbulent province of Nord-Kivu. A statement from park authorities said the two rangers were ...
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is extremely concerned about radio journalist Mapendo King's detention for the past six days in Rutshuru Territory, a troubled region in the eastern province of Nord-Kivu, and calls for his immediate release. King has ...
Juvin Kombi and Pascal Byumanine were arrested along with seven others following a demonstration against extra-judicial killings by armed militias in the north of the Nord-Kivu region in November 2015, according to their lawyer Georges Kapiamba.
In March 2015 two local employees of the charity were held hostage for 48 hours by unidentified kidnappers in the south of the country's Nord-Kivu province until they were freed by Congolese authorities. The country's east has been plagued by two ...
06/03/2016 Missionari e religiosi, insieme a Rete Pace per il Congo, chiedono un'inchiesta internazionale su quanto sta accadendo nel Nord Kivu, la regione al confine col Ruanda. Teatro, specie negli ultimi due anni, di stragi, sequestri e soprusi ...
In March 2015 two local employees of the charity were held hostage for 48 hours by unidentified kidnappers in the south of the country's Nord-Kivu province until they were freed by Congolese authorities. The country's east has been plagued by two ...
NORD-KIVU, Democratic Republic of the Congo - Several dozen people wait outside the chief's office to attend a meeting on the stealing of crops by armed combatants living in Virunga National Park.
Vital Awashango, commandant of Police in Nord-Kivu, confirmed police confirmed the arrests, but was unable to say where the activists were detained.
Kinshasa - Fierce fighting between UN peacekeepers and Ugandan rebels raged in the restive east of the Democratic Republic of Congo on Tuesday, after a weekend attack by the mostly Muslim group left 24 people dead.


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