updated Thu. February 8, 2024
TwinCities.com-Pioneer Press
March 20, 2018
We all know President Donald Trump lies. A lot. The Washington Post reports that he began his presidency by making an average of 4.9 false or misleading statements a day. Lately, like a Stakhanovite, he has ramped up production to an average of six falsehoods a day. But few of these lies were asÃâà...
TwinCities.com-Pioneer Press
March 3, 2018
One of the great non-mysteries of the Trump administration is why Cabinet members think they can behave like aristocrats at the court of the Sun King. The Department of Housing and Urban Development spent $31,000 for a dining set for Secretary Ben Carson's office while programs for the poor wereÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Today, its worldview has little to do with conservatism and everything to do with populism and white nationalism. The wonder is that there aren't more commentators like Peters with the integrity to resign in protest. Max Boot is the Jeane J. Kirkpatrick senior fellow for national security studies at the Council onÃâà...
Winston-Salem Journal
December 31, 1999
I'm used to being vilified by the far left as a bloodthirsty neocon warmonger for the Original Sin of having supported the invasion of Iraq along with 72 percent of the American public. It has been a little more surprising to be simultaneously vilified by the far right as a dangerous left-winger. David Horowitz'sÃâà...
TwinCities.com-Pioneer Press
December 31, 1999
Even by President Donald Trump's elevated standards of incoherence, his position on Kremlingate is a marvel of illogic. After repeatedly claiming that stories about Russia's intervention in the 2016 election were a “hoax,” he now slams President Barack Obama for not doing more to combat this nonexistentÃâà...
TwinCities.com-Pioneer Press
December 31, 1999
During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump acolytes claimed that he was the second coming of Ronald Reagan — the similarity being that both men were elderly Republicans scorned by the bien pensant. Now, more than a year into the Trump presidency, some of his fans are getting cheekier. They insistÃâà...