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updated Wed. July 24, 2024

The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA ( has more than a website and magazine. It has membership and an organized effort. The Party for Socialism & Liberation ( is another group established since 2004. On college campuses they excel at a soft form of communism.
Many local people here live in homes that have been passed down for generations. Interesting stuff turns up. The founding families of the towns here go back to the 17th century: Hildreth, Strong, Hallock, Corwith. Their descendants are among us today. Recently, after dinner at the home of one of these ...

(The lone holdout on the jury said only that he was “concerned about Communism in this country.”) Like all effective fascists before and since, Gerda Koch and her supporters cloaked racism and illiberalism in matters of national security, economics, Godliness, and patriotism, floating the argument on great ...
Communism has never sat well with Adelaide. In January 1931 The Register News- Pictorial described how communist rioters had fractured a policeman's jaw, and how there were “many heads broken” in a protest of unemployed workers. According to The Register, “the riot was organised by communists ...
On April 19, Cuba's National Assembly will meet to elect Cuba's next president. There will only be one name on the ballot for the legislators to consider and the vote will be unanimous. First Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel will become president and Raul Castro, at 86 years old, will formally retire from ...
“Communism is looked at as something we can borrow from liberally,” said Glenn by way of introduction to today's show, the second in a 2-part feature on the history of communism and what really happens when communism takes hold of a country. “The truth is that [communism] is among history's most ...

Rebecca Bodenheimer is a freelance writer and Cuba scholar with a Ph.D. in ethnomusicology. She writes on Cuba, American popular culture, identity and higher education. The views expressed in this commentary are solely hers. (CNN) Some Republican ideologues are grasping at straws to try and ...
Four years ago this week, I coined the term Cold War 2.0 to describe the deteriorating diplomatic and military situation between Russia and the West in the aftermath of the Kremlin's dramatic seizure of Crimea. It was obvious to anyone who wished to see that a period of renewed conflict had ...
Disgraced Subway pitchman Jared Fogle has once again been denied relief from his 15-year prison sentence after a district court judge denied his motion to take judicial notice of certain facts, including correspondence from a former FBI director and congressional laws regarding communism. Fogle's ...
Ottawa's victims of communism memorial could be unveiled as early as next spring, more than a decade after the controversial project was first conceived. In May 2017, the National Capital Commission decided upon the final design for the memorial, which is set to be built on the west side of the capital's ...
“The saddest country I went to was Romania, years ago, during Ceaușescu's rule.” This is how the famous British actor Christopher Lee described his encounter with my native land at a time when the Cold War was threatening the stability of the planet. In 1989, Communism finally collapsed. My generation ...
It has been interesting to debate political issues the past few months. Shall we try for a solution to a very serious problem? The news reports that 50 percent of millenials- people from 18 to 30 years of age prefer socialism or communism to Americanism. If this continues for one more generation our nation ...
While the West draws sharp differences between the ideology of democracy and Communism, we are less familiar with how they differ in terms of structure and operation. A different political system. In a democracy, the ability to vote for who is in charge of policy is a pressure relief valve, endemic to the ...
Tens of thousands of Slovaks hit the streets to protest about alleged corruption, with some calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Robert Fico. Now Reading: Slovakia anti-government protest 'biggest since the fall of Communism'. Slovakia anti-government protest 'biggest since the fall of Communism'.
His adopted home is the United States, more specifically Bartlesville, but he was born and raised in Poland — communist Poland before Lech Walesa and the solidarity movement that contributed greatly to the fall of communism. Jarmola, founder/CEO of Go Global. Ltd., discussed his life in communist ...
That revolution, which caused Russia to exit WWI and brought Vladimir Lenin to power, started the chain of events that eventually lead to the slaughter of as many as 100 million people under the banner of Communism. Obviously, few people celebrating International Women's Day in 2018 intend to glorify ...
Lawmaker's claim that teachers' union supports communism like a punch "in the gut'' ... “It's become painfully obvious the teachers union is working against our constitution and for socialism and communism,” Manzella wrote in a social thread on the Ravalli County Republicans' Facebook page, which she ...

Pope Francis is generally critical of leftist movements in Latin America, but he appears to have looked past Romero's association with communism, liberation theology and social justice, and thrown his weight behind his beatification and canonization. “He sees oppression, hears the cries of pain of his ...
Such moves are a retrogression from Deng Xiaoping's reforms, beginning in the late 1970s, which partly freed the economy from the complete state ownership of Maoist communism and established a regular leadership turnover, so that no future leader could establish a disastrous Mao-like cult of ...
Pointing out that communism is a dead ideology across the world now, the Governor said, “They (communists) are non-believers, we are not. As India is a secular country, they have equal rights as all believers of religion. I have nothing against their philosophy, but their ideology is no longer relevant.”.
His adopted home is the United States, more specifically Bartlesville, but he was born and raised in Poland — communist Poland before Lech Walesa and the solidarity movement that contributed greatly to the fall of communism. Jarmola, founder/CEO of Go Global. Ltd., discussed his life in communist ...
The Communist Party of China, or the CPC, was born in in 1921. But it was conceived when the Russian Revolution ended in 1917. Some of the first CPC members were interested in Western individualism and culture. Then they made a sharp turn toward Marxism following the Bolshevik victory. Here are ...
Polish journalist Witold Szablowski's nonfiction book, Dancing Bears, introduces readers to people in formerly communist countries who have a hard time adapting to life after the being freed from oppressive regimes. Facebook; Twitter; Flipboard; Email ...
Communism's reputation plummeted after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. While free-market advocates hailed the “end of history,” Communist parties around the world entered a race to change their name. Awkward paraphrases with the obligatory qualifier “democratic” abounded. The financial ...
The Communist Party of China, or the CPC, was born in in 1921. But it was conceived when the Russian Revolution ended in 1917. Some of the first CPC members were interested in Western individualism and culture. Then they made a sharp turn toward Marxism following the Bolshevik victory. Here are ...
An exhibition by sculptor Andrei Vrabchev entitled “Repentance – Memorial to the Victims of Communism” opens at the Raiko Alexiev Gallery in Bulgaria's capital Sofia on March 8 2018 and continues until March 24. “For more than a quarter of a century, post-communist communities continue to be the ...
Anyhow, I'll continue to share anti-communism humor for the simple reason that we still need to discourage this evil ideology from gaining more adherents. And since people don't like to be mocked and ridiculed, it's good to use humor to make Marxism toxic. We have three items today, starting with some ...
Here is a suggestion: Please take at least one world history course and learn about the undesirable consequences of communism and socialism. The late British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, eloquently expressed the evils of socialism, and her quote also applies to communism, “Socialist governments ...
The Czech Republic's lower house of parliament today narrowly backed Zdenek Ondracek to head its police oversight committee - the first time a Communist lawmaker has held such a post since the fall of communism nearly three decades ago. Mr Ondracek was supported by Prime Minister Andrej Babis ...
World communism isn't Beijing's goal, but it is encouraging the spread of authoritarianism. Originally published in The Wall Street Journal. Richard McGregor. Richard McGregor. World communism isn't Beijing's goal, but it is encouraging the spread of authoritarianism. Originally published in The Wall ...
My friend Paul Kengor is the author of the recently released The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism, published by Regnery. He's a professor of political science at Grove City College in Pennsylvania, and as an academic he gets more than his fair share of exposure to students and faculty. Over the ...
At the end of World War II, Germany was divided in half, leaving West and East Germany. The West was controlled by NATO and the Warsaw Pact nations controlled the East. The former capital of Berlin was torn in two, split between communists and capitalists. As you might expect, life under a communist ...
Like a lot of clever, subversive teens, he became heartily sick of his hometown, but it was the perfect kindergarten for the father of communism. After the French Revolution, Trier became part of the French Republic. When Napoleon was ousted, it became part of Prussia. Consequently, Marx grew up in a city ...
In the wreck of his life and the desperation of his civilization, Chambers felt that Communism was the answer. And that answer required a dictator to control it and terror to enact it. However unsavory, however frightening, Chambers felt that Communism's beatific end would justify its bloody means.
JOHN McDonnell's keynote speech at a celebration of Karl Marx is proof that Labour would make Britain a communist country if they got into power, Tory MPs have said. The Shadow Chancellor will speak at an event in May marking 200 years since the birth of the author of the Communist Manifesto, Karl ...
The controversial President of the European Commission is listed to open an exhibition to the father of Communism in Trier to mark the 200th anniversary of his birth there on 5th May. It includes unveiling a statue funded by the Chinese government to the man who gave birth to a destructive ideology that ...
For nearly 70 years, Britain's national security has been rooted in the Nato alliance. Nato accomplished the peaceful defeat of communism in eastern Europe in 1989, and it owes its founding vision in part to the postwar Labour government of Clement Attlee. All of Attlee's successors as Labour leader have ...
Thus, for cosmism and communism, emancipation is a practice of ascent, or anagogia—a project of virtue. Instead of resistance to evil, there is a fervent assertion of virtue. This does not mean that such assertions always go smoothly. It just means that a project in which virtue and de-alienation might be accomplished is ...
To think that that crimes of communism against humanity don't directly affect our club is pure ignorance. Many of our members' families were impacted by communism. Whether in Asia, Europe or Latin America, communism has directly impacted our members, something many people don't bother to educate ...
Republicans have long attacked U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, as an ultra liberal, but now one of Brown's hopeful Republican challengers has cast the incumbent as someone who is so far to the left that he likes communism and Marxism. Mike Gibbons, a wealthy Ohio investment banker, criticized ...
I am a communist, a devoted member of the Democratic-Socialists-of-America, and have a tattoo of the hammer-and-sickle. I also have a major problem with Stalinist memes. There are a portion of socialists who cling to the bureaucratic, undemocratic deformed USSR even after their brutality and ...
Whether they admit it or not, the seven politicians running against Vladimir Putin don't have the slightest chance of winning Russia's upcoming presidential election. But for some reason pro-Kremlin media has got it in for Pavel Grudinin and has been undermining his campaign. Grudinin is the boss of a ...


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