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updated Thu. September 26, 2024

Changes in the shareholder structure of the Akkuyu nuclear plant in Turkey will not affect the construction timetable and construction will proceed according to planned model, Russia's Rosatom said Wednesday. The company said that it expects to receive the construction license for the 4,800-megawatt ...
Construction on Turkey's first nuclear power plant will begin in 2018, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday, adding that the plant's inauguration would be held "very soon" with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Earlier this month, sources said the $20 billion project was likely to miss its 2023 target ...

Russia's state nuclear corporation Rosatom, in an apparent effort to expand its portfolio of deals abroad, has said it will build a floating nuclear power plant for Sudan, the troubled central African country, which by many accounts is still in the grip of war that divided the nation in 2011.
Dragonfly, one of the two finalists for the next New Frontiers medium-class planetary science mission, also plans to use a radioisotope power system, as well as potential future missions the moon that require nuclear power to operate through the two-week lunar night. “We have some liens against the ...
Washington (March 19) – Over the past two decades, increasingly inflexible regulations have begun to undermine the U.S. nuclear industry just as a safer generation of reactors begins to reach the marketplace. This regulatory dysfunction threatens not only industry jobs, but also the United States' role in ...
Of primary concern to Israel will be the expected talks between the crown prince and the U.S. administration on nuclear power. Crown Prince Mohammed will meet U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House on Tuesday, their third official meeting in less than a year. They met previously when the ...

The head-to-head cold-war which escalated last week between Russia and Western Powers, especially the US and Britain, is compelling evidence that the major factor why rich nations are building a new generation of civil nuclear power stations is not for civilian purposes but to upgrade their military ...
March 17, 2018 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan and Russia on Friday have signed in Moscow an agreement to embark on the building of a nuclear plant for peaceful purposes in Sudan in the middle of 2019. Sudan's Minister of Water Resources and Electricity Muataz Musa said the agreement would allow for the ...
Nuclear power is unsuited for a populated planet for three reasons; radiation, waste, and economics. Nuclear fission of a radioactive atom produces two smaller pieces (daughter products) and radiation of energetic debris consisting of gamma rays, beta and alpha particles, and neutrons. The bombs ...
Electricity, gas and water firms, the Sellafield nuclear power plant, Whitehall departments and NHS hospitals have all been warned to prepare for a state- sponsored assault ordered by the Kremlin after the nerve agent attack in Salisbury. NCSC officials, working with the National Crime Agency and MI5's ...
Federal regulators said Friday that a Russian cyberattack aimed at the U.S. power grid last year did not compromise operations at any nuclear power plants. The Associated Press reported that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said corporate networks at some of the 99 U.S. power plants it licenses were ...
The IAEA has released its annual edition of the Country Nuclear Power Profiles (CNPP), documenting the status and development of nuclear power programmes worldwide as of the end of 2017. The publication summarizes organizational and industrial aspects of nuclear power programmes, including ...
Two Congressional acts focused on nuclear power seem poised to land on the president's desk sometime soon, potentially jump-starting an industry that has of late struggled in the United States and around the world. The Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act (NEICA), which passed in the Senate on ...
Claims by self-styled 'pro-nuclear environmentalists' that “nuclear energy prevents the spread of nuclear weapons” and “peace is furthered when a nation embraces nuclear power” do not withstand scrutiny, writes Jim Green, editor of the Nuclear Monitor newsletter. Green looks at the conclusions of some ...
The Russian state-owned corporation, Rosatom, plans to start building of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant in Turkey in April 2018. To start the construction ... The Akkuyu nuclear power plant with four WWER-1200 energy units should be built in the Mersin County on the Mediterranean coast by 2021. An agreement on this ...
... the four members of congress state that a “commercial atomic power sector is necessary to keep uranium-processing technology away from terrorists and other bad actors.” They also stress the impact of the plants on the state's economy. “The Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear power plants in northern Ohio ...
Owners of two New Jersey nuclear plants say they won't invest in any more capital improvements at the facilities unless they are guaranteed state subsidies to keep them operating during hard financial times. Public Service Enterprise Group filed notice with the Securities and Exchange Commission Friday ...

Sir, – In response to Dr Pat Morrissey's letter (March 3rd), I would agree that nuclear power has a part to play in addressing climate change. I agree that countries that have a nuclear programme should keep their nuclear power stations working as long as possible as they are a low-carbon source of ...
Because it turns out a bass guitar never sounds more epic than when it's played inside an abandoned nuclear power plant cooling tower. This video comes from producer Sylvia Massy, who filmed Thunderpussy's Leah Julia playing an electric bass inside the remnants of an old tower at the Satsop nuclear ...
MOSCOW, March 2. /TASS/. Bulgaria is considering various possibilities of using Russian equipment made for the Belene nuclear power plant and it is also possible that project of the NPP construction will be resumed, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with the Bulgarian journal ...
Alvin W Vogtle nuclear power plant (NPP) located in Waynesboro, Georgia, US, is undergoing an expansion, which will add two new units designated three and four. The two new units will be the first advanced Generation III+ reactors to be installed in the US and also the first new nuclear units to be built in ...
This June, two nuclear reactors on a barge — a floating nuclear power plant christened the "Akademik Lomonosov" — will be towed from the naval shipyard in St. Petersburg through the Baltic Sea and then north along the 1,600-mile coast of Norway. The barge will stop just over the Norwegian border with ...
Money management has some similarities to running a nuclear power station, according to a big note on the funds industry from Alliance Bernstein. That's based on the thesis of "normal accidents" made famous by sociologist Charles Perrow. Perrow's argument is essentially that system failures are inevitable where there ...
A recent tour of Russia's first floating nuclear power plant, which is under construction in St. Petersburg, included many things, but none of them could be called a tour, at least in the understanding of Alexander Nikitin, one of Bellona's experts on the Russian nuclear industry, who ended up not getting a tour ...
The United States is negotiating with Saudi Arabia over a nuclear power deal that might allow Riyadh to enrich and reprocess uranium in exchange for choosing U.S. companies to build reactors in the kingdom, media are reporting. The Associated Press, Bloomberg, and other media reported on February ...
Each hanging fixture represents one of the 31 nuclear nations, with its relative size corresponding to the number of nuclear power plants in each. The title, Crystal Palace: The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nuclear Nations, recalls the grandiosity of London's 1851 Great Exhibition. A critical ...
In late December 2017, the Georgia Public Service Commission faced a major decision: whether to cancel construction of two nuclear power reactors at Plant Vogtle, near Waynesboro, which had been plagued by delays and escalating costs. Earlier in the year, utilities in South Carolina abandoned work ...
But the number of reactors is on the decline, from a peak of 104 in 2012 to 99 today, with seven more scheduled for decommissioning in the next seven years, including the Diablo Canyon plant in San Luis Obispo County, California's last nuclear power station. The newest plant opened in Tennessee in ...
Saudi Arabia is fast-tracking an atomic energy programme to reduce its dependence on oil, but concerns over nuclear proliferation in the Middle East could put a damper on its ambitious plans. The atomic policy, which limits nuclear activities to peaceful purposes, was approved by the cabinet on Tuesday ...
Nuclear power currently provides a third of energy demand in South Korea, but opinions are shifting. In 2017, President Moon launched government polls to gauge support for a phase out plan, but with results seemingly showing both a desire to reduce dependence and a will to press on with current builds, ...



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