updated Fri. September 13, 2024
BestVPN.com (blog)
January 23, 2018
A Google engineer has revealed that despite Gmail being introduced ten years ago, the vast majority of email account users are still not using one of ... In recent years, hacking tools and hacks by “script kiddies” have been massively on the rise, leading to a global explosion in the number of attacks that areÃÂ ...
The Verge
January 23, 2018
Tinder isn't using encryption to keep your photos safe from strangers who are sharing the same coffee shop Wi-Fi as you, security researchers found in a report today. Researchers from the Tel Aviv-based firm Checkmarx found that Tinder's iOS and Android mobile apps still lack basic HTTPS encryption,ÃÂ ...
CSO Online
January 23, 2018
Blizzard stopped talking with the Google security researcher who discovered the flaw and bungled the silently deployed patch to stop hackers from ... Yesterday, Google Project Zero researcher Tavis Ormandy warned that all Activision Blizzard games had a security vulnerability that cyber thugs could haveÃÂ ...
January 23, 2018
Dark Caracal, a hacking group linked to the Lebanese government, has been found to be engaging in cyber espionage and data theft against more than ... Google told Lookout that none of the apps associated with Dark Caracal were ever on the Google Play Store, and that it is in the process of removing allÃÂ ...
January 23, 2018
The report, co-written with modelling firm AIR Worldwide, examined potential losses stemming from disruptions to business that depend on cloud computing in the event that cyber incidents such as hacking, lightning strikes, bombing of data centres and human errors "completely disrupt" U.S. cloud serviceÃÂ ...
Gadgets Now
January 22, 2018
SAN FRANCISCO: Despite the growth of sophisticated cyber threats globally, Google has said that less than 10 per cent of active Gmail users have enabled ... According to Google engineers, compromised passwords are the top way hackers gain access to accounts and all users -- especially those in theÃÂ ...
Markets Insider
January 20, 2018
But Gong is a pro at hacking Pixel phones — his team gained control of a Pixel phone in 60 seconds at the annual computer-hacking contest Pwn2Own, ... The Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL have tamper-resistant hardware, and Google says it would be difficult for hackers to decrypt your data without knowing yourÃÂ ...
December 31, 1999
West Midlands Police cyber detectives revealed that around 35,000 purchases had been made from his online hackers shop - which sold remote administration tools and crypters and other malware. He also offered a 'crypter' software package he had designed to hide bugs from computer users and makesÃÂ ...
6 On Your Side
October 27, 2017
More and more people are cutting the cable cord and relying on streaming devices. One of the most popular is Google's Chromecast. Whether ...
Naked Security
October 27, 2017
It's not that all the apps themselves were malicious. Rather, they all used a software development kit (SDK) called Igexin that could, among ...
Search Engine Roundtable
October 26, 2017
As many of you know, for years, Google would label hacked content in their search results with the this site may be hacked label. The solution is ...
Digital Trends
October 21, 2017
These programs offer a way for hackers to earn legitimate money ... Google is offering $1,000 to people who can hack popular Android apps.
October 19, 2017
Google is probably hoping to raise the quality of apps in the Play store by launching a new bug bounty program that's completely separate from ...
October 17, 2017
Krack Wi-Fi Hack: Google, Apple and Microsoft Scramble to Fix WPA2 ... The weaknesses discovered in WPA2 mean that hackers can launch ...
October 17, 2017
Google Advanced Protection is for high-profile hacking targets ... (which you should really use) to keep your account safe from hackers. ... about as a response to the hacks that defined the 2016 US election (Google makes ...
The Verge
September 29, 2017
Google plans on upgrading its two-factor authentication tool with an improved, ... Following the 2016 hack of Clinton campaign chairman John ...
September 29, 2017
According to a recent report, by the time you read this sentence, an average of 2.3 million Google searches were conducted. No doubt, Google ...
U.S. News & World Report
September 27, 2017
Equifax Hack Has Businesses Uneasy About Security ... In July, McLean noticed some glitches with his Google calendar. McLean's staffer in charge of technology determined that the apps were vulnerable to hacking, and ... or malicious software that hackers plant, hoping to extort money by holding a user'sÃÂ ...
September 27, 2017
The exploit enables hackers to remotely hijack the device and is being considered as a serious security risk. “The exploit gains code executionÃÂ ...
Cleveland Jewish News
September 27, 2017
Cellphone hackers could be stopped dead in their tracks by an ... them to identify and prevent hardware-generated data leaks and hacks.
September 27, 2017
First, go to Google's Chrome webstore and install Tampermonkey. Its safe - Tampermonkey is used by millions of people to make simpleÃÂ ...
September 24, 2017
Russian hackers exploited a Google flaw the company has refused to fix ... A hacking team reportedly linked to the Russian government has been ..... as the Canadian website Citizen Lab reported, the perpetrators of the hackÃÂ ...
Business Insider
September 20, 2017
Rather, her message is that hackers are so ubiquitous, and their threat so serious, that everyone is under permanent threat of having theirÃÂ ...
September 13, 2017
Android Oreo launched last month, with the latest version of Google's smartphone OS currently only available for a handful of devices. AndroidÃÂ ...
September 13, 2017
Today's topics include Linus Torvalds wanting hackers to join Linux ... photo digitizing to Texas and Florida residents; and Google's appeal ofÃÂ ...
The Verge
September 12, 2017
Google has also deployed a patch directly to Pixel devices, covering every ... range of the hackers, and only devices with Bluetooth turned on.
September 11, 2017
Expected to arrive later this year, Google Chrome 63 will reportedly include a new security feature that will help prevent Man-in-the-MiddleÃÂ ...
The Verge
September 7, 2017
This provides a new method of attack for hackers targeting devices like ... Deploying these high-pitched frequencies to hack voice assistants has also been ... be obeyed by 16 voice control systems, including Siri, Google Now,ÃÂ ...
August 30, 2017
A gardening expert whose speaking engagements have included TEDx and Google talks, Coronado also is scheduled to speak on Sept.
August 30, 2017
... to include email intrusions, hacking, and impostors in social media." ... to him, including being linked to Bradford through the Google cache,ÃÂ ...
August 30, 2017
Some observers have suggested that the data could be found via Google searches, and that the 'doxxing' doesn't actually reveal anything new.
Business Insider Nordic
August 30, 2017
Her invention is a nightmare for hackers, and could soon become the 'gold ... With customers including Google, Facebook and Dropbox, and a $30 million capital injection ... that will protect 300 million Americans' online identities from hacking.
August 30, 2017
Mashable reports that the malware, called WireX, was hidden in about 300 apps available for download in the Google Play Store. While theyÃÂ ...
The Times
August 28, 2017
Experts said it was worrying that Google's systems could be so easily subverted to sell erectile dysfunction drugs after the company promised toÃÂ ...
The Indian Express
August 15, 2017
Google has rewarded an Uruguayan school student $10,000 after he exposed a security flaw which hackers could have used to accessÃÂ ...
August 14, 2017
Google has rewarded a high school student $10,000 after he exposed a security flaw which hackers could have used to access sensitive data.
Business Insider
August 8, 2017
*Roger McNamee, a famous early investor in Google and Facebook, says he ... of these companies for what he calls "aggressive brain hacking.
December 31, 1999
Google will pay HTC $1.1 billion and receive a non-exclusive license for HTC intellectual property, while certain HTC employees, "many ofÃÂ ...
December 31, 1999
Modern smartphones take pains to “sandbox” apps, keeping them carefully segregated so that no mischievous program can meddle in anotherÃÂ ...
December 31, 1999
Here's something gadget freaks might want to know: Researchers in China and the U.S. have found that hackers can take control of AmazonÃÂ ...
ThaiVisa News
March 12, 2017
The warning comes are security researchers discovered thirteen malicious apps in the Google Play Store. The apps, which phish for login credentials then send them back to a remote server controlled by the hackers, were disguised as tools to help ...
March 12, 2017
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A political consultant and former campaign adviser to President Donald Trump says he communicated last year with an individual involved in hacking Democratic National Committee emails. But Roger ... The U.S. government later ...
NewsFactor Network
March 11, 2017
The Cloud Video Intelligence API is designed to enable developers who don't have expertise in machine learning or computer vision to help users with large video catalogs better understand and identify the actual image content in their videos, Google said.
March 9, 2017
According to researchers from Spanish outfit Hack Players, Google searches indicate 35 million web applications that accept "filetype:action" uploads and a high percentage of them are likely vulnerable.
Trinidad Guardian
March 9, 2017
People trying to access the Trinbago Unified Calypsonians' Organisation (Tuco) website via the Google search engine within the last 24 hours would have been given the shock of their lives, as they would have been redirected to several pornography sites.
Herald Sun
March 9, 2017
In the wake of the revelations contained in the Wikileaks dump of about 9000 CIA documents, both Apple and Google have said most of the security flaws exploited by the US spy agency had already been fixed in recent software updates.
Gadget Hacks
March 9, 2017
The Google Pixel and Pixel XL were feathers in the tech giant's cap in 2016, so to speak, generating critical acclaim and garnering legions of Android fans.
MediaPost Communications
March 9, 2017
The class-action stemmed from Google's involvement in the "Safari hack" -- a privacy scandal that came to light in 2012 when researcher Jonathan Mayer published a report stating that Google (and other companies) circumvented Safari's privacy settings ...
March 8, 2017
Attackers gain control of system resources via an array of methods, including cross-site scripting attacks, cookie poisoning, hidden field manipulation, SQL injections, Google hacking, buffer overloads, directory traversal and lightweight directory ...
March 8, 2017
WikiLeaks said it aims to provoke a political and legal debate about the CIA's cyber arsenal. However, it was holding back, for now, much of the technical documentation that would allow other hackers and cyber criminals to exploit the hacks - while ...
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