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updated Wed. July 10, 2024

Cover crops are a bustling industry within agriculture, promoted as a remedial pill for a host of major farming issues. ... Despite his frustration, when Arends attends a farm meeting, reads an agricultural publication, or receives correspondence from farming organizations, he hears an incessant “cover crop ...
The program covers all sorts of crops, “from corn to clams,” Iowa State University agriculture economist Chad Hart said. But it's not like ... What the the farm bill really does when it comes to crop insurance is make rules, said Erin Herbold-Swalwell, an agricultural lawyer in West Des Moines. If farmers don't ...

Mathew has relatives who own farms in southern India, so he was aware of stubble-burning. Farmers across India burn significant amounts of agricultural waste to clear their fields for the next crop. Although there are numerous uses for that waste—it can be plowed back into the ground as a nutrient or used ...
It's feeding time at Brad Felger's farm in Washington's Skagit Valley. And he's about to feed 40 hungry falcons. Yes, falcons. They're an important, albeit often unseen, part of farming in some states, used as a defense mechanism to keep away pesky birds like starlings, which love to eat berries and apples.
“Agriculture in Napa County continues to be vibrant,” Agricultural Commissioner Greg Clark said, adding agriculture is the linchpin of the local economy ... Office worked with Cal Fire and other agencies to create a system allowing farmers to be escorted on closed roads to their farms, the crop report said.
Nutrients from the cover crop and the cows will be left behind as well, helping the corn to a strong start. The busyness of corn and soybean harvest was still ahead of him, but Johnson was already looking forward to pulling his planter through that field just north of his Frankfort, South Dakota home. Cover ...

The biofuel associations of the Visegrad 4 nations, namely Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia, coupled with those from Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria, issued a press release looking at the potential risk to jobs and livelihoods that could stem from this phasing out of crop-based biofuels.
About two-thirds of India's 1.3 billion people live on small subsistence farms, and they have struggled amid unpredictable markets and weather to eke out a ... India in each of the past several years, unable to bear the shame of insolvency, says K. Ayakannu, a farm activist in the southern state of Tamil Nadu.
Although he wanted to be a neurosurgeon until he was 14 years old, Jeffery Dailey thinks he was bred to be a chef. “When I was young, we lived close to Red Lobster where my mother worked. She'd pull out the lobsters from the tank. I'd play with them and my G.I. Joes. The lobsters were the monsters,” ...
With winterlike weather hanging on well into April across much of the upper Midwest and Northern Plains, perhaps it's no surprise that the 2018 planting season is off to a slower-than-usual start for some crops. As of April 22, 5% of the U.S. corn crop has been planted, according to the latest USDA Crop ...

Foods edited with gene-editing tool Crispr won't be regulated as GMOs because of a law from the US Department of Agriculture that's been in the works since ... that aims to increase access to Crispr's tools; agricultural giants like Monsanto and DuPont Pioneer, which aim to use the technique to make more robust row crops; ...
Here on the Central Coast strawberries and wine grapes are among the top crops in Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Ventura counties. In the most recent agricultural crop report for Santa Barbara County for 2016, strawberries were once again the top crop with a gross production value of more than ...
The home place is about five miles from where he farms today. He went to off Vietnam as a Navy Seabee in 1969 and came back to buy his farm in 1972. He served in the Minnesota Senate and then was appointed Minnesota Commissioner of Agriculture by Gov. Rudy Perpich, serving in the DFL ...
“Few farms truly rely on farm income,” the agricultural critic explained in 2016, making additional jobs sound like a luxury rather than a necessity. ... other jobs to help support their family farms so they don't need a Farm Bill or crop insurance to help them manage the unique, high-stake risks of agriculture.
In Iowa, however, corn is still the top crop. USDA's Prospective ... That was due to USDA's Payment-In-Kind program in 1983, which compensated farmers for not growing certain crops, such as corn. Soybeans ... Iowa farmers expect to harvest 1.10 million acres of all dry hay for the 2018 crop year. This is ...
A two-day summit on the topic of agricultural water, followed by farm tours organized by FDA's Produce Safety Network (PSN), illustrate FDA's collaborative approach to implementing provisions of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The Produce Safety Rule under FSMA includes standards for ...
The long-term shifts toward agricultural consolidation have occurred in tandem with a shift toward greater farm specialization. Field crop operations increasingly grow just two or three crops, down from four to six crops, and livestock production continues to shift towards farms that produce no crops and rely ...
At the end of the process, Berkshire Roots' agricultural product will be, based on its farm footprint, the most valuable in the county. By a long shot. According to a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture survey, the average Berkshire County farm measures 117 acres and produces crops worth $42,797 a year.
On Sunday, September 6, 2015, scientist Kevin Folta made the front page of the New York Times. The prominent article wasn't recognition for his work in understanding which genes control flavor in strawberries or how light can slow down mold in blueberries. Instead, it was an article questioning his ties to ...


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