updated Thu. July 11, 2024
March 6, 2018
Unfertilized eggs result in drones that share 100% of their genome with the queen and fertilized eggs result in workers that share 50% of their genome with the queen as all the sperm are identical (excluding mutations) and so contain all of the father's chromosomes and half of the queens. Thus, on averageÃâà...
Waikato Times
January 25, 2018
There's the powerful queen, who is fed a special diet of royal jelly and regulates the hive through her pheromones, stopping her all-female swarm of worker bees from reproducing. Then the male drones ... They raise an emergency supersedure cell from one of the young larvae," she said. "Or when a queenÃâà...
May 13, 2015
The problem with honeybees in the U.S. has been known for a long time now, but just how bad has it gotten? According to new analysis, American honeybee keepers reported losing more than 40 percent of their colonies within the last year. And that's only the second worst annual loss since annual talliesÃâà...
AgriLife Today
October 17, 2013
Those colonies and their subsequent increase are used for work on the reproductive biology of honey bee queens and drones, or male honey bees. ... Some are even being lost within months to the worker bees in a process called queen supersedure, the cause of which is another area of Rangel'sÃâà...
Scientific American
September 16, 2013
Other reasons for hive deaths were much more common, including ailing queen bees, to which beekeepers attributed 32 percent of their dead hives. ... Queens just don't seem as long-lived and fecund as they used to be, says David Tarpy, who researches beekeeping at the University of North Carolina.
April 2, 2010
... queens or do something, what we call... Mr. PETTIS: Supersedure. Mr. BLOHM: Supersedure. Thank you, Jeff - where they'll just replace the queen and continue on. It's when the queen gets older, she produces less pheromones, which are an odor the queen gives off that the rest of hive senses that odor,Ãâà...
July 15, 2009
If I'm lucky, they're preparing for supersedure. A new queen will emerge from one of the queen cells, go on a mating flight with a trail of drones, return to the hive and get on with laying where the old queen left off. If I'm slightly less lucky they'll swarm and some of the workers will follow the newly-hatchedÃâà...
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