updated Sat. September 21, 2024
Concord Monitor
March 31, 2018
However, the number of U.S. honey bee colonies has remained stable or risen between 1996 and 2016, the study found, with winter loss rates having no negative correlation with yearly changes in the number of U.S. colonies and loss rates having a positive correlation with the rate of colony additions.
March 29, 2018
Since the program started, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) has issued at least 730 grants across the commonwealth creating more than 2,200 honeybee colonies. The average grant payment was about $470 with payments ranging from $66.72 to $2,400 per person.
Science Daily
March 28, 2018
Researchers from the University of Sheffield have discovered that looking at honeybees in a colony in the same way as neurons in a brain could help us ... Department of Computer Science, said: "This study is exciting because it suggests that honeybee colonies adhere to the same laws as the brain whenÃâà...
March 28, 2018
“This study is exciting because it suggests that honeybee colonies adhere to the same laws as the brain when making collective decisions,” co-author Andreagiovannia Reina, Ph.D. explained in a statement ... When the honeybees reach a collective agreement for the same option, the colony moves.
Competitive Enterprise Institute (blog)
March 9, 2018
Even then, honeybees are not threatened with extinction as the number of managed honeybee hives has grown worldwide. At most, pesticides might provide additional stress to the bees but are unlikely a major cause of colony loss. Given the fact that neonics have a lower impact than other pesticides, suchÃâà...
Good Fruit Grower
December 31, 1999
Tree fruit growers have long relied on managed honeybee colonies to pollinate crops, but researchers in Utah are wondering if there's another bee that might ... While honeybees work together as a colony to produce honey, blue orchard bees are solitary — they don't care for each other or collaborate,Ãâà...
Loveland Reporter-Herald
December 31, 1999
Colorado State University researcher wins grant to investigate honey bee health ... The grant is for study on the impact of phytochemicals and nutritional diversity on stress resilience and colony health of honey bees. Seshadri will study the impact of nutrition and metabolic capacity on honeybee health.