updated Sun. June 16, 2024
March 6, 2018
A combination of in situ MAS-NMR spectroscopy and the use of carbon-13 isotope enriched phenol and cyclohexanol allowed the identification of the reaction pathway that is difficult to probe by other spectroscopy methods. The reaction sequence does not occur as a result of competitive adsorption but byÃâà...
March 5, 2018
Scientists know the precise rate at which one variant of carbon found in the atmosphere, Carbon-14, decays into another variant (or isotope), Carbon-13. Thus, by determining the ratios of these types of carbon in samples taken from the Arctic, they can determine when the carbon was first drawn out of theÃâà...
Nanowerk (blog)
February 18, 2018
(Nanowerk News) How do small defects in the surface of solar cell material affect its ability to absorb and convert sunlight to electricity? How does the molecular structure of a porous material determine its ability to separate gases from one another? Understanding the structure and function of materials atÃâà...
Cambridge Independent
February 15, 2018
Dr Ferdia Gallagher, Cancer Research UK Clinician Scientist Fellow, Reader in Molecular Imaging, Cambridge Project/Rapid Scanner, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Rd, Cambridge, research has involved the translation of hyperpolarized carbon-13 MRI into humans and this has involved creating aÃâà...
The Economist
February 8, 2018
They did this by making sugar molecules that included a rare but non-radioactive isotope of carbon, 13C. Some animals were fed fructose doped with this isotope. Others were fed glucose doped with it. By looking at where the 13C went in each case the researchers could follow the fates of the two sorts ofÃâà...
Ars Technica
December 31, 1999
Woody plants like trees and shrubs obtain carbon differently from grasses, so their plant waxes end up with different ratios of the stable isotope carbon-13. Prior to 2,600 years ago, the plant waxes in Lake Barombi seemed to be from mostly trees and shrubs, exactly what you'd expect in a thriving rainforest.
Lancaster Farming
December 31, 1999
The carbon-13 profile of shale gas overlaps with that of agriculture. Therefore, the increase in methane emissions from cows may have in fact been from shale gas. There has been a substantial increase in shale-gas development over the past decade. The controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing orÃâà...
Santa Fe New Mexican
December 31, 1999
Scientists know the precise rate at which one variant of carbon found in the atmosphere, Carbon-14, decays into another variant (or isotope), Carbon-13. Thus, by determining the ratios of these types of carbon in samples taken from the Arctic, they can determine when the carbon was first drawn out of theÃâà...
Chemistry World
December 31, 1999
A scientist from the US has put forward a new approach to encode a molecule with 13C. He says the technique can mirror the complexity of Rivest-Shamir-Adelman (RSA) encryption – an algorithm that encrypts credit card details during online transactions. Encoding matter with regiospecific 12C/13CÃâà...
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