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 Kara Sea

The Kara Sea is part of the Arctic Ocean north of Siberia. It is separated from the Barents Sea to the west by the Kara Strait and Novaya Zemlya, and the Laptev Sea to the east by the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago. It is named for the Kara River (flowing into Baydaratskaya Bay), which is now relatively insignificant but which played an important role in the Russian conquest of northern Siberia.

Kara Sea map
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updated Fri. July 19, 2024

US major ExxonMobil decided last year to abandon its Kara Sea project, where it partnered with Rosneft, leaving the latter without the means to produce oil and gas from the one well they drilled. MOL already has a relationship with a Chinese operator: it shares the Yamal LNG fleet, which will have three ...
An Arc4 rating effectively prohibits the ship from operating independently or even with an icebreaker escort in the waters of the Kara Sea when ice conditions are medium to heavy. Roshydromet, Russia's Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, has reported recently that ...

Back in 2014, US sanctions against Russia halted as much as US$500 billion of ExxonMobil's investment in the Kara Sea. In February, the super-major elected to withdraw from this investment and forgo developing 12.3 billion t of oil and gas condensate the region had to offer. The company announced last ...
In 2014, US sanctions imposed against Russia halted stalled ExxonMobil's investment in the Kara Sea, the analyst pointed out, leading the company to withdraw from the project and forgo developing 12.3 billion metric tons (13.56 billion metric tons) of oil and gas condensate in the region had to offer.
Russian gas monopoly Gazprom has boosted its estimate of recoverable gas resources at the Leningradskoye field in the Kara Sea by about 840 billion cubic metres. Natural Resources & Environment Minister Sergei Donskoy said Gazprom submitted a request to authorities to approve the resource ...
... which is owned by Gazprom, covers an area located west of the Yamal Peninsula in the Kara Sea. The drilling took place after two years of seismic mapping in the area. With its upgraded resource estimates, the Leningradskoye field is one of the biggest hydrocarbon discoveries in Russian Arctic waters.

Without the assistance of Exxon, Rosneft suspended its exploration of the massive Victory oilfield in the Kara Sea. While Moscow has since leaned more heavily on China for financing its projects, Western sanctions are a long-term hurdle for developing Russian-Arctic energy resources. Similarly, with U.S. ...
The warming will also create good conditions for halibut, cod, haddock, and Arctic cod in the Kara Sea, Belyeav said. And he added that from his agency's point of view, the most prospective underdeveloped area of the Russian Arctic is the eastern part of the Chukchee Sea. But in addition to his optimism ...
In particular, the two companies agreed to work together on the shelf of the Kara Sea, the Chukchi Sea, the Laptev Sea & Black Sea. Russia's oil production in the Arctic will reach peak levels in the 2020s. Russia produced about 76 million tonnes of oil in the Arctic, and the production would be growing to ...
In particular, the two companies agreed to work together on the shelf of the Kara Sea, the Chukchi Sea, the Laptev Sea and the Black Sea. Nothing is said in the report that the company also plans to quit the joint projects with Rosneft, where agreements were concluded before 2013 and 2014. In July 2017, it became known ...
The Arctic Ocean also includes these bodies of water (in alphabetical order): Baffin Bay; Barents Sea; Chukchi Sea; East Siberian Sea; Greenland Sea (connects the Arctic to the Atlantic Ocean); Hudson Bay; Kara Sea; Labrador Sea (connects the Arctic to the Atlantic Ocean); Laptev Sea; The Bering Strait ...
According to the official, the Kara Sea's advantage for the fishing industry is that it is a shelf sea which does not border any territorial waters of other states. “This is why Russia can have its own fishing regulations there,” Golovanov said. The Kara Sea is part of the Arctic Ocean north of Siberia. It remains ...
The Kara Sea has previously not been seen as a lucrative fishing ground. It's far away from ports and inhabited areas, it's cold and has been ice-covered most of the winter months. That is now about to change. Over the last decade, larger and larger parts of the Kara Sea remain ice-free due to climate ...
MURMANSK, March 14. /TASS/. The Kara Sea may become a promising fishing area, including in fishing of certain rare species, Sergey Golovanov of the Federal Agency for Fishing told the 5th international conference of fishing in the Arctic, organized in Murmansk on Wednesday. "A promising fishing ...
Intrepid Hannah McKeand, 44, became stranded last month on the bleak Golomyanny Island, in the Kara Sea, with Canadian adventurer Dongsheng Liu. The pair were left trapped at the start of a daring North Pole bid when their Russian support helicopter crashed soon after dropping them off. Bristol-born ...
The Kara Sea licenses include an area where Rosneft announced the discovery of the Pobeda field in 2014. The field's reserves were estimated at 940 million barrels of crude and 391,9 billion cubic metres of gas. The two oil producers also agreed to evaluate the development of tight oil reserves in West ...
Heat shockwaves in the highest North. The archipelagos in the northern Barents Sea and Kara Sea were up to 11 centigrades warmer than average last winter. By ...

The ship was early this week located near Dikson, the town on the Kara Sea coast, data from ship tracking service Marine Traffic show. The tanker was jointly ordered by Japanese company Mitsui and the China COSCO Shipping Corporation Ltd, and is the first of three new vessels jointly operated as part ...
ExxonMobil has officially quit its joint ventures with Russia's Rosneft due to Western sanctions pressure against Moscow, with the move expected to deprive the US energy giant of billions in profits. Energy analysts look back at how politics wound up butting in on business, and consider how Exxon's move ...
Dr. Cohen says the loss of ice creates patterns of high pressure near the Barents Sea and Kara Sea off northern Russia. That high pressure blocks the low-pressure system of the polar vortex, weakening it in the process. There is not yet a scientific consensus over the root cause of the weakening polar ...
The sanctions slowed work on a joint Exxon-Rosneft project hailed as a major discovery in the Kara Sea above the Arctic Circle. Rosneft said last year that it planned to resume operations on the project in 2019. The announcement does not affect Exxon's massive Sakhalin oil and natural gas drilling project ...
Rosneft has identified two more blocks for drilling prospecting and appraisal wells in the areas of East Prinovozemelsky-1 and East Prinovozemelsky- 2 in the Kara Sea. The head of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Sergei Donskoy, has already stated in this connection that the Ministry of Natural ...
The Northern Sea Route (NSR) runs along the Russian Arctic coastline from the Kara Sea to the Bering Strait. More temperate waters allow the NSR to extend westward into Scandinavia and even the North Sea. According to the Wall Street Journal, this route could reduce the distance between Europe and ...
The icebreakers are normally opening way for vessels sailing along the Northern Sea Route, from the Kara Sea to the eastern northern shores of Siberia. In summer, however, most icebreakers are at port in Murmansk for maintenance. The first North Pole tourist cruise was arranged in 1991. The first time a ...
The company initially invited a number of international majors to its projects in the Arctic, including ExxonMobil to the region's most promising Kara Sea project, where the two had successfully drilled a well, before ExxonMobil had to suspend further work on the project over sanctions introduced in 2014.
Ships enter Russia's Kara Sea port of Sabetta on the Yamal Peninsula, where Yamal LNG. Ships enter Russia's Kara Sea port of Sabetta, where Yamal LNG opened a liquefied natural gas plant in 2017. In the Arctic, two-thirds of black carbon comes from heavy fuel oil, which is used in shipping. Natural gas ...
Russia Plans to Make Kara Sea Center of Domestic Fish Production SEAFOODNEWS.COM [Seafood News] by Eugene Gerden - March 19, 2018 Russia plans to make Kara Sea, a part of the Arctic Ocean, separated from the Barents Sea to the west by the Kara Strait and Novaya Zemlya, one of the centers ...
But the Americans will hardly be the ones who develop the huge deposit in the Kara Sea. In late February this year, representatives of ExxonMobil confirmed that the company is pulling out of its Arctic cooperation with Rosneft. The reason is the sanctions imposed on Russia, the company explains.
The decision to withdraw is expected to result in an after-tax loss of $200 million. “At year-end 2017, ExxonMobil's net acreage in the Rosneft joint venture agreements for the Kara, Laptev, Chukchi and Black seas was 63.6 million acres, all offshore,” the filing noted. The Kara Sea licenses are through 2040 ...
According to information from analysts at Divergente LLC, Rosneft plans to resume drilling in the Barents Sea this year and in the Kara Sea within two years in a work commitment that covers the entire Russian Arctic. Meanwhile, Gazprom subsidiary Gazpromneft-Sakhalin is looking for fields of its own.
On top of Exxon's reported loss of $200 million, the company will walk away after spending about $700 million drilling a deepwater well in Russia's Kara Sea, Wood Mackenzie analysts estimated. "This decision puts a formal end to Exxon Mobil's long-term strategy of exploring the Arctic," which had led to ...


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