updated Wed. February 28, 2024
Scuttlebutt Sailing News
April 28, 2018
Despite their gains, it has been anything but plain sailing for Turn the Tide on Plastic as they try to dodge the huge South Atlantic clouds threatening to slow their progress north. “We have reached the point where we can ease the sheets and sail faster, however, the clouds have a different idea,” Caffari said.
April 28, 2018
The American boat in the Volvo Ocean Race, Vestas 11th Hour Racing, departs the Falklands with a temporary mast to stabilize the yacht and provide support for the 1,500-mile motor to Brazil. COURTESY OF VESTAS 11TH HOUR RACING Under sunny skies and a building sea breeze, Vestas 11th HourÃâà...
Earthquake Report
April 18, 2018
The scars in the ocean are showing the stress patterns . The start at the (red) ridges in the middle of the ocean where new material is added from below the earth. The flow is however not equal so that some areas the new material is moving faster to the coast than in other areas. This stress generates theÃâà...
ecoRI news
April 13, 2018
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a large-scale system of ocean currents that circulates warm, salty water from the South Atlantic and tropics via the Gulf Stream to the colder North Atlantic. There, warm salty waters cool, release heat, and eventually sink to the deep ocean and moveÃâà...
April 12, 2018
Long-term, serial measurements of circulation strength are what is needed. It is crucial, therefore, that existing ocean monitoring systems —including the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program and the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation programme — are maintained over decadesÃâà...
South Strand news
April 11, 2018
New fears of releasing toxic and radioactive materials buried in the ocean floor are fueling concerns about the affects of seismic testing for oil and natural ... "Combined, these five permits would create an unprecedented scale of man-made noise in the Mid- and South Atlantic, and is expected to harm or killÃâà...
April 2, 2018
There are also similar “garbage patches” in the middle of the South Pacific, the North and South Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean. “Most of the plastic we've created since 1950 has become waste and most of it has not been recycled and has not been incinerated,” said Kara Lavender Law, research professorÃâà...
Yonhap News
April 1, 2018
(ATTN: CHANGES lead; UPDATES with more info throughout). SEOUL, April 2 (Yonhap) -- China's defunct space station is likely to plunge to the Earth after 9 a.m. Monday somewhere in the South Atlantic Ocean, South Korean space authorities here said. The Tiangong-1 is forecast to plunge to the EarthÃâà...
Scuttlebutt Sailing News
March 31, 2018
The teams might have been hoping the weather gods would go easier on them in the South Atlantic following one of the most testing passages to Cape Horn the race has seen in recent history, but their wishes have yet to be granted. As the Volvo Ocean 65s punched north-east at speeds of up to 20 knots,Ãâà...
March 13, 2018
Air Tanker's only scheduled flight goes from the United Kingdom to the Ascension Island in the south Atlantic Ocean. From Ascension, troops are deployed to the Falkland Islands, which continue to be disputed territory between Argentina and the British. Its other services are focused on air-to-air refueling ofÃâà...
Williamsburg Yorktown Daily
March 13, 2018
It will cross the Caribbean Sea, the South Pacific Ocean, the Coral Sea, the Arafura Sea, the Timor Sea, the Southern Indian Ocean, round the Cape of Good Hope, cross over the South Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and make a north bound passage the length of the North Atlantic Ocean. MorelandÃâà...
Inter Press Service
March 13, 2018
“In this area, the ocean, due to its depth and the different marine currents, has abundant nutrients and there is a rich ecosystem, making it very easy to fish, ... Schvartzman is working on a project for the protection of the South Atlantic for Oceans 5, an organisation linked to the foundation led by U.S. actorÃâà...
March 12, 2018
In 2016 and 2017, a team of scientists did just this and braved the seas for months on voyages that took them all the way from the UK to the South Atlantic to collect reference measurements of chlorophyll, sea temperature and more. ESA ocean scientist Craig Donlon explained, "We rely on theseÃâà...
March 11, 2018
South Atlantic Remote Territories Media Association - Falkland Islands, Saint Helena, Ascension Island and, The latest news from the Falkland Islands, Saint Helena, Ascension Island and Tristan da, The news that matters from the. British Territories in the South Atlantic Ocean.
The Pew Charitable Trusts (blog)
March 10, 2018
Instead of focusing on individual species when setting fishing rules, an updated fishery ecosystem plan from the South Atlantic Fishery Management ... Holly Binns directs The Pew Charitable Trusts' efforts to protect ocean life in the Gulf of Mexico, the U.S. South Atlantic Ocean, and the U.S. Caribbean.
March 6, 2018
... surface of the seas, and instruments moored to the bottom give us information only about the ocean floor. To find out more about what lies between therefore means going on research expeditions. I've just returned from one to South Georgia, where I spent months in the choppy waters of the South AtlanticÃâà...
March 6, 2018
(Courtesy of the International Ocean Film Festival). For those who appreciate human protagonists as much or more than winged characters, Touched by the Ocean (U.S. premiere) follows two ordinary Latvians on their quest to row across the South Atlantic. Closer to home and no less impressive, KateÃâà...
March 5, 2018
The alleged UFO was found by eagle eyed viewers on Google Earth and is located in South Georgia Island is the South Atlantic Ocean and slightly over 800 miles south of The Falklands. Popular conspiracy YouTube channel Secure Team 10 posted a video description of the crash and, in the clip, theÃâà...
IFLScience (blog)
March 5, 2018
The location of the “crash” is on South Georgia Island, part of a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic Ocean that also includes the South Sandwich Islands. The territory is inhabited by just a couple of dozen people, including government officials and scientists and support staff from the BritishÃâà...
March 3, 2018
Saint student, Louis Youde, is one of over 50 Commonwealth youth delegates aged between 18 and 29 who have assembled this week for the 9th Commonwealth Youth Parliament (CYP) hosted by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) and the States Assembly in St Helier, Jersey, ChannelÃâà...
Tristan Times
February 21, 2018
The RMS St Helena docked for the final time at 'E Berth', Duncan Dock, Cape Town, at 9.51am on Saturday, 17 February 2018, bringing to an end 39 years of dedicated passenger, cargo and mail services to the British South Atlantic Islands and signalling the end of an era of great mail ships, spanningÃâà...
Tristan Times
February 17, 2018
Like other ocean ridge systems, the MAR developed as a consequence of the divergent motion between the Eurasian and North American, and African and South American Plates. In the North Atlantic, it separates the Eurasian and North American Plates; whereas in the South Atlantic, it separates the African and SouthÃâà...
December 31, 1999
... airwoman who was flying around the world for fun, arrived at Port Natal, Brazil, and took off on her 2,240-mile flight across the South Atlantic to Dakar, ... Amelia Earhart's story is revolutionary: She was the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean, and might have been the first to fly around theÃâà...
William & Mary News
December 31, 1999
It will cross the Caribbean Sea, the South Pacific Ocean, the Coral Sea, the Arafura Sea, the Timor Sea, the Southern Indian Ocean, round the Cape of Good Hope, cross over the South Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and make a north bound passage the length of the North Atlantic Ocean. MorelandÃâà...
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