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updated Tue. July 23, 2024

The PFLP's decision to boycott came after two days of talks, April 17-18, between representatives from that group and the Fatah movement in Cairo, during which the PFLP called for the postponement of the PNC meeting until a consensus formula could be reached that would allow members of Hamas to ...
“The Fatah Movement's Jenin branch, in cooperation with [Fatah's] Jenin region leadership, held the third coexistence camp under the title Martyr Abu Jihad Camp, and this was at the [P.A.] National Security [Forces] camp Horsh Al-Saada. The camp will last for an entire month, three days a week, and 600 ...

With me, he was attacking my daughter CBC host Natasha Fatah who too had tweeted multiple eye witnesses saying the attacker looked “Middle Eastern” and another who said he was “white.” The fact that Minassian did turn out to be Middle Eastern — from the Armenian diaspora that lives in Iran, Lebanon ...
Please forgive me for not believing one word of “Mission Accomplished,” whether it was emblazoned on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003 to greet George W. Bush as a conquering hero or when contained in the tweet by President Trump last Saturday to describe his “perfectly ...
Fatah's branch in Turkey held its general congress March 20 in Istanbul, drawing Fatah members from various Turkish cities. The congress focused on the political situation of the Palestinian cause and stressed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' rejection of any political project that undermines ...
As The Associated Press reports, the Friday march on the Israel border came after a bomb targeted but missed the Palestinian prime minister and his intelligence chief during their visit to Gaza earlier in March as part of an Egypt-led attempt to bring peace between rival Palestinian parties Fatah and Hamas.

On March 14, 2018, a few days before the lethal stabbing attack carried out on Hagai Street in the Old City of Jerusalem (see Appendix), Mahmoud Abbas hosted a festive reception in his office in Ramallah for Rajaa'i Abd al-Karim Hadad. Hadad is a Fatah operative who served a twenty-year prison term in ...
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has been re-elected for a second term with 92 per cent of the vote, preliminary results showed on Thursday, but turnout of just 40 per cent dented his push for popular legitimacy. Some 23 million of the 60 million registered voters turned out during the three days of ...
Anti-Islamification activist Sandra Solomon, left, and Canadian Combat Coalition president Ryan Dean speak during an anti-Islam rally in Calgary, Alta. on Saturday, June 3 2017. Bryan Passifiume/Postmedia Network. Just when the spectre of a Canadian law based on Motion 103 that would have ...
The Fatah-Hamas reconciliation agreement of less than a year ago has now degenerated into the most serious split since the violent struggle for control of Gaza between the two factions in 2006. The Palestinian Authority is considering the possibility of declaring the Gaza Strip a “rebel district,” a senior ...
June 2007: Fighting between Fatah and Hamas gunmen in Gaza escalates into a systematic and bloody assault by Hamas on Fatah headquarters throughout the strip of Fatah-dominated security forces answering to Abbas. Abbas loses control of Gaza and responds by sacking Haniya, who ignores the ...
Tarek Fatah poses with Doug Ford and friends at a recent political event. (Submitted photo.) For all of their adult lives, the four men in the room had been 'leftists'. Before coming to Canada from Pakistan, they had all suffered at the hands of the fascist 'religious right' with scars they carried with pride. All four ...
Like every year, the Palestinian Authority (PA) held an event in honor of Dalal Al-Mughrabi, the deputy-commander of the unit that perpetrated the hijacking, at which PA and Fatah officials praised her courage and presented her as a paragon of Palestinian sacrifice.[1] Several days earlier, on the occasion ...
As the supposed reconciliation between Palestinian parties Hamas and Fatah appears to be going nowhere after more than four months, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are encouraging dismissed Fatah leader Mohammed Dahlan to form a new Palestinian party to challenge President ...
The Fatah movement in Jenin rented a house for the family of Ahmed Nasr Khaled Jarar, one of the terrorists who carried out the attack near Havat Gilad (Samaria) in which Rabbi Raziel Shevah was killed. The house was rented to temporarily replace the family's house destroyed by the Israeli security ...
In the era of social media, the word 'friend' has lost some of its meaning. In fact, a new related word has cropped up in our language — the 'unfriending' of a friend. And its use has now reached the highest levels of our government with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 'unfriending' the convicted terrorist and ...
Alongside statements by Palestinian President Mahmoud 'Abbas and other Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatah officials expressing opposition to terrorism and support for non-violent protests, officials and media outlets of the PA and Fatah continue to praise terrorists and to present their actions – including ...

RAMALLAH, April 25, 2018 (WAFA) – Fatah faction Wednesday mourned the death of Palestinian journalist Ahmad Abu Hussain who died of serious wounds he sustained on the 13th of April after being shot by Israeli forces while covering protests on the Gaza border. The ministry of health Wednesday ...
Fatah on Sunday condemned Qatari envoy Mohammed al-Emadi, head of the Qatari committee for the reconstruction of Gaza, for holding the Palestinian Authority partly responsible for the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza and said these statements aim to strengthen the Palestinian divide.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visits the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick. By now, you've no doubt read how a convicted Canadian Sikh terrorist Jaspal Atwal was invited to dinner with Prime Minister Trudeau and would have been a ...
RAMALLAH, March 1, 2018 (WAFA) - President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to give a wide ranging speech on the latest political developments at the opening of a three-day meeting for Fatah Revolutionary Council (FRC) in Ramallah on Thursday, according to Fayez Abu Eita, deputy secretary of the FRC.
Palestinian media are reporting that the Jenin branch of Fatah, which is headed by Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud 'Abbas, had given an apartment to the family of Ahmad Nassar Jarrar, 22, commander of the Hamas squad that murdered Rabbi Raziel Shevach on January 9, 2018 near the ...


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