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updated Tue. September 24, 2024

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said Sunday there is no substance to reports that Israel and Hamas were close to a preliminary deal on the ...

Israel has sent a strongly worded letter to European governments accusing them of providing “a voice for terror” ahead of meeting on the ...
Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : The UN Security Council has adopted a resolution which states that Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory ...
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority President who has built his career on his willingness to negotiate, goes to the White House today ...
Most scandalous is the arrest of the Ahmed Sa'adat, the Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
La protesta del giovane militante del FPLP ha coinvolto oltre un centinaio di detenuti del suo stesso partito con la partecipazione dello stesso segretario generale del Fronte, Ahmed Sa'adat, incarcerato da oltre dieci anni. Alla campagna del FPLP si ...
He says leaders such as Marwan Barghouti and Ahmed Sa'adat, who authored the document for national unity which was not taken up by Fatah or Hamas are the only hope.
Tel Aviv- As an initiative to show solidarity with the Palestinian imprisoned in Israeli prisons Bilal Kayed, who has been in a hunger strike since 49 days, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine imprisoned Ahmed Sa'adat ...
Israeli forces continue to arrest five PLC Members, including Marwan al-Barghuthi representing Fatah Parliamentary bloc who was arrested in 2002; Ahmed Sa'adat, representing the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) who was arrested in ...


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        ahmed sa'adat

PFLP leaders:
        ahmad jibril
        ahmed sa'adat
        george habash
        jihad ahmed jibril
        rabah muhana