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updated Tue. July 23, 2024

Sementara itu, Menteri Pendidikan Lebanon, Marwan Hamade mengatakan menyambut baik sumbangan itu. Ia mengatakan, "setiap anak ...
Also, the Minister of Education in Lebanon Marwan Hamade announced that the Lebanese Government is grateful for the initiative of The ...

In response to the news, Lebanon's Minister of Education, Marwan Hamade, made the following statement: “The Government of Lebanon is ...
On 25 March, EU leaders will come together in Rome to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, which were signed on this day ...
Lebanon's lack of autonomy was also confirmed by Marwan Hamade, a former Lebanese cabinet minister, and an ally of Rafik Hariri, who said ...

"Nel pomeriggio, il sottosegretario Amendola ha avuto altri quattro incontri istituzionali con il ministro per gli Affari dei rifugiati, Mouin Merhebi, con il ministro dell'Educazione, Marwan Hamade, con il ministro delle Finanze, Ali Hassan Khalil, e ...
Nel pomeriggio, Amendola avuto altri quattro incontri istituzionali con il Ministro per gli Affari dei Rifugiati Mouin Merhebi, con il Ministro dell'Educazione Marwan Hamade, con il Ministro delle Finanze Ali Hassan Khalil e con il Ministro dell ...

In return, Jumblatt received the Education Ministry and he appointed MP Marwan Hamade as the minister. As for the Agriculture Ministry, it was given to Speaker Nabih Berri in exchange of allocating the Health Ministry to the Lebanese Forces.
Witness Ibrahim Michel Jarjoura said he was assaulted and forced to lie by Lebanese Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamade. Star witness Zuhir Ibn Mohamed Said Saddik, who had accused Lebanese President Emile Lahoud and Syrian President ...
Witness Ibrahim Michel Jarjoura said he was assaulted and forced to lie by Lebanese Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamade. Star witness Zuhir Ibn Mohamed Said Saddik, who had accused Lebanese President Emile Lahoud and Syrian President ...
... Bader Wannous, Riad Rahal, Ziad Kadri, Samir Jisr, Sebouh Kalbakian, Serge Torsarkissian, Shant Janjanian, Tony Bou Khater, Assem Araji, Ammar Houry, Fouad Saad, Fadi Karam, Kazem Kheir, Mohammad Hajjar, Marwan Hamade and Mouin Merehbi, ...
March 14 deputy Marwan Hamade blamed Foreign Minister Jibran Bassil for the Saudi move. "The government does not respect its ministerial obligations, which stipulate Arab and regional non-aggression.
March 14 lawmakers Ammar Houri and Marwan Hamade also blamed Bassil for the Saudi move. Both the Cairo and Jeddah meetings were called on by Riyadh over the storming of the missions in Iran by protesters angered over the Saudi executions of a ...
Entities. People. Akram Chehayeb · Marwan Hamade. Countries. Lebanon · Britain · Sierra Leone. Companies.
Witness Ibrahim Michel Jarjoura said he was assaulted and forced to lie by Lebanese Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamade. Star witness Zuhir Ibn Mohamed Said Saddik, who had accused Lebanese President Emile Lahoud and Syrian President ...


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       marwan hamade

Lebanese officials:
       ahmed fatfat
       charles rizk
       elias al‑murr
       elias murr
       farid khazen
       fawzi salloukh
       fouad seniora
       fouad siniora
       ghazi aridi
       hassan sabei
       hassan yacoub
       ibrahim kenaan
       jean oghasapian
       jihad kazoun
       joseph sarkis
       khaled kKabbani
       marwan hamade
       michel pharaon
       mohammed al‑safadi
       mohammed fneish
       nabih berri
       nayla mouawad
       nehme tohme
       omar karami
       pierre gemayel
       qassem hashem
       rashid karami
       sami haddad
       suleiman franjieh
       talal saheli
       tarek mitri
       tarrad hamadeh
       yaacoub sarraf