updated Thu. August 8, 2024
Financial Tribune
December 29, 2017
Z hiwaar Travel Agency has organized a one-day tour to see the past and present of Oudlajan, one of the historic neighborhoods in downtown Tehran. The tour starts at 9 pm on January 5 near Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center. The hospital opened in 1942 and is named after one of its first physiciansÃÂ ...
April 26, 2017
Siamak Moreh Sedgh, also the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center, says that anti-Semitism and Zionism are "identical twins", both sharing the idea that Jews are different from other human beings. "Anti-Semitism considers Jews as inferior to others, and Zionism as superior," he tells theÃÂ ...
Deutsche Welle
September 16, 2015
For instance, for you, as a surgeon and the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center in Tehran? The people of Iran are one nation. We Jews have never seen ourselves as separate from our nation. We experience the same things that other Iranians experience. I don't think that the European andÃÂ ...
August 13, 2015
The staff at the Dr. Sapir Hospital in Tehran know well the impact of Western sanctions on Iran. The 70-year-old charity hospital was founded by Iranian Jews but now mostly serves Muslims in a poor and working class neighborhood of the city. As recently as 2013, hospital staff, pharmacists, and ordinaryÃÂ ...
March 13, 2015
Moreh Sedgh is a former head of the Tehran Jewish Committee, and today, in addition to being a parliamentarian, he works as a doctor and is also the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center in Tehran. During the interview, Moreh Sedgh also spoke about the letter sent by 47 US senators to theÃÂ ...
February 19, 2015
Iran is a country where people at rallies routinely chant "Death to Israel." It's also home to the largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside of Israel and Turkey. Iran's Jewish population topped 100,000 in the years before the Shah of Iran was toppled in 1979 by the country's Shiite Muslim clerics.
PBS NewsHour
February 10, 2014
Economic sanctions have been instrumental in getting Iran to the table for negotiations on its nuclear program. NewsHour Weekend correspondent William Brangham takes a closer look how sanctions have affected daily life in Iran, from air quality to health care to the price of a bar of soap.
New York Times
February 9, 2014
TEHRAN — Sitting in his office at Tehran's only Jewish hospital, Ciamak Morsadegh lit another cigarette and reminisced about how his wife left Iran for the United States after he insisted on staying. Dr. Morsadegh, the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center here, said that unlike thousands ofÃÂ ...
Serambi Indonesia
May 18, 2017
Selain aktif sebagai dokter di Sapir Hospital and Charity Centre yang dikelola yayasan Yahudi di Teheran, ia juga menjabat Direktur Komite ...
April 26, 2017
Siamak Moreh Sedgh, also the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center, says that anti-Semitism and Zionism are "identical twins", ...
Tehran Times
April 25, 2017
Siamak Moreh Sedgh, also the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center, says that anti-Semitism and Zionism are “identical twins”, ...
Deutsche Welle
September 16, 2015
For instance, for you, as a surgeon and the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center in Tehran? The people of Iran are one nation.
August 13, 2015
The staff at the Dr. Sapir Hospital in Tehran know well the impact of Western sanctions on Iran. The 70-year-old charity hospital was founded by ...
March 13, 2015
... in addition to being a parliamentarian, he works as a doctor and is also the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center in Tehran.
March 13, 2015
... in addition to being a parliamentarian, he works as a doctor and is also the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center in Tehran.
February 19, 2015
Iran is a country where people at rallies routinely chant "Death to Israel." It's also home to the largest Jewish population in the Middle East ...
February 19, 2015
Iran is a country where people at rallies routinely chant "Death to Israel." It's also home to the largest Jewish population in the Middle East ...
PBS NewsHour
February 10, 2014
Economic sanctions have been instrumental in getting Iran to the table for negotiations on its nuclear program. NewsHour Weekend ...
New York Times
February 9, 2014
The Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center on Mostafa Khomeini Street is the only Jewish hospital in Tehran and sits across from a Shiite ...
May 13, 2010
The Dr Sapir Hospital, which is a Jewish charity, has predominantly Muslim staff and patients and is highly respected. Jewish businesspeople ...
Pos Kupang
May 18, 2017
Selain aktif sebagai dokter di Sapir Hospital and Charity Centre yang dikelola yayasan Yahudi di Teheran, ia juga menjabat Direktur KomiteÃÂ ...
Press TV
May 16, 2017
Moreh Sedgh, who also serves as the director of the Tehran Jewish Committee and the Dr. Sapir Hospital in the Iranian capital, said his closestÃÂ ...
April 26, 2017
Siamak Moreh Sedgh, also the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center, says that anti-Semitism and Zionism are "identical twins",ÃÂ ...
Deutsche Welle
September 16, 2015
For instance, for you, as a surgeon and the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center in Tehran? The people of Iran are one nation.
August 13, 2015
The staff at the Dr. Sapir Hospital in Tehran know well the impact of Western sanctions on Iran. The 70-year-old charity hospital was founded byÃÂ ...
March 13, 2015
... in addition to being a parliamentarian, he works as a doctor and is also the director of the Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center in Tehran.
February 19, 2015
Iran is a country where people at rallies routinely chant "Death to Israel." It's also home to the largest Jewish population in the Middle EastÃÂ ...
New York Times
February 9, 2014
The Dr. Sapir Hospital and Charity Center on Mostafa Khomeini Street is the only Jewish hospital in Tehran and sits across from a ShiiteÃÂ ...
May 13, 2010
The Dr Sapir Hospital, which is a Jewish charity, has predominantly Muslim staff and patients and is highly respected. Jewish businesspeopleÃÂ ...
Leadership Newspapers
January 8, 2017
Our meeting with Dr SiamuakMorsadegh, director of Sapir Hospital lends credence to this fact. According to him, the Jews are very important part of the Iranian nation consisting of Rosarian, Jewish, Christians and Muslims living in harmony.
Leadership Newspapers
January 7, 2017
Our meeting with Dr SiamuakMorsadegh, director of Sapir Hospital lends credence to this fact. According to him, the Jews are very important part of the Iranian nation consisting of Rosarian, Jewish, Christians and Muslims living in harmony.