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updated Thu. August 8, 2024

Amnesty International has urged zero tolerance for companies who continue to profit from human rights abuses in cobalt mines, ahead of the 12th Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains, which takes place in Paris between 17-20 ...
The OECD, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, is well known for promoting neoliberal policies, not much different than the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. This week the OECD published a report titled "The Role and Design of Net Wealth Taxes in the OECD," ...

According to the OECD report, “Foreign aid from official donors totalled $146.6 billion in 2017, a small decrease of 0.6% from 2016 in real terms as less money was spent on refugees inside donor countries but with more funds flowing to countries most in need of aid, according to preliminary official data ...
Fewer jobs are at risk of automation from AI and robotics than previous forecasts have warned, according to a report from the OECD, an inter-governmental group of high-income countries. The new study offers a counterpoint to an influential 2013 paper by Oxford University academics Carl Frey and ...
By referring to another recent OECD survey, the organisation was able to take some of these factors into account. Overall, the economic body, which monitors the economies of the world's richer countries, predicted that 14 percent of jobs across 32 surveyed member nations were at high risk over the ...
The OECD, a club of mainly rich countries, says facilitating and boosting investment will help create new jobs. Removing barriers to entrepreneurship and simplifying complex legislation will also spur economic growth. But the conditions to create jobs, which should be a top priority for Tunisia, are not in ...

The west's leading economic thinktank has warned its members that they are failing to prepare workers for an automation revolution that will leave 66 million people at risk of being replaced by machines in the coming years. A new report by the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Cooperation and ...
Thailand has been the co-chair with South Korea of the OECD's Southeast Asia Regional Programme (SEARP) since a ministerial meeting in Tokyo on March 8. Deputy Foreign Minister Virasakdi Futrakul, who brought Thailand close to the organisation when he served as the ambassador to Paris between ...
As well as to abide by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)'s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) framework, study international nexus and profit allocation concepts for taxing the digital economy (BEPS Action 1) and come up with a new approach by 2020, as agreed upon ...
The European Union may add the U.S. to its blacklist of tax havens if an OECD panel concludes its new tax law breaks bloc rules. ... Earlier this month the EU asked the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Forum for Harmful Taxation to conduct a “fast-track” review of the tax changes.
OECD head of division, public sector integrity, Janos Bertok, said Manuhwa's presence at the Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum offers an invaluable opportunity to share and learn from his practical experience in combating fraud and corruption in infrastructure projects. “In particular, your insights ...
Last week, the OECD introduced a new phase in its efforts to help governments counter these enforcement gaps and better protect consumers and businesses. A new policy study, “Governance Frameworks to Counter Illicit Trade,” focuses on the ineffective penalties and sanctions around the shipping of ...
The pace of the global economic expansion though the end of 2019 is expected to be faster than in 2017, however, there are tensions that could threaten strong and sustainable medium-term growth, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The expansion “is ...
In October 2015, as part of the final BEPS package, the OECD/G20 published the report on Preventing the Artificial Avoidance of Permanent Establishment Status. The Report recommended changes to the definition of permanent establishment (PE) in Article 5 of the OECD Model Tax Convention, which is ...
In 2015, OECD countries relied heavily on consumption taxes, such as the value-added tax, and social insurance taxes, such as the payroll tax. The United States relied heavily on the individual income tax, at 40.5 percent of total government tax revenue. On average, OECD countries collected little from the ...
Unfortunately that's exactly what the Colombian government is seeking to do with its bid to join the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a forum for countries united by their commitment to democracy, transparency and free markets — principles that Colombia often has failed ...
Families in Greece with an average monthly salary of 900 euros pay particularly high taxes in return for an almost nonexistent benefits policy and a poor education system, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Meanwhile the country has the third highest tax ...

On Tuesday, the OECD called for international collaboration regarding taxation matters, specifying that its Forum on Tax Administration will study the “tax ... On March 20, 2018, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published a 37-page report by Secretary-General Angel ...
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a global intergovernmental body, has called for agreement on new frameworks for the taxation of emerging technologies such as cryptocurrency. In a report sent to financial ministers and central bank regulators of the G20 member ...
T he Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's highly anticipated interim report on taxation in the digital economy, released Friday, delivered few answers, admitting a wide gulf between countries on the vexing issues of how to track and tax value in an online, cloud-based economy.
The OECD team said it does not recommend the introduction of so called short-term measures, including what's expected to be proposed by Brussels. Ireland is close to the OECD, and expected to oppose the plan along with Luxembourg, Cyprus and other small economies at a meeting next week of EU ...
Sweden is a role model for the global shipping community, and other countries have a great deal to learn from the work being done by the Swedish shipping industry to reduce emissions. This is one of the findings in a new report – Decarbonising Maritime Transport: The Case of Sweden – where efforts ...
Rapid growth in free trade zones – where economic activity is driven by reduced taxes and customs controls, light regulation and limited oversight – is unintentionally fostering growth in counterfeit goods trafficking, according to a new report by the OECD and the EU's Intellectual Property Office. Trade in ...
IEA's latest OMR shows January OECD storage build of 18 million bbls, which was half the usual amount. Preliminary February OECD storage is set to decline by 24.8 million bbls. This is counter to what consensus expected as everyone thought Q1 storage balance would be massively bearish. IEA also ...
In its outlook, the OECD projects economic growth in the United States to reach a 2.9 percent rate this year—up from 2.3 percent in 2017—before slowing slightly to 2.8 percent annual growth in 2019, thanks primarily to the short-term positive impact of new tax reductions and related expected spending ...
The global economy will see its strongest growth in seven years in 2018 thanks to a rebound in trade and investment, the OECD said on Tuesday (13/03), while also warning a trade war could threaten the improved outlook. Updating its outlook for G20 economies, the Organisation for Economic ...
... 2018, 4:29 PM EDT) -- The U.S. tax overhaul and a federal spending increase are key factors behind an uptick in the global economy, but rising trade protectionism could undermine growth, according to a report released on Tuesday by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The OECD's Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report for Slovenia (2017) outlines the positive steps the country has made in ensuring that its citizens have the skills needed to prosper, both economically and socially. The full report, which runs to almost 170 pages, can be read here, but what follows are some ...
In-depth reports about the Israeli economy published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the world's two most authoritative economic research institutions, reached exactly the same conclusion: road congestion in Israel is the ...
In its outlook, the OECD projects economic growth in the United States to reach a 2.9 percent rate this year—up from 2.3 percent in 2017—before slowing slightly to 2.8 percent annual growth in 2019, thanks primarily to the short-term positive impact of new tax reductions and related expected spending ...
PARIS, France, Tuesday March 13, 2018 – Small states, including those in the Caribbean, are justifiably troubled by the continuous efforts by member states of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to cripple every initiative they take in the financial services sector. Indeed ...
US tax cuts, announced by Trump since the OECD's November forecasts, were one reason why the growth outlook was stronger than it was four months ago, the thinktank said. “Growth is steady or improving in most G20 countries and the expansion is continuing,” said OECD acting chief economist Alvaro ...
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on Tuesday raised its forecasts for the global economy for 2018 and 2019, factoring in the impact of tax cuts and spending in the United States. Robust exports to Asia and the effect of a supplementary budget for fiscal 2017 through March will ...
The OECD has ramped up its forecasts of Australian economic growth, predicting 3 per cent in 2018 and 2019 in line with the Treasury and the Reserve Bank, taking account of what it calls strong commodity demand, solid job creation and the Trump tax cuts. The March update lifts the forecasts from the 2.8 ...
"Further international testimony to the stability and strength of the Israeli economy." Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon has a pre-set response to every report and ranking published by the various international agencies that monitor Israel's economy. This time too, the Ministry of Finance spokespeople had ...
The authors of the OECD Economic Survey: Ireland 2018 have followed that well-trodden path almost to the inch. However, Ireland being Ireland, the gentle chastisement at the centre of the report was substantial, even if it came after very cheering — especially for Government Machiavellis trying to finalise ...
Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono urged Southeast Asian countries on Thursday to work more closely with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to invest in high-quality infrastructure. "There is no reason not to take advantage of the OECD's work on quality infrastructure," Kono ...
Ireland has recovered strongly from the crash but is continuing to “underperform” in key areas such as housing and health, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has said. In its latest biannual report on Ireland, the Paris-based agency said Ireland had enjoyed the strongest ...
The OECD's reputation took a hammering during the financial crisis. It not only failed to spot the banking contagion that triggered the meltdown, it grossly underestimated the severity of the crash when it first hit, and the impact of subsequent austerity programmes on growth rates. There were, however, some ...
Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono urged Southeast Asian countries on Thursday to work more closely with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to invest in high-quality infrastructure. "There is no reason not to take advantage of the OECD's work on quality infrastructure," Kono ...
Ireland has recovered strongly from the crash but is continuing to “underperform” in key areas such as housing and health, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has said. In its latest biannual report on Ireland, the Paris-based agency said Ireland had enjoyed the strongest post-crisis ...
Excess steel capacity should be dealt with in a global forum for the problem to avoid an escalation of trade disputes, OECD chief Angel Gurria said on Tuesday following the Trump administration's plans to introduce import tariffs. Leaders of Group of 20 economic powers set up the Global Forum on Steel ...
PARIS, March 6 (Xinhua) -- Data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released on Tuesday showed that inflation fell in OECD countries in January due to lower energy costs. Prices in OECD member countries in January were at 2.2 percent, down from 2.3 percent ...
The organization also calls to introduce survivor pensions in a way that does not create unintended redistribution, and to increase contributions by micro-enterprise employees and the self-employed so that they reach those of regular employment. The OECD also calls to incorporate service pensions back ...
Brazilian and OECD officials have launched a joint 15-month project to review thoroughly Brazil's international tax and transfer pricing legislation to better align it with OECD guidelines and recommendations. The project, announced last week, has been undertaken in relation to Brazil's formal request to join ...
The new figure harmonises estimates up to 2015 from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Energy Agency (IEA), which largely assess different countries in their estimates of fossil fuel subsidies. The report shows support in 76 countries dropped ...
Some years ago, a well-liked and highly respected Caribbean Ambassador regularly made the point that the region should follow more closely the issues that the OECD and the G20 were debating. He reasoned that any decision by one or the other of these complimentary bodies - they bring together the ...
The OECD's annual review of sovereign borrowing shows that new debt contracted by federal and state governments since 2012 has been equal to 12 per cent of GDP. The only advanced countries to have raised more in that period are Spain, Slovenia and Latvia. The OECD warns that countries should be ...
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has released a major new policy study in which it identifies how governments and customs authorities can step up the fight against illicit goods. A particular focus is how to overcome the policing challenge posed by the increased use of ...
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has taken aim at Finland's basic income experiment, saying that rather than helping chronically unemployed people, the pilot may even exacerbate poverty in the country.


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