updated Fri. August 16, 2024
The Times
November 10, 2017
It was Isabella, with her husband, Ferdinand, who founded the Spanish Inquisition. The pair also completed the reconquest of Moorish Spain.
The American Interest
November 10, 2017
Much like the Spanish Inquisition, no one expected the Great Recession. Why didn't America's highly paid economists have a clue? Will they ...
Hamilton College News
November 9, 2017
... religious reform movements that have centered principally on analyzing doctrines that were persecuted by the Spanish Inquisition.
The Boston Globe
November 1, 2017
Today is Wednesday, Nov. 1, the 305th day of 2017. There are 60 days left in the year. This is All Saints Day. Birthdays: Golf Hall of Famer Gary ...
The Independent
November 1, 2017
This was the scene of dark deeds during the Spanish Inquisition. On the Ayuntamiento's other side is tree-lined Plaza Nueva (10), where King ...
New York Times
November 1, 2017
Waterboarding was considered torture by the United States and most of the rest of the planet from the Spanish Inquisition until President ...
Foreign Policy (blog)
November 1, 2017
It is almost impossible to speak of martyrdom without referencing the infamous Spanish Inquisition. Begun in 1478 under the reign of the ...
Canadian Jewish News (blog)
November 1, 2017
Walk into a Portuguese butcher shop and you may find a five-century-old blood-sausage delicacy called botifarro de marrano. To taste it is to ...
Heritage Florida Jewish News
October 30, 2017
Thousands were murdered during a series of Portuguese Inquisitions that followed the Spanish Inquisition of 1492. At least 200,000 Jews fled ...
October 20, 2017
... and Isabella who sponsored Christopher Columbus, destroyed the last Muslim emirate in the south and established the Spanish Inquisition.
Tablet Magazine
October 20, 2017
Despite celebrating (in 1992) 500 years of refuge in Turkey from the Spanish Inquisition, the Jewish community has continually faced degrees ...
October 20, 2017
... is fully under the thumb of the Magisterium, which operates more or less like the Vatican during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition all ...
October 20, 2017
... have discovered America — 1492 — his Spanish sponsors were conducting the infamous Spanish Inquisition, forcing non-Christian citizens, ...
New York Times
October 19, 2017
The site of bullfights, coronations and executions during the Spanish Inquisition, the plaza is now home to shops, restaurants and an annual ...
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
October 19, 2017
Thousands were murdered during a series of Portuguese Inquisitions that followed the Spanish Inquisition of 1492. At least 200,000 Jews fled ...
The Ecologist (blog)
October 13, 2017
In Colombia, the Spanish inquisition set up a system whereby indigenous communities had to pay the crown a royalty for being allowed to work ...
Peoria Times
October 13, 2017
In this soaring musical by Dale Wasserman, Cervantes and his servant, Sancho, are cast into prison by the Spanish Inquisition. To win his ...
CT Post
October 13, 2017
... conditioners, in addition to sponges, washcloths, razors, caps and a couple of things I assume are descended from the Spanish Inquisition.
Euromoney magazine
October 12, 2017
European banking: The Spanish inquisition. By: Louise Bowman. Published on: Tuesday, October 10, 2017. Santander's takeover of Banco Popular was ...
Atlas Obscura
September 27, 2017
Most of the relics of the Spanish Inquisition have been destroyed or hidden all over Europe. But the walls of a historical palace in Sicily that once served as a ...
DePauw University
September 22, 2017
Inquisitors kept meticulous records of their trials against so-called heretics. They logged everything from personal finances, to testimony for and ...
Colorado Springs Gazette
September 20, 2017
(RNS) — In the middle of my Rosh Hashanah preparation (and may I say to you, my loyal readers: Shanah tovah — a good and sweet new ...
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
October 5, 2017
... the show started, and viewers were treated to surreal animation and such skits as "The Spanish Inquisition" and "The Ministry of Silly Walks.
University of Virginia The Cavalier Daily
October 5, 2017
One exception is "The Pit and the Pendulum," which is definitely set in Toledo, Spain, and features the Spanish Inquisition and General LaSalleÃÂ ...
October 5, 2017
Inspired by the Spanish Inquisition, Raasch's duology takes place on the magic-rich island of Grace Loray, which five years ago overthrew itsÃÂ ...
Roads and Kingdoms
October 4, 2017
The first Jews in Mexico came to the New World aboard the ships of the conquistadors at the time of the Spanish Inquisition. Even in Mexico, far from the Crown,ÃÂ ...
Santa Fe New Mexican
October 3, 2017
... who conquered them; about agents of the Spanish Inquisition who followed Jews from Spain to New Mexico to arrest them for practicing theirÃÂ ...
Tablet Magazine
October 2, 2017
... Muslims and Jews—was, of course, the Spanish Inquisition. It's hard to see how an idea of Spanish “unity,” founded in the mass murder andÃÂ ...
September 23, 2017
... the mighty Roman army who nailed us to 10,000 crosses; despite the best efforts of fervent Crusaders, the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler's ThirdÃÂ ...
Aiken Standard
September 22, 2017
Parker cannot be ignorant of the evils of the theocracy of modern Iran or the Spanish Inquisition. She just assumes that the state would adoptÃÂ ...
The Register-Guard
September 22, 2017
Dogma has led to the Spanish Inquisition and female genital mutilation. Science has sent us to the moon and provided medical advances thatÃÂ ...
DePauw University
September 22, 2017
Inquisitors kept meticulous records of their trials against so-called heretics. They logged everything from personal finances, to testimony for andÃÂ ...
Colorado Springs Gazette
September 21, 2017
(RNS) — In the middle of my Rosh Hashanah preparation (and may I say to you, my loyal readers: Shanah tovah — a good and sweet newÃÂ ...
BBC News
September 11, 2017
They appointed interrogators to persecute the Jews in their kingdom: their rule of terror would be known as the Spanish Inquisition.
International Business Times UK
August 26, 2017
Thirteen years after coordinated Madrid train bombings killed 193 people and injured more than 2,000 terrorism has struck again in one of theÃÂ ...
The Weekly Review
August 11, 2017
The Fountain takes place across three timelines – the present day, the Spanish Inquisition, and in the far future – but its emotional core isÃÂ ...
Pagosa Springs Sun
August 11, 2017
... down and to make people afraid of showing any expanded consciousness abilities at all. The Spanish Inquisition is one well-known exampleÃÂ ...
Irish Times
August 11, 2017
Monty Python famously had it that “no one expects the Spanish Inquisition” – and no one in Spain expects where turismophobia will strike next.
Under the Radar Mag
August 11, 2017
An exchange about the Spanish inquisition, for instance, is perfectly timed and brimming with gut busting originality, that it's worth the price ofÃÂ ...
KOAT Albuquerque
August 11, 2017
He said it came to northern New Mexico when Jews fleeing Spain and the Spanish Inquisition settled there. Their perpetrators followed, so theyÃÂ ...
August 10, 2017
... Torquemada, sending them on a riff in which it becomes clear that, come the next Spanish Inquisition, Coogan will be asking the questions.
City Pages
August 9, 2017
... center, giving new resonance to the play-within-a-play that originally imagined the author awaiting a hearing with the Spanish Inquisition.
Honest Reporting Canada
July 13, 2017
Send a letter to the editor to the Globe and Mail to condemn Erna Paris' comparing Israeli settlers to the perpetrators of the Spanish Inquisition.
Patheos (blog)
December 31, 1999
It's easy for us to think of the Spanish Inquisition as a funny force but on International Blasphemy Day let's remember that they tortured and triedÃÂ ...
The Jewish Voice
March 9, 2017
... of contemporary anti-Semitism, to the job discrimination your parents or grandparents faced when they arrived in America, to the Holocaust, to the immigration quota system that considered Jews inferior, and then to pogroms, Cossacks, Spanish ...
March 9, 2017
But it is not too late to prevent a catastrophe on the magnitude of the Holocaust or the Spanish Inquisition from happening in the US, and the choice to avert disaster lies squarely with the Jews.
March 9, 2017
The idea of a pre-Clovis people in the Americas seemed unfathomable to many at the time. (Photo by Heather Pringle). It was a brutal experience, something that Cinq-Mars once likened to the Spanish Inquisition. At conferences, audiences paid little ...
Montrose Daily Press
March 9, 2017
A recent letter to the editor supporting the death penalty in the name of Christianity concerns me. Historically some have justified many forms of inhumanity by selectively quoting from the Bible: Spanish Inquisition, Salem witch trials, slavery, Ku ...
NOW Magazine
March 9, 2017
And he has a point - nobody ever complained about Monty Python's hilarious sketch about the Spanish Inquisition ("Our greatest weapon is surprise").
World Jewish Congress
March 9, 2017
Some decades later, during the Spanish Inquisition, all Jews were forced to leave the country or convert to Christianity. The floor plan of the synagogue is unusual: It is an irregular quadrilateral divided into five aisles, with the central nave aisle ...