updated Wed. September 25, 2024
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)
April 20, 2018
The KNAW announced this on 19 April 2018. In addition to being a senior researcher and a member of the management team of CWI, Monique Laurent is also a professor of Combinatorial Optimization at Tilburg University. KNAW members are prominent scientists who are nominated by fellow researchersÃâà...
The Scientist
April 18, 2018
“Our goal is to reach 100 percent open access, but we also want to keep the costs that we pay at a reasonable level,” says Koen Becking, president of Tilburg University's executive board and a chief open-access negotiator for VSNU. When the consortium stepped in to start discussing nationwide contractsÃâà...
Science Daily
April 6, 2018
Researchers from Hebrew SeniorLife's Institute for Aging Research (IFAR), Wageningen University, Tilburg University, University of Reading, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have discovered that higher intake of dairy foods, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, is associated with higherÃâà...
Premier Construction Magazine
March 31, 2018
The design of a major new campus building at the University of Tilburg has been shortlisted for the BREEAM Awards 2018 in the 'Public Sector Project – Design' category. The Education and Self Study Centre (OZC), also known as Cube, is scheduled to welcome students from September 2018 onwards.
March 30, 2018
Wat is er dan wel aan de hand? De woordvoerder van Tilburg University legt het uit: ,,Wanneer iemand een account aanmaakt bij derde partijen - zoals LinkedIn - wordt als username een e-mailadres gevraagd. Registratie bij LinkedIn is mogelijk via een e-mailadres gekoppeld aan de universiteit.
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)
March 28, 2018
Later he became a professor at Tilburg University. He passed away on 20 March. An In Memoriam text on Koos Kriens can be found at Tilburg University: https://universonline.nl/2018/03/28/memoriam-jacobus-kriens. Koos Verhoeff (1927– 2018) was a Dutch mathematician, computer scientist and earlyÃâà...
Psychiatry Advisor
December 31, 1999
HealthDay News — The prevalence of depression and anxiety are increased among survivors of colorectal cancer (CRC), according to a study published online April 6 in Cancer. Floortje Mols, Ph.D., from Tilburg University in the Netherlands, and colleagues examined symptoms of depression and anxietyÃâà...
Medical News Today
December 31, 1999
Scientists at institutions across Europe and the United States — including the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, University College London in the United Kingdom, and Tilburg University in the Netherlands — put together a project testing how accurately people rate their physical activity status.
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