updated Tue. May 14, 2024
La Stampa
September 20, 2017
Un solo file. Un video pedopornografico. La procura ha chiesto il processo, poi ha chiesto l'assoluzione. Arrivata dopo sette anni. Tutto per un solo file su 772 mila, recuperati a fatica dai 25 computer, 40 chiavette di memoria Usb e 15 ëhard discû sequestrati da Polizia Postale e Digos nella villetta di Pietroà...
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
February 1, 2017
The van roared away, and thus began a tangled spy story that has resulted in a major political and diplomatic embarrassment for the United States and its .... At different points in 2005 and 2006 before two different judges, Spataro requested arrest warrants charging 26 Americans and two Sismi agents withÃÂ ...
Los Angeles Times
June 29, 2016
The trial in Italy opened a rare window into the CIA trade craft and revealed a network of clandestine activities by U.S. spy agencies in Italy and elsewhere ... Evidence presented at trial showed that a joint operation between the CIA and Italy's intelligence service, known as SISMI, snatched an Egyptian-bornÃÂ ...
The Quint
January 19, 2016
The Italian prosecutors who do not take orders from the government indicted 26 CIA officers, including the Rome station chief and senior SISMI officials for kidnapping. Cell phone conversations were produced to prove their involvement. USA tried to evade this process by withdrawing all CIA officials beforeÃÂ ...
The Guardian
June 23, 2015
Omar, also known as Osama Mustafa Hassan Nasr, brought the case after kidnapping convictions against top Italian spies were overthrown on ... Several members of the Italian military intelligence service Sismi were also convicted, including its top two officials, Marco Mancini and Nicolo Pollari, whoÃÂ ...
Business Insider
June 13, 2013
This is an (admittedly huge) list of words that supposedly cause the NSA to flag you as a potential terrorist if you over-use them in an email. We found this on Reddit, where James Bamford, a veteran reporter with 30 years experience covering the NSA, is answering questions from the community. He justÃÂ ...
International Business Times
February 22, 2013
Nicolo Pollari, former chief of the Italian military intelligence agency SISMI, does not fit the stereotypical profile of a spy. He is a father of two girls and a former professor of tax and economics. He wears glasses and well-cut suits; his dark hair is tinged with gray at the temples. He doesn't look like a convictedÃÂ ...
December 22, 2016
L'allarme sottovalutato e il ruolo dell'Olp. Un'altra conferma riguarda il famoso messaggio inviato dal colonnello Stefano Giovannone, capo centro Sismi di Beirut e "uomo" di Moro: il 17 febbraio 1978 scrisse di una "operazione terroristica di notevole ...
Lexology (registration)
December 1, 2016
In particular, a reader asked if the editor held that the story of the above-mentioned parliamentary-writer, who resulted to have collaborated with the SISMI, could be treated as another much more famous case of a spy-writer: i.e. Ernest Hemingway. The ...
October 7, 2016
... evisceration of basic freedoms, including the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech and the Fourth Amendment protection against illegal search and seizure and invasion of privacy, perhaps the best way for us to fight back is to overload ...
Los Angeles Times
June 29, 2016
A retired CIA officer may become the first American to go to prison for her role in one of the most controversial counterterrorism practices of the post-Sept.
March 11, 2016
Una presenza oscura e inquietante degna di una vera e propria spy story. Il nome in codice ... E proprio su questo agente, Grignolo avrebbe parlato di una vera e propria caccia all' uomo, andata avanti all' interno del Sismi per anni, ma senza alcun ...
Il Tempo
February 23, 2016
24 giugno 2005 : prende corpo l'idea che il blitz sia stato ideato dai vertici del Sismi e da un gruppo di agenti della Cia, per i quali vengono spiccati 13 ordini di arresto (poi saliti a 26). 5 luglio 2006 : arrestati Marco Mancini, capo del ...
ANSA (registration)
February 23, 2016
The Strasbourg court said Italy abused State secrecy norms to protect Italian defendants, including Italy's then top two spies, and was also wrong not to request the extradition of 22 CIA agents and a US Air Force colonel who were convicted. It further ...
Il Gazzettino
February 10, 2016
PADOVA - Ha pagato un investigatore privato per spiare l'ex fidanzata. Ma non per gelosia. Freddy Sorgato avanzava soldi da Isabella Noventa. Si apre un nuovo capitolo nella spy story sulla scomparsa della 55enne segretaria di Albignasego, di cui si ...
January 21, 2016
In most of the cases when a spy is caught in a foreign land his government often does not do much to secure his release. Former Officer with the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), V Balachandran tells OneIndia that those in the government, who speakÃÂ ...
Boing Boing
December 17, 2015
In the Italian case, the crime appears to have been authorized by a high-ranking official at the Italian SISMI military intelligence agency.