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updated Wed. September 18, 2024

The various conspiracies involve Libyan MiGs appearing in the night sky over Italy — and U.S., French and Italian jets rising to intercept them. ... However, the Italian Military Intelligence and Security Service concluded that the Libyans were lying, and that Khalil was of either Syrian or Palestinian origin.

Cu toate ca se spune ca politicienii mint cu nonsalanta cu care respira, iar cei romani si Liviu Dragnea nu fac in niciun caz exceptie, de aceasta data presedintele PSD a spus un adevar de netagaduit. Razboiul dintre sistemul de forta si coalitia politica aflata la guvernare se apropie de batalia decisiva si, de ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – An Italian businessman dumped radioactive nuclear waste in the ocean near Taiwan in the 1990s, according to documents from an Italian intelligence service declassified Wednesday. The information was contained in 61 documents from SISMI, an Italian military intelligence ...
Four years later, on February 16, 2007, Italy indicted 25 Americans it said were CIA agents, a U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel, and five high-ranking members of Sismi, the Italian military secret service, on charges of kidnapping Omar, then 40 years old, and performing an “extraordinary rendition” — seizing ...
“The Court found…that the Italian authorities were aware that the applicant had been a victim of an extraordinary rendition operation which had begun with his abduction in Italy and had continued with his transfer abroad," the ECHR report said. Two members of the Italian intelligence service SISMI were ...
Abu Omar, an Egyptian cleric, was abducted by the CIA and Italian military Intelligence (SISMI) from Milan. He was flown to Egypt and made to stand trial. However, the Egyptian court discharged him in 2007. The Italian prosecutors who do not take orders from the government indicted 26 CIA officers, ...
... of Italy became a scandal in the country when it was revealed, and led to a major investigation. In 2012, 22 CIA agents and a US army officer were sentenced in absentia to between seven and nine years in prison, but were never extradited. Several members of the Italian military intelligence service Sismi ...
More relevant than ever, The Italian Letter provides explosive, historic insights for a greater understanding of the Iraq War and how the United States got there. ... The Italian intelligence service, SISMI, first alerted the CIA to the alleged transaction on Oct. 15, 2001, when America was still reeling from al Qaeda's attacks.


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