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 German Federal Foreign Office

The Federal Foreign Office (German: Auswärtiges Amt, AA) is the foreign ministry of Germany, and is responsible for both its foreign politics and its relationship with the European Union. Since 2005, the ministry has been led by Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

The seat of the ministry is at the Werderscher Markt square in the historic centre of Berlin-Mitte.

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updated Sat. August 10, 2024

Critical statements were also made about Michael Roth, minister of state for Europe at the German Federal Foreign Office, following his recent article for Die Welt in which he claimed that "Germany pursuing special relation towards Russia would be extremely dangerous." READ MORE: France, Germany, ...
When Pulse reached out to the German embassy for comments, Mr. Ludwig Jung, First Secretary, Head of Press & Public Diplomacy, Desk Officer Nigerian Foreign Policy, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, wrote back to say: “As a matter of general policy, the German Federal Foreign Office ...

The minister was speaking when she headed Uganda's delegation to the fourth Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue that took place at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin from 17 – 18 April 2018. The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue was hosted by the Federal Government together with the German ...
It reflects an increasing recognition within the main political parties that Germany is also under assault from Russia, albeit by different means. A recent cyberattack that penetrated the German Federal Foreign Office's systems is part of a pattern of cyber activity against German institutions, including the ...
Starting from 3 April, Armenian nationals traveling to Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Austria and Sweden will have to submit their visa ... the public that the decisions on all visa applications would be made by the employees of the German Federal Foreign Office, as was the case before.
He has informed that the decisions on visas will be made by the employees of the Federal Foreign Office of German, as previously. There will be no ... Barthold has also stated that the German Embassy in Armenia received 15,200 applications for Schengen visa in 2017 and issued around 14,000 visas.

He has informed that the decisions on visas will be made by the employees of the Federal Foreign Office of German, as previously. There will be no ... Barthold has also stated that the German Embassy in Armenia received 15,200 applications for Schengen visa in 2017 and issued around 14,000 visas.
27 (BNA): The Regional Director for the Near and Middle East and the Maghreb at the German Federal Foreign Office, Ambassador Dr. Philipp ... During the meeting, they discussed ways to enhance cooperation between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Federal Republic of Germany in various fields for the ...
More than 1,500 participants from over 150 countries attended the second edition of the Global Festival, which took place in Bonn, Germany, from 21-23 ... the event with support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Federal Foreign Office.
Will Germany withdraw its commitments? In addition, Germany has so far refused to fully exercise the deployment of large multilateral formations (division-sized) to the borders of allied countries. German officials – especially in the federal foreign office – are cautious not to antagonise Russia and stir up ...

Will Germany withdraw its commitments? In addition, Germany has so far refused to fully exercise the deployment of large multilateral formations (division-sized) to the borders of allied countries. German officials – especially in the federal foreign office – are cautious not to antagonise Russia and stir up ...
Hackers, who attacked the servers of the German Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of Defense last year, have stolen the protocol of talks on the ... The attacks on the said German government servers were committed in December 2017, but they were reported only in late February this year.
Hackers steal documents on Brexit, talks with Ukraine, Belarus from German govt servers ... Hackers, who attacked the servers of the German Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of Defense last year, have stolen the protocol of talks on the UK's exit from the EU (or "Brexit"), as well as documents ...
The German Federal Foreign Office calls on all parties to the conflict in Donbas to take further steps to implement the Minsk agreements. “It is an important signal that the parties to the conflict in eastern Ukraine have agreed to renew the ceasefire,” a spokesman for the Federal Foreign Office said in a ...
Germany's government is dealing with an ongoing security crisis after hackers managed to access its intranet and collect confidential information, a senior lawmaker said on Thursday. ... German media have blamed a Russian hacking group variously known as “Snake” or “Turla” for the attack. Earlier ...
Michael Roth has been the minister of state for Europe at the German Federal Foreign Office in the third Merkel Cabinet since 2013. He is a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). Mr Roth, Hungary's parliament is currently discussing a legislative package that could drastically curtail the ...
Christian Klos, Head of the Migrant Law Division at Germany's Interior Ministry, and Annett Gunther, the Commissioner for Refugees and Migration at the Federal Foreign Office arrived in Georgia on 6 March to discuss the migration-related problem. As was pointed out during talks with Georgian officials, ...
Arrival and doorstep by Michael ROTH, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, at the General Affairs Council, taking place on 17 April 2018, in Luxembourg. Video details. Duration: 00:08:00; Shoot date: 17/04/2018; Reference: 118848-1. Type: Doorstep; Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg; Ratio: 16:9.
Later, we went to the Federal Foreign Office, where we met with the Deputy Special Representative for Relations with Jewish Organizations. We were able to gain some insight into the ways the federal government approaches and supports the Jewish community in Germany and represents their interests ...
“The German Visa Application Centre in Oman has been opened under a mandate from the Federal Foreign Office of Germany to VFS Global to operate visa application centres across the MENA region. We have already opened German visa centres in the Gulf countries in the recent past, with the aim of ...


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        federal foreign office

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        federal foreign office