updated Wed. September 4, 2024
Business Insider
January 12, 2018
Austria's Interior Minister Herbert Kickl, who is a member of the Nazi-linked Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), caused outrage on Thursday for suggesting asylum seekers should be "concentrated" into special centers, the BBC reported. Kickl told reporters at a news conference that he supports creating “basicÃÂ ...
December 17, 2017
(L-R) Marine Le Pen, head of French far-right National Front (FN) party, Tomio Okamura, leader of Czech far-right Freedom and Direct Democracy party and Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders of the PVV party attend a press conference during a conference of European right-wing party ENF, EuropeÃÂ ...
December 16, 2017
Supporters listen to Austrian Freedom party (FPOe) head and main candidate Heinz-Christian Strache speaking during a rally on September 27, 2013 ahead of next parliament election. Austrians are expected to opt for stability in elections on September 29, 2013 and return the current centrist coalition toÃÂ ...
Tehran Times
December 31, 1999
At the moment, over100far-right politicians are among the representatives in the European Parliament are dependent. The presence of a radical right party in the Austrian government could be a prelude to the growth of other extreme right-wing parties in other parts of Europe.The Austrian Freedom Party, inÃÂ ...
New Europe
November 20, 2017
Along with France's Le Pen and the Netherland's Wilders, the meeting will be attended by Matteo Salvini, leader of the Italian Lega Nord, and representatives of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), Okamura said. The participation of FPO leader Heinz-Christian Strache was not confirmed due to the ongoing ...
The Atlantic
November 15, 2017
Its members include Poland's ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, Alternative for Germany, and the Austrian Freedom Party, among many others. Their polished images and relatively temperate language have enabled them to post record numbers at the ballot box of late—and, indeed, to jar Europe's liberal ...
Deutsche Welle
November 9, 2017
Austrian Freedom Party leader Strache calls for 'Islamization ban' 14.01.2017. Far-right Austrian politician Heinz-Christian Strache has slammed Islam as "fascistic." And he upped a call by his party's coalition partner, which wants to halve asylum applications, by calling for no migration at all. Date 09.11.
Open Democracy
November 9, 2017
Only slightly less disturbing, because they have held parliamentary seats for decades, were gains by the Austrian Freedom Party and the near ...
Deutsche Welle
October 12, 2017
Austrian Freedom Party leader Strache calls for 'Islamization ban'. Far-right Austrian politician Heinz-Christian Strache has slammed Islam as "fascistic." And he upped a call by his party's coalition partner, which wants to halve asylum applications, by calling for no migration at all. (14.01.2017)Â ...
May 16, 2017
Austrian Election: Another Snap Poll in Europe Gives the Far-Right a Shot at Power. By Josh Lowe On 5/16/17 at 11:58 AM. Austrian Freedom Party Head of Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) Heinz-Christian Strache addresses a news conference in Vienna, Austria, April 25, 2017. Heinz-Peter Bader/Reuters. Share.
The Japan Times
December 31, 1999
The surging success of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPOe) and the Alternative for Germany (AfD), with 26 and 13 percent of the vote, respectively, has made them both important political actors and horrified observers. Thus does Germany's foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel, call the AfD “real Nazis.
December 31, 1999
... (OVP), Sebastian Kurz, announced start of coalition negotiations for a new Austrian government with the right-wing Austrian Freedom Party.
New Europe
September 7, 2017
Leader of the right-wing Austrian Freedom Party (FPOe) Heinz-Christian Strache delivers a speech during the kick off election campaign of theÃÂ ...
May 16, 2017
Austrian Freedom Party Head of Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) Heinz-Christian Strache addresses a news conference in Vienna, Austria, AprilÃÂ ...
Slate Magazine (blog)
January 17, 2017
You know how comedians and people in bands have to go to other musicians'/comedians' shows to support them because that's the only wayÃÂ ...
Deutsche Welle
January 14, 2017
The leader of the Austrian Freedom Party, Heinz-Christian Strache, on Saturday called for a "Islamization ban," describing Islam asÃÂ ...
December 19, 2016
Austrian Freedom Party (FPOE) leader Heinz-Christian Strache renewed his call to lift "damaging and pointless international sanctions" againstÃÂ ...
Channel NewsAsia
March 20, 2017
Protesters march as they demonstrate against Austrian Freedom Party's (FPOe) Akademikerball ball in Vienna, Austria,February 3, 2016.
Irish Independent
March 11, 2017
... the prime minister's office in 1994 while in the Netherlands, where the Freedom Party is polling well ahead of Wednesday's election, its precursor first polled strongly in 2002.
The Hindu
March 11, 2017
A few months ago, it became clear that Austria's new President would not be a far-right politician. After an extensive and tiresome one-year-long election campaign and a failed run-off in May, the Austrian Freedom Party's Norbert Hofer was defeated byÃÂ ...
March 9, 2017
Other representatives from the AfD, together with members of the Austrian Freedom Party, participated as "electoral monitors" in the "constitutional referendum" organized by the self-proclaimed authorities of the unrecognised state of Nagorno-Karabakh.
March 6, 2017
Norbert Hofer, of the Austrian far right, on Monday admitted that a social media post featuring his family eating pizza wasn't accurate.
International Business Times UK
March 3, 2017
Eight Iraqi men have been found guilty of the gang rape of a German tourist during New Year's Eve celebrations in the Austrian capital, Vienna.
Thomson Reuters Foundation
February 28, 2017
VIENNA, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Austria's centrist coalition government on Tuesday agreed on a draft law which would allow authorities to stop providing accommodation and food to rejected asylum seekers who refuse to leave the country.
Η �'υγή
February 24, 2017
... LN Northern League, LAOS Popular Orthodox Rally, FPO Austrian Freedom Party, Freedom Movement, NA/AN National Action for People and Fatherland, SD/DS Swiss Democrats, SVP/UDC Swiss People Party, Swiss Motorists Party, FPS Freedom Party ofÃÂ ...
February 24, 2017
Before he was ousted earlier this month, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn apparently met with the leader of the Austrian Freedom Party, a far-right party founded by ex-Nazis. Top White House strategist Steve Bannon has expressed his admiration ...
The Wire
February 22, 2017
And in Austria's December 2016 presidential election, voters rejected Norbert Hofer, the candidate of the far-right Austrian Freedom Party in favour of his Green Party challenger, Alexander Van der Bellen. Europe on the brink. Nonetheless, as right ...
teleSUR English
February 21, 2017
And in Austria's December 2016 presidential election, voters rejected Norbert Hofer, the candidate of the far-right Austrian Freedom Party in favor of his Green Party challenger, Alexander Van der Bellen. Europe on the Brink. Nonetheless, as right-wingÃÂ ...
The Sentinel
February 20, 2017
However, the right in India is a great deal more moderate than Trump, not to mention the alt-right in Europe such as Marine Le Pen's National Party in France or Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom in the Netherlands or Norbert Hofer's Austrian Freedom Party.
Mathrubhumi English
February 20, 2017
The right in India is a great deal more moderate than Trump, not to mention the alt-right in Europe such as Marine Le Pen's National Party in France or Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom in the Netherlands or Norbert Hofer's Austrian Freedom Party. # By ...
February 18, 2017
However, the Right in India is a great deal more moderate than Trump, not to mention the alt-right in Europe such as Marine Le Pen's National Front in France or Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom in the Netherlands or Norbert Hofer's Austrian Freedom Party.
العربي الجديد
February 15, 2017
In one of his first acts as the national security adviser to President Trump, Flynn met in Trump Tower with Heinz-Christian Strache, leader of the far-right, ultra-Islamophobic Austrian Freedom Party, whose candidate came a close second in the recentÃÂ ...
Human Rights First (blog)
February 15, 2017
King has also expressed open support for other far-right leaders in Europe, such as Frauke Petry of the Alternative for Germany, Geert Wilders of the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands, and Norbert Hofer of the Austrian Freedom Party. King even ...
The Guardian
February 14, 2017
Shortly after being defeated in the country's presidential election, the far-right Austrian Freedom party signed a cooperation agreement with Putin's party.
World Socialist Web Site
February 11, 2017
... around the world are no longer hunted and persecuted for not having the appropriate papers is a trope of the far-right, found in parties such as the Alternative for Germany, the United Kingdom Independence Party, the Austrian Freedom Party and others.
Harvard Political Review
February 11, 2017
While coverage of right-populist movements has mainly focused on Brexit and the rise of Donald Trump, the far right has been strengthening throughout the West.
ABC News
February 3, 2017
Austrian Freedom Party candidate Norbert Hofer - one of those attending Friday - lost the December election for the Austrian presidency but his anti-Muslim immigration and Euroskeptic messages reverberated with a sizable segment of voters.
February 3, 2017
... centrist politicians across Europe have been increasingly pandering to far-right voters. Policies that were initially suggested by parties such as the Austrian Freedom party (FPO), the German Alternative fur Deutschland and the French Front ...
MetroNews Canada
February 3, 2017
Austrian Freedom Party candidate Norbert Hofer - one of those attending Friday - lost the December election for the Austrian presidency but his anti-Muslim immigration and Euroskeptic messages reverberated with a sizable segment of voters.
January 31, 2017
VIENNA - An Austrian court sentenced three Afghan asylum seekers to prison on Tuesday over the gang-rape of a woman at a train station last year, a case that fueled debate over immigrants and security during the country's presidential election.
January 31, 2017
These are the Front National in France, Party of Freedom in Netherlands, True Finns in Finland, Northern League in Italy, Swiss People's Party in Switzerland, Danish People's Party in Denmark, Austrian Freedom Party and Austrian Alliance for Future inÃÂ ...
January 31, 2017
These are the Front National in France, Party of Freedom in Netherlands, True Finns in Finland, Northern League in Italy, Swiss People's Party in Switzerland, Danish People's Party in Denmark, Austrian Freedom Party and Austrian Alliance for Future inÃÂ ...
January 30, 2017
Heinz-Christian Strache, head of the Austrian Freedom Party, said in December that he had met with President Donald Trump's National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
The European Sting
January 28, 2017
Instead, far-right wing nationalism sentiment has grown in the past years across the region. Movements like the Sweden Democrat, the National Front in France, the Austrian Freedom Party and other voices on the far right are calling for their open ...
January 27, 2017
Outcry over Austrian Freedom Party head posting of poet used by Nazis ÷ Austrian coalition talks make slow progress as deadline nears (CNA) ÷ Austrian chancellor rows back on talk of government collapse (CNA).
Jewish Chronicle
January 26, 2017
... citizens living in Israel, shore up French Jewish support, and to meet Israeli politicians. His meetings come after other members of other far-right parties in Europe also visited Israel, including the leader of the Austrian Freedom Party, Heinz ...
January 26, 2017
Outcry over Austrian Freedom Party head posting of poet used by Nazis ÷ Germany's Social Democrats nominate Schulz as chancellor candidate ÷ Austrian chancellor rows back on talk of government collapse (CNA) ÷ German Social Democrats endorseà...
Sputnik International
January 26, 2017
Freedom Party of Austria (FPO) member and former presidential candidate Norbert Hofer gave an interview to Sputnik on Thursday, speaking about the controversial TTIP and Austrian internal political situation.
The Daily Millbury
January 26, 2017
... as president, Ven der Bellen will have to designate a new chancellor following parliamentary elections. He vocally opposes right-wing populism and has promised not to swear in the anti-immigration Austrian Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian ...
January 24, 2017
VIENNA - Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern said on Tuesday he was losing patience with his conservative coalition partners, raising the prospect of a government collapse that could play into the hands of the far-right Freedom Party.
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