updated Thu. October 3, 2024
World Socialist Web Site
February 15, 2018
Bersani was for years chairman of the Partito Democratico (PD), Epifani was head of the Cgil union, and D'Alema was even prime minister and foreign minister under Romano Prodi. In the current election campaign, they are focusing their fire on the person of Matteo Renzi, who marginalised them when heÃÂ ...
O'Dwyer's PR News
February 2, 2018
Joe Trippi worked for Greece's former prime minister Andreas Papandreou, as well as ex-UK PM Tony Blair and Italy's ex-leader Romano Prodi. He began his career working on Ted Kennedy's 1980 presidential run, but moved into the national spotlight as national campaign manager for Howard Dean'sÃÂ ...
February 2, 2018
(ANSA) - Rome, February 1 - Centre-left Democratic Party (PD) leader and ex-premier Matteo Renzi said Thursday he was "pleased" by former two-time centre-left premier Romano Prodi's recent statement that the PD splinter party Free and Equal (LeU) had split centre-left unity, and not the PD. SpeakingÃÂ ...
February 1, 2018
Uno scontro nucleare: come quello che tempo fa vide protagonisti Silvio Berlusconi e Gianfranco Fini. E' quello in corso nella regione "rossa" per eccellenza: l'Emilia Romagna. Dove a darsele di santa ragione sono nientemeno che Pier Luigi Bersani da una parte e Romano Prodi dall'altra, dopoÃÂ ...
January 31, 2018
(ANSA) - Rome, January 31 - Lower House Speaker Laura Boldrini said Wednesday that she was sorry former European Commission president and twice centre-left Italian premier Romano Prodi has said he will vote for Matteo Renzi's Democratic Party (PD) in the March 4 general election rather than herÃÂ ...
January 31, 2018
... warmly embraced by our citizens, the enormous pressure exercised by the recent crisis and the new demands of the 21st century imply that they need to be expanded upon and modernised,” writes former European Commission President, Romano Prodi who chaired the High-Level Taskforce that put together the report,ÃÂ ...
January 31, 2018
Il padre dell'Ulivo e del Pd Romano Prodi, con le parole inequivoche e tranchant consegnate ad Affaritaliani.it in risposta alle domande del nostro ottimo Alberto Maggi (leggi qui), fa ordine e pulizia a sinistra tagliando corto con le polemiche e le divisioni. Il padre dell'Ulivo e del Pd, l'uomo che negli scorsiÃÂ ...
January 31, 2018
(ANSA) - Rome, January 30 - Two-time former centre-left premier Romano Prodi said Tuesday the ruling centre-left Democratic Party (PD) was in favour of centre-left unity while the Free and Equal (LeU) splinter party was not. "Free and Equal is not for the unity of the centre left, full stop," Prodi toldÃÂ ...
January 24, 2018
Grandioso almeno sulla carta che riproietta Romano Prodi sulla scena politica alla vigilia delle elezioni. Ben 150 miliardi di euro l'anno finanziati, in Italia, dalla Cassa depositi e prestiti (e dalle consorelle pubbliche francese e tedesca), per sostenere il futuro dell'Europa ed evitare che i singoli nazionalismiÃÂ ...
January 24, 2018
Sulla campagna elettorale italiana ëho deciso di astenermiû, dice Romano Prodi tornato a Bruxelles per presentare un progetto di investimenti nelle infrastrutture sociali che punta a mobilitare 150 miliardi di euro l'anno con l'aiuto di quelle che chiama ële 27 casse e depositi e prestiti nazionali dei Paesià...
The Korea Herald
January 24, 2018
After the Soviet Union collapsed, the special relationship flourished. Even technocratic, Eurocentric Italian leaders have been relatively pro-Russian. Romano Prodi, the Italian prime minister who went on to head the European Commission, once said that “Russia and Italy are together like vodka and caviar,ÃÂ ...
ABC News
January 24, 2018
Italian Premier Romano Prodi resigned after his center-left coalition lost a Senate confidence vote. Five years ago: Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced the lifting of a ban on women serving in combat. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee opened a hearing into President Barack Obama'sÃÂ ...
EU News
January 23, 2018
Today the Task Force, chaired by former Commission President Romano Prodi and former French Minister Christian Sautter, presented its report at the Commission in the presence of Vice-President Katainen. (For more information: Christian Wigand– Tel.: +32 229 62253; Sara Soumillion – Tel.: + 32 229ÃÂ ...
January 11, 2018
(ANSA) - Rome, January 11 - Former premier Romano Prodi and former Democratic Party (PD) leader Walter Veltroni have launched appeals for centre-left unity ahead of March's general election and regional votes in Lombardy and Lazio, La Repubblica and La Stampa reported on Thursday. The newÃÂ ...
Times of Malta
January 11, 2018
Some of Europe's most distinguished centre-left politicians – like Jacques Delors, Romano Prodi and (representing a new generation) Enrico Letta – began their political careers as members of Christian Democrat parties and continue to count themselves as fundamentally driven by the concerns of theÃÂ ...
January 11, 2018
(ANSA) - Moscow, January 11 - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday denied an American Senator's claim Moscow was set to interfere in Italy's March 4 general election. Denying Ben Cardin's claims, Putin said "we have good relations with Italy and for us this relationship with the Italian State isÃÂ ...
L'Huffington Post
December 31, 2017
"Sono personalmente colpito dal grande compito che la Croce Rossa svolge, ma non accetto che questo sia il ruolo esclusivo dell'Italia nel Mediterraneo e in Africa. Al nostro doveroso aiuto alla Francia nel Sahel deve corrispondere un nostro ruolo politico, finalmente nel quadro di una comune politicaÃÂ ...
December 26, 2017
“What Italy did in Libya is a model to deal with migrant flows without erecting borders or barbed wire barriers,” said Minniti, who oversaw the country's security services as undersecretary under two prime ministers and served as deputy interior minister under then Prime Minister Romano Prodi. It's a “way ofÃÂ ...
December 23, 2017
Un piano per "salvare l'Europa", con investimenti da 150 miliardi l'anno per salute, istruzione ed edilizia, verra' presentato il mese prossimo a Bruxelles e - scrive la Stampa in apertura - porta la firma di Romano Prodi, che lo definisce "una prova d'amore tangibile per tutti i cittadini. Il messaggio e' cheÃÂ ...
Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso
December 19, 2017
The guest of honour was Romano Prodi who, as Prime Minister, at the height of the so-called "Albanian anarchy", put Italy in charge of an international mission authorised by the UN , sending 3,000 soldiers over the Adriatic. We interviewed him on his return to Bologna. Professor, today everyone celebratesÃÂ ...
The Brown Daily Herald
October 5, 2017
Romano Prodi, former prime minister of Italy and president of the European Commission and adjunct professor of international and public affairs, spoke at the Watson Institute of International and Public Affair's Joukowsky Institute Thursday for a talk titled, “The Future of Europe in the Wake of Brexit.
Il Foglio
October 23, 2017
Ho sognato Romano Prodi a Palazzo Chigi con i voti di Beppe Grillo e il ghigno di Massimo D'Alema. Ho sognato una campagna elettorale ...
EU News
October 20, 2017
Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Romano Prodi, Chairman of the High-Level Task-Force on Social Infrastructure, former President of the ...
Times LIVE
October 8, 2017
... of a member state secedes, but since 2004 the commission has stuck to the "Prodi doctrine", named after former president Romano Prodi.
October 8, 2017
1997 Italy's 17-month-old government led by Prime Minister Romano Prodi quit after failing to persuade its erstwhile Marxist allies into backing ...
The Brown Daily Herald
October 5, 2017
Romano Prodi, former prime minister of Italy and president of the European Commission and adjunct professor of international and public ...
September 30, 2017
Partendo dalle recenti elezioni di Berlino, la moderatrice Tonia Mastrobuoni, giornalista de La Repubblica, ha condotto l'incontro tra Romano ...
December 31, 1999
Romano Prodi pensa a un passo indietro circa la sua partecipazione alla kermesse europeista del 28 ottobre organizzata dai radicali guidati ...
L'Huffington Post
December 31, 1999
"Vedo maldestri tentativi di ricercare precedenti alla improvvida mozione presentata dal Pd sul governatore della Banca d'Italia e che si ...
December 31, 1999
VERONA, October 19. /TASS/. Sanctions against Moscow damage cooperation between the European Union and Russia, former Italian Prime ...
October 6, 2017
Jo Leinen, deputy for Germany's Social Democratic Party, proposed former Commission President Romano Prodi or former Council PresidentÃÂ ...
The Brown Daily Herald
October 6, 2017
Romano Prodi, former prime minister of Italy and president of the European Commission and adjunct professor of international and publicÃÂ ...
ilVelino/AGV NEWS
October 5, 2017
“Per i successi ottenuti a livello nazionale e internazionale nel corso della sua carriera accademica e politica, per l'innovativo metodo di studioÃÂ ...
October 4, 2017
Ospiti di Giovanni Floris: il direttore de Il Fatto Quotidiano Marco Travaglio, Michele Emiliano del Pd, Barbara Lezzi del M5S, Giuliano PisapiaÃÂ ...
September 30, 2017
Partendo dalle recenti elezioni di Berlino, la moderatrice Tonia Mastrobuoni, giornalista de La Repubblica, ha condotto l'incontro tra RomanoÃÂ ...
L'Huffington Post
September 17, 2017
Chi vede sfrecciare Romano Prodi mentre fa jogging sul porto canale di Cesenatico alle sette e mezza di mattina, dopo aver partecipato allaÃÂ ...
L'Huffington Post
September 17, 2017
Romano Prodi avverte il Parlamento sui rischi per l'Italia di una commissione d'inchiesta sul sistema bancario e finanziario, che entro un meseÃÂ ...
La Repubblica
September 15, 2017
Romano Prodi, invitato ad Assisi a parlare all'interno del "Cortile di Francesco" assieme al cardinale Gualtiero Bassetti e Gerardo Greco, parlaÃÂ ...
The Daily Star
August 7, 2017
Former European Commision head Romano Prodi told the Observer newspaper said it would be economic “suicide” for Britain to fail to reach aÃÂ ...
August 7, 2017
Romano Prodi dopo anni di assenza dalla politica attiva tenta con questo libro “Il Piano Inclinato” di dare delle risposte alle domande che laÃÂ ...
Belfast Telegraph
August 6, 2017
Former European Commission chief Romano Prodi said the negotiations must involve compromise, because leaving without a deal would beÃÂ ...
The Guardian
August 6, 2017
Romano Prodi, once Italian prime minister, says compromise on both sides is essential and that a second referendum would be almostÃÂ ...
City A.M.
August 6, 2017
Romano Prodi, the former Prime Minister of Italy who led the commission between 1999 and 2004, said there will have to be "historicÃÂ ...
Business Insider
July 24, 2017
Italy's Romano Prodi, a former European Commission president, said Macron was putting French interests first at the expense of Italy andÃÂ ...
July 21, 2017
Romano Prodi, who led the country from 2006 to 2008, said boats from EU member states that were “rescuing” migrants who then ended up onÃÂ ...
KXLF Butte News
July 20, 2017
(CNN) -- Here's a look at the life of Romano Prodi, former prime minister of Italy. Personal: Birth date: August 9, 1939. Birth place: ScandianoÃÂ ...
La Repubblica
December 31, 1999
Nonostante il gran caldo, l'ex premier Romano Prodi, accompagnato dalla moglie e dal figlio Giorgio, ha visitato in mattinata la Reggia diÃÂ ...
March 28, 2017
Ex-European Commission President Romano Prodi said he is disappointed by the behaviour of some of the countries that joined the EU under his watch.
March 28, 2017
Sixty years after the Treaty of Rome, France's role in Europe is more important than ever, former Italian Prime Minister and European Commission President Romano Prodi said in an interview with EURACTIV's partner Ouest-France. Romano Prodi was twiceÃÂ ...
March 26, 2017
Its global advisory board includes leading figures such as former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin and former Italian premier Romano Prodi. Dong said that one of the goals of purchasing overseas senior care companies was to bring theirÃÂ ...
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