

  cross-referenced news and research resources about

 former Russian president Vladimir V. Putin

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin
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updated Mon. July 29, 2024

Two weeks after the US slapped sanctions on Russia's Rusal, some workers are starting to worry: will they get paid next week? As customers, banks and suppliers flee the business empire of Oleg Deripaska, there are more than 60,000 Russian workers counting on President Vladimir Putin for a bailout.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday that she would meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin "in the foreseeable future" amid heightened tensions between Moscow and the West over the conflict in Syria. Following a phone call with Putin, Merkel laid partial blame on Russia for a suspected chemical ...

How did a former KGB agent rise to become one of Russia's longest-serving ruler since Stalin? Here's everything you need to know: Where did Putin grow up? He was born in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, in 1952. The city was still recovering from the German siege during World War II, in which Putin's ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin lays flowers at makeshift memorial for at least 64 people who died in a shopping centre fire, and promises angry residents those responsible for "criminal negligence" will be harshly punished. Russian President Vladimir Putin has flown to the scene of a deadly shopping ...
Who was Mikhail Lesin and what was his connection to Vladimir Putin? Mikhail Lesin served as Putin's press minister from 1999 to 2004. He was named head of Russia's state-controlled Gazprom-Media in 2013. He resigned the following year and moved to Los Angeles - less than 12 months before his ...
THERESA May will warn Vladimir Putin that she is mobilising “every capability at our disposal” to fight back against Russia's hybrid warfare. The PM unveils a new national security strategy to tackle the Kremlin's multiple 21st Century threats, and fake news to bomber jets' dry runs. Theresa May has warned ...

(Want to get this briefing by email? Here's the sign-up.) Good morning. A surprise visit to Beijing, pressure mounts on Moscow, and a cosmetic surgeon specializes in fish. Here's what you need to know: Photo. Credit Ju Peng/Xinhua, via Associated Press. • An international debut. North Korea's leader, Kim ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday blamed the mall fire that killed at least 64 people in the Siberian city of Kemerovo on “criminal negligence” as he visited the site two days after the tragedy. At least 64 people, 41 of them children, died when a blaze raged through the busy shopping centre in the ...
The fire, at the Winter Cherry shopping centre in the city of Kemerovo, killed 41 children, according to the Interfax news agency, and the calamitous way it was handled has stirred anger and focused attention on corruption and lax fire safety standards. Mr Putin, re-elected last weekend, laid flowers at a ...
Theresa May has claimed that Russia's western spy network has been "dismantled" after 23 nations, including the US, joined with Britain to expel more than 130 "diplomats". The Prime Minister told Vladimir Putin the attempt to "intimidate" Britain with the Salisbury poisonings had "spectacularly backfired" as ...
Europe. Opinion: Vladimir Putin's diplomatic catastrophe. The Kremlin will continue fighting the West without rules, and a diplomatic boycott will not stop it, writes Russian journalist Konstantin Eggert. Retreat would signify defeat, as far as Moscow is concerned. A Russian flag waves behind barbed wire.
MOSCOW (REUTERS) - British Prime Minister Theresa May sent a letter of condolence to Russian President Vladimir Putin over the death of at least 64 people in a fire at a Siberian shopping mall, the British embassy in Moscow said on its Facebook page on Tuesday (March 27). Moscow and London are ...
Vladimir Putin has blamed "criminal negligence" for the high death toll in a fire that killed at least 64 people - including 41 children - as angry relatives of the dead held a protest outside the charred remains of a mall in Siberia. The Russian President on Tuesday visited the Winter Cherry shopping centre in ...
VLADIMIR Putin has a band of Russian spies in deep cover who are ready to strike in Britain, intelligence officials believe. The group of up to 10 highly skilled “illegals” are thought to be monitoring the activities of Russian expats and are ready to kill dissidents and defectors who criticise the Moscow regime.
Following his comparison of Vladimir Putin's hosting of the World Cup in Russia to the political capital made by Hitler out of Berlin's hosting of the 1936 Olympics debate has raged as to whether he is right or whether this is another characteristic gaffe by the foreign secretary – another entry into the already ...
T.H. MARSHALL, one of the founders of modern economics, and one of the most brilliant analysts of the economics of place, argued that “there was something in the air” in the English city of Sheffield that made it good at making steel. I think it is equally true that there is “something in the air” in Russia, that ...
During his sit-down with the Prince, Trump got asked about newly re-elected Russian ruler Vladimir Putin, who won another fixed election this week. “And guess who called his KGBFF to congratulate him on that? This guy just poisoned two people. Trump is calling to congratulate him,” Kimmel savaged.

Essential Politics: About that phone call from President Trump to Vladimir Putin. John Myers. By John Myers. Mar 21, 2018 | 3:00 AM. Essential Politics: About that phone call from President Trump to Vladimir Putin. Essential Politics (LAT). Most presidents battling the perception of being too chummy with Russia might think ...
SINGAPORE - President Halimah Yacob and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong have written to congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin for his re-election victory, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Wednesday (March 21). In her letter to Mr Putin, Madam Halimah wrote that this year ...
Dark horse candidate Vladimir Putin won Russia's presidential election on March 18, proving that there really is hope out there for the little guy. Nah, just kidding, the vote was totally fixed. Want to know how? The Daily Show has got you covered. Last night, host Trevor Noah dedicated a segment of the ...
Mr. Trump took part of the day to phone his congratulations to President Vladimir Putin on his re-election, and said the two would meet soon. The warmth came just days after the White House imposed sanctions on Russia for election meddling and “malicious cyberattacks,” and joined Britain in blaming ...
Jeremy Corbyn seems happy for Vladimir Putin to be judge, jury... and executioner. Tom Harris Tom Harris. 20 March 2018 • 12:44pm. Vladimir Putin No need to investigate. Just ask Putin if he did it Credit: Mikhail Metzel/ Tass. The new justice system to be introduced by the next Labour government has been revealed.
The revelation that the Russian government may have ordered a former spy's poisoning should provoke international outrage from Vladimir Putin's fellow Christians, particularly as the holiest Christian festival of Easter approaches. But then, Putin seems to have his own ideas about acceptable Christian ...
But there was another side to that early Vladimir Putin. Russia was mired in a war against Chechen militants and, in an election stunt less than a week before the 2000 vote, Putin climbed into the cockpit of an SU-27 fighter jet and flew it to the Chechen capital, Grozny. Meeting with members of his armed ...
In a widely anticipated victory, Russian President Vladimir Putin was reelected for a fourth term Sunday, delighting supporters, dismaying detractors and triggering speculation over what lies in store for the Eastern European nation under six more years of the former KGB intelligence officer. Under Russian ...
Vladimir Putin has extended his grip on Russia for another six years after an overwhelming victory in Sunday's presidential election, a result that was never in doubt. With 99.8% of the votes counted, Putin won with 76.7%, according to Central Election Commission data. It means Putin will rule until 2024, ...
Vladimir Putin said on Sunday it was nonsense to think that Moscow would have poisoned the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, who are critically ill in a British hospital. The UK government has said that the Skripals were poisoned by the Soviet-era novichok nerve agent, and the ...
Russian president Vladimir Putin has won a fourth term in office with nearly 77% of the vote – his highest ever score – giving him a mandate to pursue his nationalist policies for another six years. Near-final results showed that the other seven candidates were far behind Mr Putin in the polls. Observers ...
It's not a surprise - today's presidential election in Russia gave Vladimir Putin another six-year term in office. That is in addition to the 18 years he has already been in power. Latest official tallies show Putin winning by a large margin. Officials reported turnout running about 60 percent, but independent ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during the "Russia, Land of Opportunity" youth forum in Moscow on March 15. (Alexei Druzhinin Sputnik / Kremlin). In a widely anticipated victory, Russian President Vladimir Putin was reelected for a fourth term Sunday, delighting supporters, dismaying detractors ...
Vladimir Putin is set to be re-elected in today's Russian Presidential election as polling figures suggest the leader will win by a shocking margin, it has been reported. By Dan Falvey ... and Russia are at breaking point. If things were to escalate to war, Vladimir Putin owns a terrifying war chest at his disposal.
Vladimir Putin, who is expected to win a fourth term as Russian president in Sunday's election, has reimposed the Kremlin's grip over society since taking power 18 years ago. Here are key dates in the life of the 65-year-old former KGB officer: – October 7, 1952: Putin is born into a poor working-class family ...
Vladimir Putin's victory in Russia's presidential election Sunday isn't in doubt. The only real question is whether voters will turn out in big enough numbers to hand him a convincing mandate for his fourth term — and many Russians are facing intense pressure to do so. Casting his ballot in Moscow, Putin ...
Vladimir Putin, who has already ruled for longer than any Russian leader since Stalin, has managed to get rid of any credible competition and there is no doubt he will emerge victorious and embark on another six-year term. The fall of communism more than a quarter-century ago was supposed to usher in ...
Vladimir Putin, as good as re-elected as President of Russia even before this Sunday's election, is as detested in the West as he is loved in his country. These extreme points of view are connected, as the more he is accused of all evil – notably by the United States – the more the Russians tend to stand by ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a concert in Sevastopol, Crimea. Picture: AP. The UN, EU and allies such as Australia are also expected to apply pressure on Russia. Russia, which issued a thinly-veiled warning to the UK not to threaten a nuclear power, pushed on with its election campaign, with ...
The BBC's vivid profile of Vladimir Putin this week depicted a paranoid, money-obsessed bully who, in an international context, needed handling with firmness and clarity. But even if the Skripal poisoning was “state sponsored”, it was clearly a specific act against an individual, like the Litvinenko killing.
Britain's top diplomat hinted that associates of President Vladimir Putin might be targeted in a British anti-corruption drive. (The opposition Labour Party appeared divided in its response.) Meanwhile in Washington, the special counsel, Robert Mueller, subpoenaed business records from the Trump ...
It was not so much elections as fictions that allowed a transition of power from Boris Yeltsin to Vladimir Putin, a decade after the end of the Soviet Union. Democracy never took hold in Russia, in the sense that power never changed hands after freely contested elections. Yeltsin was president of the Russian ...
Meet the voters in Russia's heartland who are about to give Vladimir Putin another six years in office. By Sabra Ayres. Mar 16 ... Looking around his 5,560-acre farm, Vasiliy Onishchenko said he has good reason for wanting President Vladimir Putin to win another six-year term in office. In fact, he thinks the ...
Rumor has it that Russian President Vladimir Putin struggled mightily to come up with a compelling campaign platform in the runup to Russian elections this weekend—18 years in power can have that effect. But Putin's trudge towards the polls raises a fascinating question: what do you run on when you've ...
MIKHAIL SOLOVYEV was born on December 31st, 1999. It was a bitter day, even by Siberian standards, with temperatures of -50ºC. Trams and taxis in Novosibirsk stopped working, but his mother made it to hospital and entered the new millennium with a baby boy in her arms. That same day, some ...
Vladimir Putin has said that Russia will launch a mission to Mars in 2019, adding echoes of a space race to the Cold War-style nuclear arms development he announced earlier this month. The statement comes ahead of Sunday's presidential election, in which he will almost certainly win a fourth term.
On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin has visited a construction site of the Crimean Bridge which is designed to connect the Kerch and Taman peninsulas and is going to be the longest bridge in Russia. The head of state personally crossed the completed part of the bridge by car and walked ...
Five years after Moscow hosted the Miss Universe pageant, the world is getting a complete understanding of what was going on behind the scenes with Donald Trump, according to a bombshell new book. Investigative reporters Michael Isikoff and David Corn claim in their new book, Russian Roulette: The ...
VLADIMIR Putin made an astonishing transformation from a "nervous and weak" Tony Blair wannabe into one of the world's most feared leaders because of his "cocaine-style" addiction to power. Russa's president, 65, who has ruled the country for the last 18 years, is said to have a mindset focused on ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin at a concert in Sevastopol, Crimea, Wednesday. Accusations levelled by Britain over the attack on ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter serve to reinforce Putin's position that Russia is a besieged fortress under constant threat from enemies within and outside its borders.
On paper, Russian President Vladimir Putin is a man of modest wealth. In reality, he may be one of the world's richest people. After announcing punishment for the alleged attempted murder of a former double agent in the UK, that country once again put Putin's wealth under scrutiny. "Three hundred billion ...
MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin says he doesn't care about alleged Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election because the actions weren't connected to his government. In an interview with American broadcaster NBC News that aired Saturday, Putin also suggested that some of ...
During the tense interview, Putin appeared defensive and even suggested Jewish people were to blame for the United States' election breach. When asked about his involvement in the election, Putin told Kelly: “Why have you decided the Russian authorities, myself included, gave anybody permission to ...



news and opinion



        vladimir putin

Russian officials:
        alexander zhukov
        alexei kudrin
        boris yeltsin
        dmitry medvedev
        gennady fadeyev
        igor ivanov
        igor levitin
        igor yusufov
        mikhail fradkov
        mikhail gorbachev
        mikhail kasyanov
        mikhail margelov
        sergei b. ivanov
        sergey v. lavrov
        viktor khristenko
        vladimir putin
        vladimir yakunin
        yevgeny adamov