updated Sun. September 29, 2024
Economic Times
January 17, 2018
It is their random meanderings near the Deveselu base in southern Romania that has triggered an unusual power struggle between US commanders and a ... In 2014, the top US official at Deveselu informed Romania's defence ministry that having a shelter for sheep some 10 metres (yards) from the fenceÃÂ ...
January 16, 2018
In the Romanian village of Stoenesti, nearby the US Deveselu military base, an argument sparked between the military local shepherds. The military claimed that the sheep cause problems by alarming security systems. The sheep go to places with active security sensors, touch fences and set off alarmÃÂ ...
January 16, 2018
"Acest lucru se intampla in Romania, la baza americana de la Deveselu, aflata in sudul tarii, cea care gazduieste sistemul de aparare antiracheta Aegis Ashore, indreptat impotriva rachetelor cu raza medie si scurta directionate spre centrul Europei. In ultima perioada insa, o turma de oi continua sa activezeÃÂ ...
Hindustan Times
January 16, 2018
It is their random meanderings near the Deveselu base in southern Romania that has triggered an unusual power struggle between US commanders and a stubborn local sheep farmer. Dumitru Bleja's 250 or so sheep “grazed without problem” in the area for years before the Americans arrived at the end ofÃÂ ...
January 16, 2018
The U.S. military and a key ally have found themselves defending one of their most important facilities abroad from an unlikely foe—a flock of Romanian sheep that don't play by the rules. The $800 million naval support facility in Deveselu, southern Romania, was inaugurated in May 2016 and hosted theÃÂ ...
La Stampa
January 15, 2018
La difesa antimissilistica dell'est Europa messa sotto scacco da un gregge che attiva continuamente i sistemi di allarme: succede in Romania, nella base americana di Deveselu, nel sud del paese. Il compound ospita il sistema antimissile Aegis Ashore che garantisce un pronto intervento nel colpire missiliÃÂ ...
July 30, 2017
Russian Ambassador to Bucharest Valeri Kuzmin said in an interview to Realitatea TV that the Patriot defensive missile system, which RomaniaÃÂ ...
Vallejo Times Herald
July 27, 2017
NAPAN IN NAVY: DEVESELU, Romania – Petty Officer 3rd Class Antonio Vallerga, a Napa High School graduate and Napa native, is part of aÃÂ ...
The Sparta Independent
July 25, 2017
DEVESELU, Romania – A Branchville, New Jersey native is part of a new and unique Navy command providing critical missile defense to aÃÂ ...
The Robesonian
July 23, 2017
DEVESELU, Romania — A Fairmont High School graduate and Lumberton native is part of a new and unique Navy command providing criticalÃÂ ...
Napa Valley Register
July 22, 2017
Petty Officer 3rd Class Antonio Vallerga is a master-at-arms serving at Naval Support Facility Deveselu in Romania, one of the Navy's newestÃÂ ...
CapeCod.com News
July 22, 2017
DEVESELU, Romania – A Plymouth North High School graduate and Plymouth native is part of a new and unique Navy command providingÃÂ ...
Maui Now
July 20, 2017
Cmdr. Charles “Charlie” Bisgard is the executive officer serving at Naval Support Facility Deveselu, one of the Navy's newest commandsÃÂ ...
Antena 3
July 18, 2017
Casa Albă a transmis Camerei Reprezentanţilor a Congresului Statelor Unite că se opune accelerării instalării de noi capabilităţi la sistemul deÃÂ ...
July 18, 2017
The White House opposes the deployment of new anti-missile capabilities at the US military base in Deveselu, in South-Western Romania,ÃÂ ...
March 5, 2017
Odata cu alegerile care vin in acest an in Franta, Germania, Olanda, Cehia si, probabil, Italia, serviciile de informatii europene au dat alarma cu privire la tentativele Rusiei de a influenta rezultatul dezinformand, asa cum a fost cazul la scrutinul ...
Malay Mail Online
March 3, 2017
A view shows the command centre for the newly opened ballistic missile defence site at Deveselu air base, Romania, May 12, 2016.
The New Yorker
February 24, 2017
The Kremlin, for its part, views the expansion of NATO to Russia's borders as itself a provocation, and points to such U.S. measures as the placement of a new ground-based missile-defense system in Deveselu, Romania. Robert Gates, who was Secretary ofÃÂ ...
February 24, 2017
Lockheed Martin has received additional funding to provide equipment and technical support for Aegis Ashore test and operational systems in Poland.
February 21, 2017
... buna bucata din partea de est a Romaniei, aluzie la dezmembrarea tarii fiind mai mult decat stravezie, dar vine si dupa o serie de declaratii facute de oficialii rusi care considera tara noastra un "inamic" dupa finalizarea sistemului antiracheta ...
February 14, 2017
Besides cooperation in the military domain and the anti-missile shield from Deveselu, and cooperation in the domain of exchange of information between ' services' so relevant today, what the new administration defines as priority, terrorism combating ...
February 12, 2017
A fost salutata declararea, la Varsovia, a capacitatii operationale initiale a sistemului NATO de aparare antiracheta, prin integrarea facilitatii de la Deveselu, si a fost evidentiata importanta continuarii acestui proces, in vederea operationalizarii ...
February 10, 2017
The facility at Deveselu Air Base is claimed to be necessary to defend Europe from a potential attack from Iran. Russia says it compromises its national security for a number of reasons, including the fact that the site can be secretly retrofitted to ...
February 10, 2017
Romania has constantly highlighted that the anti-missile defence system hosted at Deveselu isn't directed against Russia and is in compliance with the relevant provisions of the UN Charter, and the perpetuation in the public space of a rhetoric that ...
February 9, 2017
The anti-missile defense system Aegis Ashore at the Deveselu military base in southern Romania officially became operational on May 12, 2016.
February 9, 2017
anti-racheta e al americanilor, noi doar il gazduim. In al doilea rand, rampele de lansare de la deveselu sunt de tip "multi-purpose", adica pot fi in cel mult o ora incarcate cu rachete ofensive de raza medie, care sunt transportate in containere ...
Business Review
February 4, 2017
... could undermine Romania's rule of law and its international standing. The senator went further to say that Romania has almost 600 troops fighting in Afghanistan and it hosts the missile defense shield at Deveselu, which is a key asset of NATO in ...
Department of Defense
January 27, 2017
At the time, the district was recruiting a team to manage construction of a $134 million land-based Aegis Ashore ballistic missile defense complex in Deveselu, Romania. Tony Jettinghoff, the former resident engineer and selecting official for the ...
January 26, 2017
Asked if the US would maintain their stand about the role of Deveselu missile defence site, Rex Tillerson showed that Iran represented a serious threat to the security of the US and its European allies.
January 26, 2017
Regarding the Deveselu missile shield, Tillerson said "Iran is a serious threat to U.S. security and its European allies.
Sputnik International
January 24, 2017
... missile defense system by among other things decreasing the number of missile deployment areas in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, the analyst said.
January 22, 2017
... spune multe despre presedintele Putin." Intr-un scenariu pesimist, Statele Unite ar putea opta pentru o diminuare a importantei bazei de la Kogalniceanu si ar putea renunta la un sistem semi-permanent pentru scutul de aparare antiracheta de la ...
Sputnik International
January 19, 2017
"No one really knows what kind of missiles are actually deployed in the vertical launchers at the Deveselu base," Dinucci stressed, adding that Moscow cannot even be certain that the missiles aren't nuclear-armed.
Voltaire Network
January 17, 2017
And in Poland, the construction of a land installation of a US Aegis missile system, similar to the one that has already started operating at Deveselu in Romania, is underway. Also this one, equipped with Lockheed Martin's system Mk 41, is capable ofÃÂ ...
Sputnik International
January 16, 2017
In 2016, the US-built NATO-operated Aegis Ashore missile defense site became operational in Deveselu, Romania. The second Aegis Ashore base located in Redzikowo, Poland, is scheduled to be completed in 2018.
Focus News
January 5, 2017
Bucharest. Russian president Vladimir Putin will seek an agreement with the new Donald Trump Administration to block the NATO missile defense system in Romania and Poland, said Michael Morell, former CIA Acting Director, cited by Romania-Insider.
November 10, 2016
Presedintele Klaus Iohannis i-a adresat, miercuri, o scrisoare de felicitare lui Donald Trump, castigatorul alegerilor prezidentiale din SUA, in care a evidentiat relatia solida dintre cele doua tari si a dat asigurari ca America poate conta pe ...
November 8, 2016
Gottemoeller underscored her strong commendation for Romania's efforts to strengthen NATO security, including by hosting in Bucharest of an eponymous format meeting, along with Romania's contribution, via the Deveselu defence facility to the NATOÃÂ ...
The National
November 6, 2016
The B-61s now reside at the Deveselu air base in Romania, which is also home to the new US/Nato anti-ballistic missile shield.
Sputnik International
October 28, 2016
The Canadian journalist was referring to the Aegis Ashore base in Deveselu, Romania. This is a land-based component of the US-built and NATO-operated missile defense shield in Europe.
Eurasia Review
October 27, 2016
Romania already hosts a US missile defence system at Deveselu, in southern Romania. Canada and Poland will also send aircraft to Romania.
Balkan Insight
October 27, 2016
Romania already hosts a US missile defence system at Deveselu, in southern Romania. Canada and Poland will also send aircraft to Romania.
October 26, 2016
Romania are un scut antiracheta, Rusia a mutat armata la granita si bombe atomice, america a adus 14 bombe atomice la Deveselu.. Adica daca nu sti sa faci 1+1 o sa-ti zic eu, ce se intampla nu e bine, se pare ca v-a fi un razboi in curand.. Acum poti ...
October 26, 2016
Romania also hosts a NATO anti-ballistic missile system at the Deveselu military base. A NATO command center is already functional in Bucharest and a multinational NATO brigade will also be created in Craiova, southern Romania.
October 19, 2016
Camera inferioara a parlamentului rus, Duma de Stat, a aprobat miercuri decretul semnat de presedintele rus Vladimir Putin privind suspendarea acordului cu SUA asupra plutoniului cu destinatie militara, au informat agentiile de presa ruse. Suspendarea ...
October 19, 2016
Deciso anche il rafforzamento dello scudo antimissile nella base americana di Deveselu, in Romania, per colmare lo svantaggio dell'Alleanza nella regione del Mar Nero i seguito al ricongiungimento della Crimea a Mosca, giudicato illegittimo da Nato e Ue.
October 19, 2016
Camera inferioara a parlamentului rus, Duma de Stat, a aprobat miercuri decretul semnat de presedintele rus Vladimir Putin privind suspendarea acordului cu SUA asupra plutoniului cu destinatie militara, au informat agentiile de presa ruse. Suspendarea ...
October 7, 2016
BUCHAREST (Romania), October 7 (SeeNews) - NATO member Romania received the first six F-16 fighter jets from Portugal on Friday, the government in Bucharest said.
Transitions Online
September 9, 2016
A case in point is the "news" on 18 August 2016 that the U.S. "has started" transferring its nuclear weapons from the Incirlik air base in Turkey to the Deveselu military base in Romania. The story, based on two anonymous sources, was featured on both ...
September 2, 2016
The first Aegis Ashore site has already been installed in Deveselu, Romania and is expected to become operational by the end of this year.
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