updated Thu. September 26, 2024
January 26, 2018
For history buffs of a certain generation, Gdańsk will forever be linked with local hero Lech Walesa's anti-communism struggles. These days, though, the city is basks in a glow of resurgent fortunes, its pristine Baltic-setting so attractive that the Puro hotel group has opened its fourth property here. Set in theÃÂ ...
Yorkshire Post
November 29, 2017
In Poland to support Lech Walesa, leader of the Solidarity movement, Mrs Thatcher became excited over lunch with his simultaneously translated remarks. “Stop,” she said, somewhat imperiously. “Mr Walesa. This is music to my ears. Your government should hear it.” Quick as a flash, Walesa, pointing to the ...
La Repubblica
November 14, 2017
Lech Walesa: "Demoni in Europa, la mia Polonia rischia la guerra civile". Per l'ex presidente le democrazie sono in pericolo: "Bisogna davvero reinventare la politica, altrimenti i vecchi nazionalisti e fascisti risorti resteranno. Temo brutte esperienze di sangue". di ANDREA TARQUINI. 14 novembre 2017.
Janesville Gazette
September 30, 2017
Actor Ian McShane is 75. Jazz musician Jean-Luc Ponty is 75. Nobel Peace laureate Lech Walesa is 74. Television-film composer Mike Post isÃÂ ...
September 30, 2017
Jazz musician Jean-Luc Ponty is 75. Nobel Peace laureate Lech Walesa (lehk vah-WEN'-sah) is 74. Television-film composer Mike Post is 73.
September 29, 2017
Lech Walesa - the founder of the Soviet Union's first independent trade union Solidarity and who won the 1983 Peace Prize - has repeatedlyÃÂ ...
Kansas City Star (blog)
September 19, 2017
... lecture include Harry Truman, J.C. Penny, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford and Poland's Lech Walesa.
Topeka Capital Journal
September 18, 2017
Tom Harkin will join heavyweights Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton, Lech Walesa and George H.W. Bush as recipient of the annual leadershipÃÂ ...
El Espaol
September 15, 2017
Porque Lech Walesa (Popowo, 1943) era la resistencia y era Polonia. Pero el fulgor se fue atenuando y con el tiempo empezaron a aparecerÃÂ ...
Boston Herald
September 4, 2017
... a solidarity banner during a 1981 rally in Quincy, right. In 1988, Raymond L. Flynn, above left, visits Lech Walesa at the Gdansk Shipyard.
New York Times
September 3, 2017
Did you stay on top of the most important stories last week? Test your knowledge of international events with our quick quiz, recapping majorÃÂ ...
Louth Leader
August 29, 2017
1980 - After a two-month battle, Lech Walesa signed an agreement with the Polish government to allow the formation of independent tradeÃÂ ...
Toronto Sun
August 28, 2017
When a Soviet coup of the Lech Walesa-led Solidarity movement in Poland was being considered in 1981, for example, and then activated,ÃÂ ...
U.S. News & World Report
August 24, 2017
Polish media are reporting that Lech Walesa, the former democracy activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner, was in a minor car accident but isÃÂ ...
The Seattle Times
August 23, 2017
FILE – In this April 16, 2016 file photo, Poland's former president and democracy icon Lech Walesa speaks to The Associated Pressin Gdansk,ÃÂ ...
South China Morning Post
August 22, 2017
Polish prosecutors on Tuesday said they were looking into whether freedom icon Lech Walesa gave false testimony regarding allegations heÃÂ ...
August 16, 2017
Lech Walesa said ... to raise the issue of World War II reparations from Germany, Poland's ex-president Lech Walesa told TASS on Tuesday.
August 15, 2017
Nobel Peace Prize winner, leader of the famous Solidarity movement in the 1980s and ex-Polish President (1990-1995) Lech Walesa toldÃÂ ...
International Politics and Society
August 7, 2017
Lech Kaczyński, who later became president, fought alongside Solidarity's co-founder Lech Wałęsa in the Lenin shipyards of Gdańsk forÃÂ ...
BBC News
August 7, 2017
For this is Gate Two of what was once the Lenin Shipyard. It was near here that electrician Lech Wałęsa scaled the wall on 14 August 1980 toÃÂ ...
Christian Post
July 24, 2017
After Poland's former president and democracy icon Lech Walesa joined the ongoing protests over the governing party's plan to bring Poland'sÃÂ ...
CBS News
July 22, 2017
WARSAW, Poland -- Polish democracy icon and former president Lech Walesa on Saturday joined the protests that have broken out acrossÃÂ ...
July 18, 2017
Kate and William meet ex-Polish president Lech Walesa on Poland tour ... co-founder and ex-Polish president Lech Walesa in Gdansk today.
Smoky Mountain News
July 12, 2017
On Nov. 5, 2001, not quite two months after the 9/11 attacks, Lech Walesa spoke at Western Carolina University. Walesa was famed for hisÃÂ ...
Pulse Nigeria
July 11, 2017
Around 2,000 people on Monday took part in an anti-government street protest in Warsaw, though Polish freedom icon Lech Walesa wasÃÂ ...
Sputnik International
July 11, 2017
Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz called former country's President Lech Walesa a “traitor” and an “intelligence service agent” of theÃÂ ...
The Sun Daily
July 10, 2017
Protesters holding white roses and a portrait of former Polish president Lech Walesa demonstrate against monthly ceremony marking the LechÃÂ ...
The Lily
December 31, 1999
... Lech Walesa in Poland, Boris Yeltsin in Russia, Patricio Aylwin in Chile, Vaclav Havel in Czechoslovakia, Corazon Aquino in the Philippines,ÃÂ ...
KTVQ Billings News
December 31, 1999
Sent his wife to accept his Nobel Prize, as he feared he would not be allowed to return to Poland. Timeline: 1961-1965 - Works as a carÃÂ ...
December 31, 1999
WARSAW, Poland—Poland's former President Lech Walesa and some opposition politicians said Wednesday the Nobel Peace prize winner isÃÂ ...
ABC News
December 31, 1999
FILE - In this April 16, 2016 file photo, Poland's former president and democracy icon Lech Walesa speaks to The Associated Pressin Gdansk,ÃÂ ...
ABC News
December 31, 1999
FILE - In this April 16, 2016 file photo, Poland's former president and democracy icon Lech Walesa speaks to The Associated Pressin Gdansk,ÃÂ ...
December 31, 1999
... signed the letter are: South African anti-apartheid and human rights activist Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former Polish President Lech Walesa,ÃÂ ...
Center for Research on Globalization
March 2, 2017
While supporters of recently elected US President Donald Trump believe steadfastly that among other things, his administration will role back what has been essentially a century of American expansionism worldwide through overt wars and more "covert"ÃÂ ...
Bandera County Courier
March 2, 2017
On one side is a face of Lech Walesa, Nobel Price winner, and on the other, the logo of Independent Self governing Trade Union "Solidarity".
Charter 97
March 1, 2017
... 1992, that allowed the exchange of diplomatic representatives (first in the rank of Charge d'Affaires) and to establish diplomatic missions in Warsaw and Minsk.
The Manila Times
February 28, 2017
Chile' strongman Augusto Pinochet called for a referendum in 1988, triggering events that eventually led to his fall in 1989. Poland's "Solidarity" movement gained momentum after 1986, with Lech Walesa assuming power in 1989. In his visit to Manila in ...
The Standard
February 9, 2017
Poles gave Solidarity hero Lech Walesa 1,000 roses on Thursday in a fragrant show of support as the Nobel laureate fought off fresh allegations he had collaborated with the communist secret police in the early 1970s.
February 9, 2017
Warsaw: Poles gave Solidarity hero Lech Walesa 1,000 roses on Thursday in a fragrant show of support as the Nobel laureate fought off fresh allegations he had collaborated with the communist secret police in the early 1970s.
February 7, 2017
Lech Walesa, de Poolse oud-president en voormalig leider van het verzet tegen het communistische bewind, blijft ontkennen dat hij in de jaren 70 informant was voor de communistische geheime dienst. Bewijs dat daarvoor vorige week werd geleverd doorÃÂ ...
The Independent
February 7, 2017
Lech Walesa, workers' rights activist, leader of the Solidarity Party in Poland and former president of the Republic of Poland is the very name engraved on one of our most well known buildings here at NEIU.
Irish Independent
February 7, 2017
Lech Walesa, Poland's former president and leader of its peaceful pro-democracy struggle, has rejected evidence recently presented by state experts who claim it proves that he was a communist-era paid informer.
The Daily Times
February 5, 2017
WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Handwriting analysis confirms that Lech Walesa, who later founded the pro-democracy Solidarity movement, collaborated with Polish communist-era secret police for money from 1970 to 1976, experts said Tuesday.
Reformatorisch Dagblad
February 2, 2017
GDANSK. Lech Walesa spreekt stakende arbeiders toe op een scheepswerf in Gdansk in 1980. In die periode vestigde hij zijn reputatie als voorvechter voor de havenwerkers. Van zijn populariteit is inmiddels niet veel meer over, na berichten dat hij alsÃÂ ...
The Mainichi
February 2, 2017
In this file photo taken in Gdansk, Poland, on April 6, 2016, Poland's former president and legendary Solidarity freedom movement founder Lech Walesa acts with expression as he repeats his denials to allegations that he collaborated with the communistÃÂ ...
New Jersey Herald
January 31, 2017
WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Experts with a state historical institute say a handwriting analysis confirms Lech Walesa collaborated with the Polish communist-era secret police from 1970 to 1976, a few years before he founded the pro-democracy SolidarityÃÂ ...
January 31, 2017
Analyse van het handschrift van de Poolse oud-president Lech Walesa bevestigt dat hij in de jaren 1970-1976 gewerkt heeft voor de geheime politie van het communistische regime in Polen. Hij deed dat voor geld. De beschuldiging van collaboratie met deÃÂ ...
New York Times
January 31, 2017
WARSAW - A handwriting analysis has determined that Lech Walesa, the leader of Poland's anticommunist Solidarity movement and later the president of Poland, was a Communist paid informant in the 1970s, according to a new official report issued onÃÂ ...
Taiwan News
January 30, 2017
POLAND-WALESA - The Institute of National Remembrance will present evidence from handwriting experts which the state historical body says will prove that Lech Walesa collaborated with the communist-era secret police. UPCOMING: 500 words by 1700ÃÂ ...
January 30, 2017
Nobel Peace Laureates who will attend include President Oscar Arias of Costa Rica, President Lech Walesa from Poland, Tawakkal Karmin from Yemen, and will include representatives from Doctors without Borders, Amnesty International, InternationalÃÂ ...
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