updated Fri. October 4, 2024
The Straits Times
March 18, 2018
LONDON • The small town of Veles is not exactly world famous; its 40,000 inhabitants are mostly poor and Macedonia, the East European country to which they belong, is still struggling to even have its official country name recognised by its neighbours. But as implausible as this may now seem, it was theÃâà...
Marketing magazine Australia
March 4, 2018
... the 2016 election was done so to make money rather than for political reasons – the most famous example of which was the pro-Trump news generated by teenagers in the Macedonian village of Veles). Fake news is one of the more recent concerns for brands to consider when it comes to brand safety.
February 26, 2018
"fake news: false news stories, often of a sensational nature, created to be widely shared online for the purpose of generating ad revenue via web traffic or discrediting a public figure, political movement, company, etc." You know when a term has become mainstream when it is acknowledged in the EnglishÃâà...
ZME Science
February 21, 2018
A quick investigation revealed that the story was completely fake, and traced it back to a small town in Macedonia called Veles — where no less than 140 fake news sites are based. But the debunk didn't reach half as many people as the original lie, and even if it did, the sows of doubt were already planted.
September 12, 2017
He claims to have earned up to $2,500 a day from advertising on his website, while the average monthly income in Macedonia is just $426. The profits come primarily from ... Unlike its predecessor, the new Macedonian government — elected in May — is highly critical of Veles' new industry. "We will undertake an initiativeÃâà...
Balkan Insight
June 29, 2017
The spammers from the little Macedonian town of Veles - who gained cash and notoriety for promoting fake news about Donald Trump - fear their ... Just 35 kilometers south-east of Macedonia's capital, Skopje, bathing in temperatures near 40 degrees Celsius, lies the seemingly dormant little town of Veles.
February 15, 2017
Considering this to be the best possible use of his time, he stopped going to high school. Boris isn't his real name. He prefers the anonymity because he doesn't want to break ranks with the other people in his town of Veles, in the Balkan nation of Macedonia. Nobody here wants to dwell on Trump anymore.
Italia Oggi
December 31, 1999
La fabbrica mondiale delle fake news si trova alle porte dell'Europa. In Macedonia, per la precisione. La cittadina di Veles ospita una vera e propria industria di false informazioni diffuse da siti Internet che hanno captato una audience molto importante, inizialmente grazie a falsi account Facebook e Twitter,Ãâà...