updated Fri. September 20, 2024
Neos Kosmos
April 12, 2018
... forced the director of an orphanage to coerce adult orphans to vote for VMRO-DPMNE. Another tape records the former Minister of Internal Affairs, Gordana Jankuloska laughing and bragging that her VMRO-DPMNE electoral operations were directed from police headquarters, effectively transforming theÃâà...
Balkan Insight
December 28, 2017
In one of the conversations, what were alleged to be the voices of the former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska and former Secret Police chief, Saso Mijalkov, could be heard talking about the case. In the conversation, Jankuloska allegedly suggests to Mijalkov that then Prime Minister Gruevski should beÃâà...
Balkan Insight
September 1, 2017
"Zvonko and I shared the same dissatisfaction from what was going on," Lazarevski said. He said he decided that the compromising materials should be stored after finding out that even the then Interior Minister, Gordana Jankuloska, was among those being wiretapped. "When I first found out that that evenÃâà...
Balkan Insight
July 31, 2017
They include the former Transport Minister, Mile Janakieski, the former Interior Minister, Gordana Jankuloska, the former chief of Gruevski's cabinet, Martin Protugjer, and the former Vice Prime Minister, Vladimir Pesevski. All of them face charges pressed by the country's Special Prosecution, SJO, which wasÃâà...
Balkan Insight
July 16, 2017
Defence lawyers for 11 residents of the north-eastern village of Sopot, who are being retried for allegedly planting a mine in 2003 that killed two Polish NATO soldiers and one Macedonian civilian, have expressed hope that the Special Prosecution, SJO will drop all charges at the next court sessionÃâà...
Balkan Insight
July 5, 2017
Skopje's Criminal Court on Monday rejected the demands filed by the SJO for the arrest and detention of former premier Gruevski, former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska, former Transport Minister Mile Janakieski and former government secretary-generals Kiril Bozinovski and Martin Protugjer.
Balkan Insight
June 29, 2017
The Special Prosecution, SJO on Thursday announced charges in 17 cases, demanding the arrest of former premier Nikola Gruevski, former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska, former Transport Minister Mile Janakieski, former government secretary-general Kiril Bozinovski and Gruevski's former cabinetÃâà...
Balkan Insight
May 22, 2017
The elite of Macedonia's former ruling party attended Sunday's gala opening of the new Macedonian Philharmonic, which has costs almost 40 million euros and forms part of the grand government-sponsored revamp of the capital, 'Skopje 2014'. Sinisa Jakov Marusic. BIRN. Skopje. 4 / 16. Former InteriorÃâà...
December 31, 1999
However, according to wire-taps published by current Macedonian PM, Zoran Zaev, the entire thing was a plot devised by former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska and the Slavic Macedonian police. Another example that comes to mind is that of Kumanova in 8-9 May 2015 where the Macedonian policeÃâà...
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