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updated Tue. July 23, 2024

KABUL, April 26 (Xinhua) -- Scores of people including militants and security personnel have been killed as the Taliban outfit launched its so-called spring offensive on Wednesday and since then militancy and counter-militancy have gotten momentum in the militancy-plagued Afghanistan. Immediately after ...
THE Taliban has threatened to use “new and intricate tactics” to combat coalition forces including Australian troops as the insurgents launch their ... Afghan forces have bolstered a border post with Pakistan where terrorists are known to move in and out from in the off-season, notably from the city of Quetta.

Video from #Taliban's report on Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour Camp in Baghlan province #Afghanistan: ... province, jihadists were once again marching through a town and driving in the desert in broad daylight, without fear of reprisal from Afghan and Coalition forces.
Most of Australia's politicians wouldn't cut it in Afghanistan because they're “too lazy” and “out of condition” to handle the gruelling training required to enter the war zone, Pauline Hanson ... She chided those who criticised the military effort and said Afghanistan “can't rebuild country without coalition forces”.
Taliban militants who have yet to respond to the offer for peace talks, according to political observers, are getting ready to soon launch their so-called spring offensive and intensify operations against Afghan and U.S.-led coalition forces stationed in Afghanistan. "The Taliban group seems to be more ...
"The 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Sustainment Brigade is highly trained and ready to answer the call to sustain U.S. and coalition forces operating in Afghanistan," said Col. Stan Sliwinski, the brigade commander, said in the release. "This brigade is no stranger to Afghanistan, as this will be our fifth ...

Lastly, the perception that coalition forces are not in Afghanistan for the “long haul” in support of Afghan goals vs. Coalition goals. These perceptions foster ... ISAF and IJC developed an operational COIN strategy that is population centric as opposed to an insurgent focused strategy.[xv] The population is the objective and ...
AT least two Frontier Corps (FC) personnel deployed on the Pak-Afghan border were martyred, while five others were injured in an attack from across the ... Despite taking up of the issue repeatedly with Afghanistan as well as the coalition forces in that country, cross-border attacks from Afghanistan into ...
Along with the establishment of the Afghan police and army there were programs established to develop government organizations and structures at the national and provincial level. To assist in this effort at the provincial level the U.S. and then the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) formed up ...
Again on 2 November 2017, coalition forces had targeted Taliban positions in the outskirts of Chardara district of Kunduz and killed nearly two dozen people. Most of those killed ... Soon after Kunduz happened, the Afghan authorities alleged that Pakistan Air Force (PAF) violated Afghanistan's airspace.
Afghanistan and operations in the Middle East against jihadist terror groups mark the rebirth of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) as probably the most modern and innovative air force among US allies and partners. The Aussies deployed a new force package during their most recent Middle East ...
KUNDUZ, Afghanistan — A day after Afghan security forces killed or wounded more than 100 people in the bombing of a religious seminary where they ... of the recent increase in airstrikes, the group's leaders often choose meeting places that they think will not be bombed by Afghan and coalition forces.
According to The New York Times, Afghan government forces have repeatedly claimed that they lost valuable night vision devices loaned to them by Coalition forces. In 2016, Afghanistan's 215th Corps failed to return 49 sets of night vision goggles to U.S. forces, claiming they were lost in the heat of battle, ...
Without identifying the nationalities of the foreign fighters killed in raids, the official added that Muzafar is a key member and Afghan commander of IS group in ... Meanwhile, spokesman for the provincial government Reza Ghafori told Xinhua that the U.S.-led coalition forces in Afghanistan often conduct air ...
The potential confluence of nuclear weapons, scores of organizations with Taliban as the front runner and a failed state, makes the break in the Af-Pak region too potent to be dismissed by US claims of having reigned in Taliban. The year 2011 was considered as pivotal for insurgency in the region, as Al ...
The German military is deployed in Afghanistan as part of NATO's mission "Resolute Support," which was launched on January 1, 2015. The mission succeeded the bloc's previous military operation, ISAF, whose mandate expired on December 28, 2014. 2. There are 39 countries (13,000 soldiers) active in ...
A Pre-trial Chamber of three judges must authorize the request because Afghanistan, though a state party to the ICC, did not invite the investigation. ... with relevant governments and stakeholders, including the Government of Afghanistan and the governments of ISAF troop contributing countries,” she has ...

September 10, 2011 - Two Afghan civilians are killed and 77 US troops are wounded during a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) attack at the entrance of Combat Outpost Sayed Abad, an ISAF base in Afghanistan's Wardak province. The Taliban claim responsibility. September 13, 2011 ...
I'm lying in the belly of a KC-135 "stratotanker", peering down at the snowy IS-infested mountains of north-eastern Afghanistan. Suddenly the first ... Another key part is building the offensive capability of Afghan forces. According to the ... Killing has always been easy for the coalition forces. Seventeen years ...
After five days criss-crossing Afghanistan, meeting with everyone from the Afghan president to the new American trainers on the ground, Gen. Joseph Dunford ... "Before there was the understanding that they were in the lead, but there was always that crutch" of coalition forces they could fall back on.
The German government views the international intervention in Afghanistan since 2001 as a success: The number of children attending school has increased eightfold, women hold a better position in Afghan society, and there have been improvements made to health care and general infrastructure. By the end of 2017, one ...
BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan — Sounds of clapping, singing and dancing mixed with whistles and referee shouts in a dusty corner of the U.S.'s largest military base in Afghanistan on Friday as the Bagram World Cup continued for another week. The soccer tournament — modeled on the International ...
Through 2013, he said, U.S. forces were in the lead in Afghanistan. In June 2013, Afghan forces took the lead in terms of authority and responsibility. That began a coalition drawdown from 140,000 troops in the country to 28,000 by the end of 2014. The number of coalition forces in the country further ...
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan (AP) - The top U.S. military officer visited Afghanistan on Monday to evaluate the military campaign and ensure new American advisory teams and an upgraded Afghan Air Force are on target as the next fighting season with the Taliban looms. Gen. Joseph Dunford ...
CHAPARHAR, Afghanistan — There was no military curfew in the villages, but, as a precaution, the farmers still informed the local police outpost that they .... Coalition forces have used extensive airstrikes in Faryab and in neighboring Jowzjan Province, according to Afghan officials, including B-52 bombers, ...
President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan has held out an olive branch to Afghan Taliban offering direct negotiations. ... is insufficient to defeat an adversary that has survived the intense aerial campaigns of very high NATO-ISAF force levels (over 140,000 combatants, air and sea platforms) for 15 years. On the ...
However, the process of equipping Afghan forces accelerated and their power switched from defensive to aggressive when Nicholson started heading the NATO-led mission. He occasionally visited remote areas of Afghanistan and NATO training centers and Afghan forces' bases and battalions that ...
The Afghan army and the US-led coalition forces continue to battle the Taliban for the control of areas in the country but the security situation has been ... According to a recent survey by the BBC news network, the Taliban are active in 70 percent of Afghanistan's districts, fully controlling four percent of the ...
Helmand is a major centre of opium production where Afghan and coalition forces had both long struggled to subdue the Taleban. Militants continue to close in on the provincial capital Lashkar Gah, and government forces have sustained heavy losses. Afghan commanders, meanwhile, have pleaded with ...
Afghanistan has rich history of resisting its foreign invaders. The latest example is the failure of the Soviet Union in 1988. The deployment of forces under the flag of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) after launching so called War on Terror has been experiencing tough resistance. The Force ...
Vadsaria served as a civilian social scientist embedded with French and American coalition forces during the height of the war in Afghanistan. Her job while in the country from 2010 to 2011 was to develop relations with Afghan villagers, particularly women, so that military leaders would better understand ...
Regardless of how such reports are received, Greshback insisted, coalition forces assist their Afghan partners “with investigating and prosecuting, as appropriate, in Afghan ... Only a full investigation can uncover all who may be responsible,” said Patricia Gossman, senior Afghanistan researcher at HRW.
He said one main benefit to coalition forces in Afghanistan was the increased support from U.S. intelligence agencies, which will allow the military to ... Hecker said Afghan air forces are now also more capable of carrying out sorties against the Taliban and are conducting more missions than U.S. forces.
Russian support for the Taliban, which has been at war with U.S.-led coalition forces since 2001, includes the sharing of sensitive intelligence data. "It's not an ... The Afghan official indicated that there is a developing relationship between U.S., Afghanistan and Russia to share intelligence on ISIS. This effort ...
Dunford's visit comes on the heels of a two-day stop in Afghanistan last week by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis amid talk of a renewed push to get Taliban fighters to the peace table with the Afghan government. The increased U.S. military campaign is seen as part of that effort. It includes hundreds of ...
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan (AP) - The top U.S. military officer visited Afghanistan on Monday to evaluate the military campaign and ensure new American advisory teams and an upgraded Afghan Air Force are on target as the next fighting season with the Taliban looms. Gen. Joseph Dunford ...
As shown in the Afghanistan Index on a country level, there was a surge in troops nationwide, and also in Helmand, from 2010 to 2014 there were 30,000 coalition forces in Helmand. That was about 20,000 U.S. Marines and 10,000 soldiers from Great Britain, all part of the larger International Security ...
The Afghan army and US-led coalition forces continue to battle the Taliban for the control of areas in the country but the security situation has been ... has committed an additional 3,000 US troops to Afghanistan in recent weeks, bringing the total number of American troops in Afghanistan to about 14,000.
Unlike the coalition forces, the Taliban's way of living is simple and cheap. This increases their chances of sustaining their insurgency. Keeping one American service member in Afghanistan costs the US between $850,000 and $1.4 million a year. A Taliban foot soldier costs nothing in comparison.



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