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updated Fri. June 14, 2024

Canada sold Gulf gas for years and then changed to BP and in 1973 during the gas shortage, when stations could only get so much gas, Larry called Sam Nunn's office and Canada said that Nunn was the only that could have gotten him a raise in the amount of gas he was getting, he added. “Buster was ...
Past participants include a number of influential state and national leaders ranging from former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn to former University of Georgia Athletic Director Vince Dooley. Sixty-three participants are selected each year from a pool of several hundred applicants. Class members visit five Georgia ...

“Reliance on nuclear weapons for this purpose is becoming increasingly hazardous and decreasingly effective,” wrote George Shultz, William Perry, Henry Kissinger, and Sam Nunn in The Wall Street Journal. They wrote it 11 years ago. “Unless urgent new actions are taken,” they warned, “the U.S. soon ...
In February 2017, Barbara Ann Robbins became disruptive in an EPA library in downtown Atlanta's Sam Nunn Federal Center. Robbins then grabbed a security guard's gun, a Glock 17, and fired it during a struggle before she was subdued, as described in one affidavit. By October, she was issued a court ...
The $50,000 cost of the contract will be split equally between the city, county and private contributors with an interest in the project. Perry City Manager Lee Gilmour said one of those contributors is former U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn, who has long had an interest in developing a trail along the creek and owns ...
What followed was truly a feat of turning nukes into ploughshares, as the U.S.-funded Cooperative Threat Reduction Initiative, the brainchild of then-Senators Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Sam Nunn (D-GA), funded the country's nuclear disarmament and the removal of its HEU to the US and Russia.

Former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn commented on Trump's tweet. “The failure to distinguish nuclear weapons from other weapons — treating them as just another weapon that is usable — increases the risk and lays the foundation for some kind of catastrophic blunder.” The most solemn responsibility of ...
In 1991, he forged a bipartisan partnership with then-Senate Armed Services Chairman Sam Nunn (D-Georgia) to destroy weapons of mass destruction in the former Soviet Union. To date, the Nunn-Lugar program has deactivated more than 7,600 nuclear warheads that were once aimed at the United ...
Houston Healthcare, in the home county of state luminaries such as Sonny Perdue and Sam Nunn, has just had its credit rating downgraded to three notches above junk. So first on the agenda for patients' and caregivers' lobbyists is one unsurprising thing: money. Some are hoping the Legislature will step ...
To make the central message of his book more persuasive, Ellsberg could have cited the alarm sounded by the “Four Horsemen of the Nuclear Apocalypse” — Henry Kissinger, Sam Nunn, William Perry and George Shultz. In 2007, these four leading Cold Warriors, who served at the highest levels of ...
(Ryan already blurbed it (back cover) as did Bill Bradley, Sam Nunn, George Shultz, and Alan Greenspan.) If you think entitlement programs, and the political hash that enacts them, are recent problems, or the fault of one political party, think again. John's main lesson is that the emergence of bloated ...
This included the votes of such prominent Democrats as Bill Bradley, Ted Kennedy, Howard Metzenbaum, and Sam Nunn. In 1997, Bill Clinton -- who admittedly raised taxes in 1993 -- signed into law one of the biggest bipartisan tax cuts in history, including a slashing of the capital gains tax. Although some ...
... social progress. This technology myopia results in fancy gizmos and repeated failures in sustainable social change. Products don't solve problems, local people do.” —Kirk S. Bowman, Associate Chair and Jon Wilcox Term Professor of Soccer and Global Politics, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs ...
McElroy was Sam Nunn's first press secretary in the U.S. Senate, and was a key campaign aide in Nunn's go-for-broke run for the office in 1972. The author, a native of Quitman, Ga., who now lives in Virginia, has been an unabashed Nunn loyalist for ever since. But here's why “Best President” is worth your ...
Bipartisan cooperation and foreign policy were hallmarks of Lugar's 36 years in Congress. During his time in the Senate, Lugar co-sponsored the Nunn-Lugar Act, with then-Sen. Sam Nunn, a Democrat from Georgia. The legislation worked to reduce the world's nuclear and chemical weapons arsenals and, ...
Sam Nunn commented on Trump's tweet: “The failure to distinguish nuclear weapons from other weapons — treating them as just another weapon that is usable — increases the risk and lays the foundation for some kind of catastrophic blunder.” The most solemn responsibility of the president is to protect ...
“Reliance on nuclear weapons for this purpose is becoming increasingly hazardous and decreasingly effective,” wrote George Shultz, William Perry, Henry Kissinger, and Sam Nunn in The Wall Street Journal. They wrote it 11 years ago. “Unless urgent new actions are taken,” they warned, “the U.S. soon ...

Sam Nunn, who is founder of an institute attempting to reduce the risk posed by weapons of mass destruction. American policy has long been to use nuclear weapons only in extreme circumstances, such as a nuclear attack against the U.S. Nuclear war remains all but unthinkable, and according to Nunn, ...
Butch Miller may have the pole position in the race for president pro tem of the state Senate, the second most powerful job in that chamber. Supporters of the Gainesville Republican said he has the 19 votes needed to succeed David Shafer of Duluth. A Senate Republican caucus vote next week pits Miller ...
Over the last 18 months, hardly a day goes by without a listener or reader asking about my health and my voice, and when I will be back on the radio talking about politics, the Congress and President Trump. Even more questions came my way this week after a veteran lawmaker went to the House floor to ...
This was a point that Democrats such as former senators Bill Bradley and Sam Nunn and former House majority leader Richard A. Gephardt ...
“He happened to be a political contributor to Sam Nunn, who was then the junior senator from Georgia. In 10 days I had my Green Card.”.
Sam Nunn (cisgender white male), former U.S. Rep. Buddy Darden (ditto), former Gov. Joe Frank Harris (ditto, ditto), former state House ...
In Atlanta, the EPA paid more than $41,000 to rent spaces in a parking garage attached to the Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center, where ...
This was a point that Democrats such as former senators Bill Bradley and Sam Nunn and former House majority leader Richard A. Gephardt ...
Thompson represented the Fifth District until 1972, when he ran for the United States Senate, losing narrowly to Sam Nunn. He now lives in ...
Sam Nunn (cisgender white male), former U.S. Congressman Buddy Darden (ditto), former Gov. Joe Frank Harris (ditto, ditto), former state ...
... scientists and foreign-policy experts that includes former US Senators Richard Lugar and Sam Nunn, former energy secretary Ernest Moniz, ...
I was covering the John Tower confirmation hearings chaired by Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA) to consider Tower for the post of Secretary of ...
Sam Nunn (cisgender white male), former U.S. Congressman Buddy Darden (ditto), former Gov. Joe Frank Harris (ditto, ditto), former state ...
Stilley is a former crew member at Firehouse Subs and an 11-year Army veteran, who says he's "always believed in their (Firehouse Subs') ...
Sam Nunn (D-GA), for his “historic achievements in the advancement of nuclear nonproliferation, arms control and peaceful uses of nuclear ...
Roland McElroy's latest book, “The Best President the Nation Never Had: A Memoir of Working with Sam Nunn" was released by Mercer University Press a ...
Co-chaired by businessman and philanthropist Ted Turner, former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn, and former Secretary of Energy, Ernest Moniz, NTI ...
Co-chaired by businessman and philanthropist Ted Turner, former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn, and former Secretary of Energy, Ernest Moniz, NTI ...
... Gingrey and Paul Broun, as well as current Representative Karen Handel) and the daughter of legendary Senator Sam Nunn, Michelle Nunn.
And so, two decades later, Shultz and three other distinguished statesmen — Henry Kissinger, Sam Nunn, and Bill Perry — penned an unusual ...
Secretary of State-designate Rex Tillerson listens as right as former Georgia senator Sam Nunn introduces him on Capitol Hill in January.
Sam Nunn, D-Ga., left and vice presidential candidate Al Gore, right, as they campaign in Columbus, Ga., on Sept. 23, 1992. (AP Photo/Ric Feld).
Sam Nunn, D-Ga., left and vice presidential candidate Al Gore, right, as they campaign in Columbus, Ga., on Sept. 23, 1992. (AP Photo/Ric Feld).
Longtime lobbyist and friend Don Cargill (first row left), former U.S. senator Sam Nunn (first row right), former Georgia Gov. Roy Barnes (second ...
Editor's note: With relations between Russia and the West deteriorating and becoming more dangerous every day, former Sen. Sam Nunn of ...
Secretary of State-designate Rex Tillerson listens as right as former Georgia senator Sam Nunn introduces him on Capitol Hill in January.
Sam Nunn (it certainly pays to be a politician), receive over $1 million for contributing their business acumen. Frankly, if these 18 stupids acted in the best interest of the shareholders, GE would be $60 a share today rather than $18. What good is a board of directors if it's not actively protecting shareholders?
Sam Nunn, the Democratic chairman of Armed Services, questioned whether a heavy drinker like Tower could “carry out his military command ...
Which is why former Senator Sam Nunn, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen, and Ambassador Richard Burt, who ...
When Clinton tried to lift the ban, some of the least supportive members of Congress were Democrats, most notably then-Senator Sam Nunn.
Sam Nunn, by running for his Senate seat as a reform-minded outsider, Perdue now occupies a uniquely influential position within the GOP.
If you have 20 minutes and want to hear non-proliferation legend Sam Nunn tell the story behind the LEU bank and why its advent is an ...
The Nunn Perry award is named in honor of former Senator Sam Nunn and former Secretary of Defense William Perry. The DoD ...


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