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updated Sat. September 14, 2024

White House Picks Illinois Senator to Be Kenyan Ambassador. President Donald Trump has chosen Illinois state Sen. Kyle McCarter to be the U.S. ambassador to Kenya. ... McCarter told the newspaper he's preparing for his confirmation hearing with the U.S. Senate's Foreign Relations Committee.
A candidate has ended his Republican primary challenge of U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker in Mississippi, two weeks after saying that's what he would do. State lawmaker Chris McDaniel filed the papers Wednesday with the state Republican Party. He said March 14 that he would leave the Wicker race and run in ...

A ranking from U.S. News & World Report · Rankings · News; States; Data Explorer · Best States · Rankings. Back; Rankings · Education · Higher Education · Pre-K - 12 · Health Care · Health Care Access · Health Care Quality · Public Health · Economy · Growth · Employment · Business Environment.
Guns dominate talk during local visit by Md. US senator, attorney general. Mar 28, 2018 Updated 15 hrs ago; (…) ... WILLIAMSPORT — U.S. Sen. Chris Van Hollen and Maryland Attorney General ... "It's just outrageous we can't get this common-sense measure past the U.S. Congress," he said. 'You did not win that lottery'.
The National Rifle Association has told a leading Senate Democrat that the gun rights group has accepted foreign donations but said that the funds were not used for election-related activities. The acknowledgment came last week in a newly-disclosed, carefully-worded letter responding to questions from ...
It's hard to imagine Republicans and Democrats coming together in agreement on any issue in 2018—either inside the government or around the dinner table. But all 22 female U.S. Senators (yes, there are only 22) have banded together in hopes of changing the way sexual harassment and misconduct is ...

Fifty-nine U.S. senators have called on the Polish prime minister to support legislation that would allow Holocaust victims and their heirs to receive ... The law comes as Poland has also seen its ties with the United States and Israel strained over a recently enacted Polish law that would limit some types of ...
On CNN's State of the Union, Republican Senator Ron Johnson expressed concern that North Korea's vague commitment to denuclearization may not count as ... He didn't seem to understand that the North Korean regime has desired a face-to-face meeting with a U.S. president for decades, and that his ...
Interning at the office of U.S. Senator Paul Douglas, from Illinois, piqued his interest in D.C. politics, Durbin said. “Georgetown played ... In his acceptance speech, Durbin spoke on immigration policy and on his goal of providing young immigrants with equal opportunities in the United States. In 2001, Durbin ...
However, that option has been hamstrung, single-handedly, by Pennsylvania's Republican U.S. Senator Pat Toomey. ... domestically, and in many cases these jobs are going overseas because whatever we make here in the United States is also made somewhere else in the world,” says the bank's acting ...
The Russians have punched far beyond their weight when it comes to cyberwarfare, a prominent U.S. Senator said Saturday, and America isn't ... If the United States doesn't take the lead on technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence, there are plenty of companies in China that will build ...
"We remain concerned that Anthem's (emergency department) policy still forces patients to determine, before they even leave their home, if their symptoms are serious enough to go to the emergency room," the senators write in the letter. "Patients should not be forced to act as their own doctors and second ...
US Senator Elizabeth Warren is hoping to defuse an issue that has dogged her for years, her claims of Native American heritage, ahead of a possible run for president in 2020. Last month, Warren addressed the National Congress of American Indians, trying to cast her family's story in the larger context of ...
said Sunday “if it's true” that White House senior adviser Jared Kushner swayed U.S. foreign policy against Qatar for personal financial reasons, he “has ... side in this dispute between the Saudis, the Emiratis and Qatar, because the United States has very important interests in Qatar,” Murphy said Sunday.
Alana: "Senator Duckworth, you are about to make history in just a couple months here as the first sitting U.S. Senator to have a child while in office. Tell us what that means to you." Duckworth: "It means that we need more women in the Senate (laughs)." Illinois Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth - no ...
A University of Maryland poll from December showed that 83 percent of US voters support the "open internet", and some legislators are listening. Senator Ed Markey introduced on Tuesday a Congressional Review Act (CRA), a measure that allows Congress to use an expedited legal process to review new ...
Trump said the US will impose a 25% tariff on steel imports and 10% tariff on aluminum, capping a fierce, months-long internal debate that divided some of the President's top advisers. Anticipating the move, experts have said it is likely to invite retaliatory measures from foreign countries. Cornyn added he ...

The documents published by Fox News appear to back up the senators' accusation. Though they were marked “CONFIDENTIAL: Produced to USSSCI on a Confidential Basis,” suggesting that they had come from the Senate panel, known as the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the ...
Former U.S. Sen. Zell Miller, a Democrat who led the charge for Georgia's lottery-funded HOPE scholarships during his two terms as governor, has died. He was 86. Lori Geary, a ... His grandson, Bryan Miller, said the former senator and governor died "peacefully surrounded by his family." Miller's relatives ...
15 NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis praised alliance members for increasing their spending. He noted that in 2014, only three nations met that 2 percent threshold; by the end of this year, eight nations will be doing so, and 15 other nations have outlined plans to be ...
US legislators have submitted a draft resolution calling for an end to US military support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen's war. The draft resolution, unveiled on Wednesday, is being pushed forward by Senators Bernie Sanders, Mike Lee and Chris Murphy. The bill intends to exploit a powerful but rarely ...


news and opinion



          alan cranston
          arlen specter
          barack obama
          barbara boxer
          barbara mikulski
          ben nelson
          bernie sanders
          byron l. dorgan
          charles schumer
          chuck hagel
          daniel akaka
          daniel moynihan
          david vitter
          debbie stabenow
          dennis deconcini
          dick durbin
          donald w. riegle
          elizabeth dole
          evan bayh
          frank lautenberg
          gary hart
          gaylord nelson
          george allen
          george voinovich
          gordon smith
          harry reid
          jack reed
          james inhofe
          james webb
          jay rockefeller
          jeff merkley
          jesse helms
          jim bunning
          jim demint
          jim talent
          john cornyn
          john thune
          jon corzine
          jon kyl
          jon tester
          judd gregg
          keating five
          kent conrad
          kit bond
          larry craig
          lincoln chafee
          malcolm wallop
          mary l. landrieu
          max baucus
          max cleland
          mel martinez
          mike crapo
          norm coleman
          paul sarbanes
          pete domenici
          prescott bush
          richard durbin
          robert dole
          robert f. bennett
          roland burris
          ron wyden
          russ feingold
          sam nunn
          saxby chambliss
          susan m. collins
          ted kennedy
          ted stevens
          thad cochran
          tom coburn
          zell miller

United States federal elected officials:
        bill frist
        bob graham
        bob smith
        carl levin
        charles grassley
        charles robb
        christopher dodd
        corrine brown
        dennis hastert
        dennis kucinich
        dianne feinstein
        dick gephardt
        duncan hunter
        edward kennedy
        eugene mccarthy
        fritz hollings
        henry waxman
        hillary clinton
        howard dean
        ileana ros‑lehtinen
        jack kingston
        jim leach
        john edwards
        john f. kennedy
        john glenn
        john kerry
        john mccain
        john warner
        joseph biden
        joseph i lieberman
        lindsey graham
        mark dayton
        mark foley
        maxine waters
        mitch mcconnell
        nancy pelosi
        newt gingrich
        olympia snowe
        orrin g hatch
        patrick leahy
        paul wellstone
        porter goss
        ralph nader
        richard c. shelby
        richard cheney
        richard gephardt
        richard lugar
        rick santorum
        robert byrd
        ron paul
        spencer abraham
        tim roemer
        tom cole
        tom davis
        tom delay
        tom harkin
        trent lott
        walt slocombe

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