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updated Tue. May 14, 2024

Already, this $1.65 million single-family home in Bethesda, Maryland, has a lot to offer with nearly 8,000 square feet of space and a close location to ... this is the home of John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, one of the seven original astronauts in NASA's Mercury program, and U.S. senator from ...

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — The U.S. Naval Academy has seen a big increase in cyber operations majors, and a U.S. senator said Monday that ... Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat who is a board member, asked academy officials to keep in mind that midshipmen who get the specialized training in a ...
The senator provided updates on issues being debated at the federal leval that have connections to Maryland communities. He also answered questions from community members and discussed health care, foreign relations and gun and school safety. Cardin talked with residents about likely implications for Maryland ...
MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MO - U.S. Senator Roy Blunt is among those weighing in on the latest charge against Governor Greitens. Blunt tells us that unlike many others he is not calling on Greitens to resign. He says from the beginning of this whole episode with the Governor he has been an advocate for ...
Until Tuesday, Bernie Sanders was the only U.S. senator to comment publicly on the issue. The U.S. authorizes billions of dollars in military aid to Israel each year, and because every senator votes on this aid, we figured they might have a comment on the situation. The most significant response we got was ...
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland has launched a pilot program that uses the vehicle registration process to alert car owners of recalls involving their vehicle. “Maryland is the only state to be providing this information to its customers, and we are proud to be leading that charge,” said Jim Ports, deputy secretary ...
Guns dominate talk during local visit by Md. US senator, attorney general. Mar 28, 2018 ... Chris Van Hollen and Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh came to Homewood Retirement Community Wednesday to talk to seniors about scams. ... Van Hollen toured Western Maryland Wednesday. He first ...
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — A Maryland Democrat who's running for governor has picked up his third endorsement from a U.S. senator in addition to key progressive groups' backing. The Washington Post reported Friday that California's Kamala Harris joins New Jersey's Cory Booker and Vermont's Bernie ...


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           ben cardin

US Senator:
         alan cranston
         arlen specter
         barack obama
         barbara boxer
         barbara mikulski
         ben nelson
         bernie sanders
         byron l. dorgan
         charles schumer
         chuck hagel
         daniel akaka
         daniel moynihan
         david vitter
         debbie stabenow
         dennis deconcini
         dick durbin
         donald w. riegle
         elizabeth dole
         evan bayh
         frank lautenberg
         gary hart
         gaylord nelson
         george allen
         george voinovich
         gordon smith
         harry reid
         jack reed
         james inhofe
         james webb
         jay rockefeller
         jeff merkley
         jesse helms
         jim bunning
         jim demint
         jim talent
         john cornyn
         john thune
         jon corzine
         jon kyl
         jon tester
         judd gregg
         keating five
         kent conrad
         kit bond
         larry craig
         lincoln chafee
         malcolm wallop
         mary l. landrieu
         max baucus
         max cleland
         mel martinez
         mike crapo
         norm coleman
         paul sarbanes
         pete domenici
         prescott bush
         richard durbin
         robert dole
         robert f. bennett
         roland burris
         ron wyden
         russ feingold
         sam nunn
         saxby chambliss
         susan m. collins
         ted kennedy
         ted stevens
         thad cochran
         tom coburn
         zell miller

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U.S. Senators from Maryland