

  cross-referenced news and research resources about

 US Senator Larry Craig (Idaho)

Larry Craig
Larry Craig
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updated Sun. August 18, 2024

Rynearson didn't delve into any issues in her statement endorsing Fulcher, the former state senator from Meridian who ran for governor in 2014. ... d'Alene attorney Luke Malek, currently in his third term as a District 4 representative, was once an intern in the office of former Idaho U.S. Senator Larry Craig.
But maybe a few to refresh your memory: The former Alabama Attorney General Troy King, former Idaho Sen. Larry Craig, a gaggle of congressmen such as Mark Foley … and that would only be the beginning. We know the homophobic push in the White House is driven by anti-gay Mike Pence. We've ...

... associated general counsel for the FEC and now a lawyer for the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center in Washington, said the law is not fully clear on whether Farenthold could use campaign funds to repay the government. Noti pointed out that when former U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, used campaign ...
But maybe a few to refresh your memory: The former Alabama Attorney General Troy King, former Idaho Sen. Larry Craig, a gaggle of congressmen such as Mark Foley … and that would only be the beginning. We know the homophobic push in the White House is driven by Pence since we've heard it in the ...
At a recent Ada County GOP Central Committee candidate forum, Malek was the only one who said he would vote for the omnibus spending bill that among Idaho's delegation, only Rep. Mike Simpson backed. Malek picked up the endorsement of former U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, who said Malek has a record ...
Mark Sanford ; Dennis Hastert ; Anthony Weiner ; Malcolm Smith; Mario Biaggi; Pedro Espada ; Vito Lopez; Dean Skelos ; Eliot Spitzer ; Stanley Friedman; Anthony Weiner again just on general principles; Sheldon Silver ; Hiram Monserrate ; Spiro Agnew; Charlie Rangel ; Idaho Sen. Larry Craig soliciting ...

As for your friend, ACE, well, according to the Protocols of the Elders of Tumblr, we're no longer allowed to express doubt about someone's professed sexual orientation or gender identity. So if Republican US senator Larry Craig of Idaho gets caught trawling for dick in an airport bathroom—which he did in ...
So if Republican US senator Larry Craig of Idaho gets caught trawling for dick in an airport bathroom—which he did in 2007—and insists it was all a misunderstanding because, you know, he's 200 percent straight, well, then he's straight. (And if Jeffrey Dahmer says he's a vegetarian…) So even if your ...
So if Republican US senator Larry Craig of Idaho gets caught trawling for dick in an airport bathroom—which he did in 2007—and insists it was all a misunderstanding because, you know, he's 200 percent straight, well, then he's straight. (And if Jeffrey Dahmer says he's a vegetarian...) So even if your friend ...
As for your friend, ACE, well, according to the Protocols of the Elders of Tumblr, we're no longer allowed to express doubt about someone's professed sexual orientation or gender identity. So if Republican U.S. senator Larry Craig of Idaho gets caught trawling for dick in an airport bathroom — which he did ...
Larry Craig and the late Sen. Jim McClure. The BLM has put a huge amount of effort into creating a yearlong celebration to commemorate the original achievement and pay tribute to the people who made it possible, including Morley. The events planned include opportunities to see birds of prey up close at ...
SPOKANE Wash. – Former Idaho Senator Larry Craig has not held public office for nearly a decade, but a 2 on Your Side investigation shows he was still using campaign funds as recently as 2016. Craig was surrounded by controversy in 2007, after his arrest in an airport bathroom for allegedly soliciting ...
SPOKANE Wash. – Former Idaho Senator Larry Craig has not held public office for nearly a decade, but a 2 on Your Side investigation shows he was still using campaign funds as recently as 2016. Craig was surrounded by controversy in 2007, after his arrest in an airport bathroom for allegedly soliciting ...
He also received support from former U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, former Secretary of State Ben Ysursa and former Idaho House Speaker Bruce Newcomb. On the education front, Little received support from state superintendent Sherri Ybarra; Skip Oppenheimer, one of several business leaders who served on ...
Mr. Moore, the former Alabama Supreme Court judge and state prosecutor, is a candidate for the Senate, not a sitting senator, limiting the authority and leverage of Mr. McConnell and his Republican colleagues over Mr. Moore. Should Mr. Moore be elected, they would face the prospect of welcoming him ...
JUNE 11--Today is the 10th anniversary of former Senator Larry Craig's arrest for seeking some male companionship inside a bathroom at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The Idaho Republican was collared by an plainclothes cop who alleged that the married pol--who was in an adjoining ...
In this Feb. 28, 2008, file photo, then-Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Susan Walsh / Associated Press). Associated Press ... The senator pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace, but after news of the incident broke, he began a prolonged legal fight using campaign money to ...

Craig's lawyers argued, among other things, that his status as a sitting senator at the time of the charges heightened the media attention to a national level, something that would not have happened to a private citizen. “Nor would the publication of such a plea have normally engendered immediate ...
Well, his picture is above, so I guess I spoiled it already: Whatever happened to Senator Larry Craig? If you were too young to be following the political news that closely, or you just missed it, the scandal that effectively ended Craig's political career was strange and suggestive in the extreme. Basically, it all ...
The senator was named in February, along with Sen. Robert Bennett of Utah, as Romney's liaison to build support among GOP senators. Monday night, Romney's presidential campaign announced Craig was stepping down. "He didn't want to be a distraction, and we accept his decision," the Romney ...
Then-Rep. and later Sen. Larry Craig co-sponsored a resolution that would have amended the Constitution in ways that would have violated the First Amendment by allowing the “teaching of the Judeo-Christian ethic” in public schools . . . includ[ing] the Ten Commandments and the creation of the earth as ...
1999 BFHS graduate, Ty Iverson is working as a page/intern with Idaho Senator Larry Craig in Washington, D.C. A student at the University of Idaho, Iverson will graduate in December with a Bachelor of Science in agriculture-business. The members of the Boundary County Community Theater will present ...
Within about a year of that showdown with former senator Larry Craig of Idaho (whose claim to fame, a few years later, came when he was busted for lewd ... genius pundits found apocalyptic narratives in the result (“The first sign of lunacy was the delegates' refusal to endorse impeccably liberal Sen.
Yet, within just two hours, the NRA had emailed the sponsor of the legislation — Republican Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho — and directed him to kill the underlying bill, which it desperately wanted. Craig and the rest of the Senate Republicans complied immediately. The Senate voted down the bill, and the ...


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