updated Tue. June 11, 2024
March 28, 2018
The fact that adult conservatives are attacking the young people whose classmates died before their eyes with all of the ugly vigor they once directed to Barack Obama's birth certificate proves they view the Parkland kids and the #NeverAgain movement as a potent political threat. In attempting to tear downÃâà...
Chicago Tribune
March 28, 2018
Trump typically rattles his opponents with character attacks (remember “Crooked Hillary”?), even if he has to turn to phony conspiracy theories — like challenging Barack Obama's birth certificate — despite a lack of evidence to back them up. But Daniels takes the opposite approach. Unlike politicians tryingÃâà...
KXLF Butte News
March 28, 2018
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Republican Senate candidate and former Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio suggested that he would revive the debunked claim that President Barack Obama's birth certificate is fraudulent if he's elected to the Senate. At a conservative convention last week, Arpaio recalledÃâà...
March 28, 2018
... sheriff Joe Arpaio suggested that he would revive the debunked claim that President Barack Obama's birth certificate is fraudulent if he's elected to the Senate. ... Back in January, a day after announcing he's running for Senate, Arpaio argued on CNN that Obama's birth certificate was a "phony document.".
March 28, 2018
Joe Arpaio, the former Maricopa County sheriff who is running for U.S. Senate in Arizona, says that once elected, he will renew his quest to demonstrate that former President Barack Obama's birth certificate is a fake. Arpaio — who became famous for his controversial stance on immigration and for pushingÃâà...
March 28, 2018
Joe Arpaio, who is running for Senator in Arizona despite a criminal conviction, has promised to resurrect a debunked conspiracy theory about former President Barack Obama's birth certificate, if elected to office. The octogenarian former sheriff, who has repeatedly been accused of human rights abuses forÃâà...
San Francisco Chronicle
March 25, 2018
And most famously, Trump shamefully peddled a fake “birther conspiracy” against former President Barack Obama, even after a certified birth certificate showing American citizenship was produced. Sadly, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman who chose to resign rather thanÃâà...
March 24, 2018
... that former President Barack Obama was not born in the U.S., it was Arpaio who dispatched a sheriff's deputy to Hawaii to investigate in 2012. Arpaio later joined the investigator at a news conference in Phoenix with a slide presentation explaining why he believed Obama's birth certificate was fraudulent.
Bridge Michigan
March 20, 2018
El-Sayed, who is Muslim, and his supporters have said questions about his eligibility are racist and likened them to “birtherism” – the questions raised by Donald Trump and others about Barack Obama's birth certificate when he was president. El-Sayed is campaigning as a progressive in a field of fourÃâà...
March 19, 2018
... Nixon knew nothing about Watergate, which was proven in the 18 minutes missing from his Oval Office tapes. 3) South never seceded before North launched Civil War: Fake news! 4) 1969 moon landing was a diversion staged by Barack Obama's mother to divert attention from his missing birth certificate.
March 18, 2018
Former US president Barack Obama greets former prime minister John Key at a United Nations' lunch in New York in 2009. ... White House Correspondents' dinner (an annual fete/roast of the President and the press), Obama poked fun at the birther conspiracy over his long form birth certificate, his foreignÃâà...
March 17, 2018
Haven't we been here before? Trump's political rise was fueled in part by the fact that he was willing to purvey corrosive conspiracy theories. After President Barack Obama produced his birth certificate in 2011, it took Trump five years to say he accepted that Obama was “born in the United States, period.”.
Seattle Times
March 11, 2018
Pomeroy told the San Antonio Express-News that Ussery yelled at him. “He said, 'Your daughter never even existed. Show me her birth certificate. ... How do you reason with the person who thinks nobody died at Parkland? Or that Barack Obama was born in Kenya? Or that the U.S. government blew up theÃâà...
Daily Commercial
March 11, 2018
Nearly every time black people needed him to speak to our sorrows, history or aspirations, Barack Obama rose to the occasion. ... The same people who professed to find sinister tidings in the black guy's birth certificate, childhood and work as a community organizer cheer the white guy as he daily soilsÃâà...
Harvard Crimson
March 11, 2018
Wiley's portrait calls attention to Barack Obama's roots, melding them into the foreground, petals shining proudly under bright light. It's difficult to articulate exactly why this ... You see the first black president's legitimacy being questioned—supposedly over a birth certificate. We're supposed to find whitenessÃâà...
Chico Enterprise-Record
March 9, 2018
The churning in my stomach at the remembrance of that fact is a visceral reminder of just how much President Barack Obama spoiled us all. ... The same people who professed to find sinister tidings in the black guy's birth certificate, childhood and work as a community organizer cheer the white guy as heÃâà...
The Daily Progress
March 8, 2018
Nearly every time black people needed him to speak to our sorrows, history or aspirations, Barack Obama rose to the occasion. ... The same people who professed to find sinister tidings in the black guy's birth certificate, childhood and work as a community organizer cheer the white guy as he daily soilsÃâà...
Arizona Daily Sun
March 5, 2018
Joe Arpaio, when he was still sheriff, at a 2012 press conference challenging the validity of Barack Obama's birth certificate. Defeated in his own 2016 reelection bid, Arpaio now has entered the race for U.S. Senate. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. Fight Fixing. Buy Now. Rep. Kyrsten SinemaÃâà...
March 3, 2018
He also continues to maintain that he has proof that former president Barack Obama's birth certificate is a forgery, even though Trump long ago abandoned the issue. (Arpaio maintains that financier George Soros spent against him in his 2016 sheriff's campaign to protect Obama from the birth-certificateÃâà...
March 1, 2018
PHOENIX — U.S. Senate candidate Joe Arpaio questioned whether Barack Obama attended Harvard during a recent interview, doubling down on his ... and Arpaio were discussing the so-called “birther” theory that claims Obama was actually born in Africa and his Hawaii birth certificate was falsified so heÃâà...
February 28, 2018
During the Obama administration, Corsi was one of the chief proponents of the birther conspiracy, going as far as to publish a book titled, "Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President." He previously wrote for the far-right, fringe outlet World Net Daily, beforeÃâà...
February 28, 2018
On Saturday, she retweeted an image from her Twitter account that featured a picture of former President Barack Obama with the text, "IN 8 YRS I IMPROVED LIFE FOR ... (Neither of those records are sealed) The video featured a picture of a college-aged Obama and another image of his birth certificate.
February 21, 2018
While the authors don't make explicit reference to forged birth certificates, the massive scope of Barack Obama's almost satanic evil in Shadow Wolves renders the prospect of a mere faked birth certificate totally inconsequential. Consequently, The Way of the Shadow Wolves isn't just a conspiracy thriller;Ãâà...
New York Magazine
February 20, 2018
Barack Obama working in what is either the Oval Office or a stage as elaborately faked as his birth certificate. Photo: Handout/Getty Images. Donald Trump's jealous obsession with his predecessor is well known, but a Washington Post report indicates the psychosis is even worse than you think. (The firstÃâà...
Rolling Out
February 8, 2018
Trump despises former President Barack Obama so much that he probably curses the very air Obama breathes and hates the ground that he walks on. ... “It's not only Donald who wants to see it (Obama's birth certificate),” it's the American people who voted for him and who didn't vote for him,” MelaniaÃâà...
February 6, 2018
She tweeted, “It's a lovely bit of husband-trolling that Melania Trump only follows five people and one of them is Barack Obama.” ... Joy Behar Show, Melania Trump backed up her husband's claim and the so-called birther movement, saying, “It's not only Donald who wants to see [Obama's birth certificate].
Raw Story
February 5, 2018
GOP lawmaker: FBI should drop Russia probe because we never investigated Obama's birth certificate ... the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. elections to President Donald Trump's racist “birtherism” campaign to convince Americans that President Barack Obama is not a U.S. citizen.
November 28, 2017
... Barack Obama was born in the US. In fact, he blamed his opponent Hillary Clinton for starting the “birther” conspiracy, a statement that has been disproven by numerous fact checkers. Privately, however, Trump apparently remains unconvinced that the birth certificate of the former president is authentic.
December 31, 1999
With Warren, Trump is trying to typecast a potential 2020 rival. In neither case is disproving the criticisms likely to quiet the critics. Obama released his long-form birth certificate in 2011. Trump admitted Obama was born in the US years later, in 2016, although he still has his doubts, according to some reportsÃâà...
December 31, 1999
No serious outlet should elevate Corsi's opinion: He is a widely discredited writer who has pushed countless conspiracy theories, including about former President Barack Obama's birth certificate and "Pizzagate." He now works for Alex Jones, who has pushed toxic and false conspiracy theories aboutÃâà...
December 31, 1999
PHOENIX — U.S. Senate candidate Joe Arpaio questioned whether Barack Obama attended Harvard during a recent interview, doubling down on his ... and Arpaio were discussing the so-called “birther” theory that claims Obama was actually born in Africa and his Hawaii birth certificate was falsified so heÃâà...
Washington City Paper (blog)
December 31, 1999
While Wiley noted that it represents the land of Obama's Hawaiian birth, Kenyan heritage, and Chicago home, the flowers also represent something else entirely, three stupid fauxtroversies: All the conservative hand-wringing over Hawaiian vacations, the murder rate in Chicago, and his birth certificate.