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updated Tue. July 16, 2024

More recently, the argument goes, left-wing radicals opposed centrist Hillary Clinton and France's Emmanuel Macron. ... Similarly, the anti-left rhetoric around political correctness—in which student left protesters with minimal power are presented as the "real" totalitarians—is widely popular among figures ...
Those concerns stem from the tough-on-crime rhetoric that the Trump administration has employed in recent months, leading treatment advocates in states ... The issue became central in the 2016 presidential election, with both Trump and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton promising communities affected by ...

Konni Burton backed Hillary Clinton in 2016. The other backed Bernie ... Powell, a real estate developer, backed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to be the party's nominee for president. Campolo ... “Across the board people are concerned about the rhetoric we hear in the news today.” Campolo said ...
The accounts also pushed anti-Clinton rhetoric during the election, including a video from the 1990s in which Clinton called black gang members ... who had been a member of the KKK in the 1940s, with the text, “Hillary Clinton embracing KKK leader Robert Byrd, where is the media on this?” Following the ...
Similar rhetoric erupted on the other side of the political spectrum. Republican Congressman Paul Gosar declared that the Nunes Memo revealed behavior that was “not just criminal but constitutes treason.” Gosar quickly made clear that his choice of language was no mere rhetorical flourish: “I will,” Gosar ...
Trump went through the motions of calling for bipartisanship, but the moments when he reached for inspirational rhetoric felt strange and disorienting. .... One reason Trump continues to speak about Hillary Clinton is surely that there's no clear leader of the Democratic Party for him to attack instead.

Hillary Clinton personally protected a senior advisor to her 2008 presidential campaign who was accused of repeatedly sexually harassing a young female staffer, according to a New York Times report on Friday. ... Commentators also pointed out the startling hypocrisy behind Clinton's rhetoric and actions.
Hillary Clinton demeaned the basic humanity of the “deplorables” that she said made up half of her opponent's supporters. She was also already ... The hope held out then by the scholars was that should Trump be successful, the demands of the job would tone down his divisive rhetoric. And that he would ...
During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton and many others claimed that Trump's blunt rhetoric on Islamist extremism was helping the terrorist Islamic State recruit new members. In May 2016, Clinton echoed what many others had said and would continue to claim: “I said months ago, what Donald Trump ...
President Donald Trump has brought an unusual rhetorical style to his first 12 months in office, just as he did on the campaign trail. Has he also in a small ... Trump left millions of Americans wondering what he meant when discussing tax during his first debate with Hillary Clinton in 2016. "I'm going to cut ...
“The final exam for African Studies 161 asked students whether Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric was [A.] 'anti-Mexican,' [B.] 'anti-Muslim,' [C.] 'anti-woman,' or [D.] ... “In her 2016 concession speech, what groups did Hillary Clinton address in terms of breaking down barriers and bringing people together?
WASHINGTON — Oprah Winfrey's Golden Globes speech has revived notions that she is considering a 2020 presidential bid, a prospect that she has previously dismissed. CNN reported on Monday that two close friends of hers say that she is “actively considering” a bid, while her longtime partner, ...
It portrays Trump as a borderline delusional man who lashes out, gets stuck in rhetorical loops, and cannot help himself from tweeting incendiary things, often over the advice of advisers in the administration. Ms. Clinton is not taking any payment for this job, the press release states, despite being a celebrity ...
Sanders, who ran unsuccessfully against Hillary Clinton · Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonGrassley blasts Democrats over unwillingness to probe Clinton GOP lawmakers cite new allegations of political bias in FBI Top intel Dem: Trump Jr. refused to answer questions about Trump Tower discussions with ...
Donald Trump made it clear at the beginning of his campaign that he wasn't going to follow the normal rules or tone of politics. We're keeping track of all the ways his presidency veers from the norm in terms of policy and rhetoric. DAY 347 Jan. 2. The election was in 2016, and 2017 was a long, long year.
I remember the indignation, the outrage, the downright fury of Trump supporters when Hillary Clinton made her infamous “basket of deplorables” remark during a campaign speech. Yet if you read Clinton's ... He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric.” Clinton did not say that all Trump ...
President Trump thinks lots of people should be investigated for wrongdoing. Just not him. Hillary Clinton above all. More than a year after she lost the presidential election, she's still Trump's favorite target — a rhetorical security blanket he returns to, over and over. “Everybody is asking why the Justice ...

Clinton announced her candidacy in June 2015 and, amidst all the positive comments she received after her speech, she hardly paid attention to American journalist E.J. Dionne's sharp remark: “Hillary Clinton is making a bet and issuing a challenge. The bet is that voters will pay more attention to what she ...
The quotation above, from Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric against Hillary Clinton, is now a better fit for his own circumstances than ever. The day after Michael Flynn's guilty plea on Friday, Trump compounded his legal jeopardy with a tweet suggesting that (contrary to what he had said before) he knew ...
I will say this, Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI. ... “Hillary Clinton on the Fourth of July weekend went to the FBI, not under oath. ... The president's rhetoric indeed has shifted back toward Clinton and the media as has that of his staff, including counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, who said ...
... after every move he has made, and exacerbated the aggressive and extreme partisan rhetoric that has led to an unproductive government.
Although Clinton's campaign was far from perfect, it's hard to imagine that this type of rhetoric will help Biden if he does choose to run in 2020.
As first lady, Hillary Clinton championed the Children's Health ... to me that the new administration has only given rhetorical support,” she said.
... a top Democratic fundraiser and brother to Hillary Clinton's campaign ... opposed NATO and spread anti-American rhetoric, reported NBC.
Hillary Clinton Shouldn't Go Away. .... Many Democrats now ignore such unhinged rhetoric, since Clinton is no longer a presidential nominee ...
Hillary Clinton says she wanted her supporters to give Pres. ... "Let's see, maybe there will be a pivot, a move away from the horrible rhetoric, ...
... an old scandal about a uranium deal with a Hillary Clinton connection. ... the return of one of his recurring rhetorical attacks on Clinton during ...
... an old scandal about a uranium deal with a Hillary Clinton connection. ... his recurring rhetorical attacks on Clinton during the 2016 campaign ...
In an indirect reference to Trump's rhetoric against Pyongyang on Twitter, Clinton said, “the insults on Twitter have benefited North Korea, ...
Anti-Clinton rhetoric shone through on the “Heart of Texas” page, ... ads “featured Muslims supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton for president ...
... debates between secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump. .... And using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate.
The article recites some of the rhetoric leveled at Clinton from across the ... That Hillary Clinton — ex-Secretary of State, former Senator, and ...
Noted arbiter of youth culture Hillary Clinton is set to guest edit a ... Clinton's mastery of empty political rhetoric is captivating for some older ...
Former President Clinton on Wednesday expressed concern that President Trump's rhetoric reflects the same values as dictators around the ...
On the trail, Trump referred to DACA as an “illegal amnesty” that had to be ended — though he softened that rhetoric soon after being ...
"Schulz was trying to use similar rhetoric to Sanders and Corbyn -- the ... tips from activists who worked for Sanders and his rival Hillary Clinton.
... face an inflection point among conservatives who conclude that Republican rhetoric was predicated on a belief that Hillary Clinton would win.
In her third memoir, set to be released next week, Hillary Clinton ... onto the “crooked Hillary” rhetoric that was so emboldening for his base.
Just like the Democrats under Hillary Clinton, Ardern draws deep from a fawning coterie of liberal actors and comedians. A celebrified Auckland ...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, left, and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton participate in the third and final ...
A Newsweek headline asked if ''anti-Trump rhetoric'' inspired the shooter, ... Lives Matter, Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama, accusing them of ... violence is that this is a power struggle as much as a rhetorical one.
... rhetoric from North Korea when resolutions were passed at the UN. ... that Hillary Clinton wrote about the Benghazi attack, Politico reports.
Donald Trump embraced this attitude through his "Make America Great Again" campaign rhetoric, and more officially through his "America-First" foreign policy agenda, which seeks to adopt a more protectionist attitude toward the American economy while ...
The Bloomberg analysis Carlson referenced found that taxpayers in counties that voted for Hillary Clinton in the election would receive a disproportionate share of the tax cut compared with those in counties that voted for Trump.
Every Trump supporter has heard his rhetoric about people of colour and women and decided that it is acceptable on some level.
And obviously America wanted him more than Hillary Clinton," said Rebecca Gallardo, a 30-year-old nursing student from Kansas City, Missouri, who voted for Trump.
And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton." Trump routinely denies that and says he captured the presidency in large part by winning states such as Michigan and Wisconsin that ... Trump's rhetoric as a candidate and his presidential ...
Famously, he even did a reverse version of this - defending not the U.S., but Russia - when he told Fox News' Bill O'Reilly about his "respect" for Russian President Vladimir Putin, as former Hillary Clinton State Department and campaign adviser Jake ...
Many tech execs and employees supported Hillary Clinton and are suspicious of what Trump's "America First" rhetoric may mean for an industry that relies heavily on a global workforce and international trade and builds software and social networks that ...
The next day, Conway scrambled to play down her statement, suggesting it was "fake news." Conway said she pays little attention to criticism.


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