updated Tue. October 1, 2024
War on the Rocks
February 15, 2018
American scholars from Hal Brands and Niall Ferguson to Francis Gavin, Margaret Macmillan and Philip Zelikow have discussed the merits of “applied history,” “historical sensibility,” and “thinking historically.” Building on the work of earlier historians such as Ernest May and Richard Neustadt, they haveÃÂ ...
Center for Research on Globalization
February 13, 2018
This theory was produced by mythologist Philip Zelikow, who, before the investigation began, created an outline that was kept secret from his own Commission staff. Zelikow's outline determined the outcome of the investigation before any facts were examined. Moreover, the 9/11 Commission claimedÃÂ ...
New York Times
February 10, 2018
“They are very frustrated with what they're getting from our educational institutions,” said Philip Zelikow, a University of Virginia professor who collaborated with corporate leaders like Howard Schultz of Starbucks on a 2015 report titled “America's Moment: Creating Opportunity in the Connected Age.
February 6, 2018
By 2005, just as the situation in Iraq, a country then locked in a sectarian civil war amid an American occupation, went from bad to worse, Sorley's book found its way into the hands of the head of U.S. Central Command, General John Abizaid, and State Department counselor Philip Zelikow. By thenÃÂ ...
The Nation.
January 29, 2018
By 2005, just as the situation in Iraq, a country then locked in a sectarian civil war amid an American occupation, went from bad to worse, Sorley's book found its way into the hands of the head of US Central Command, General John Abizaid, and State Department counselor Philip Zelikow. By thenÃÂ ...
The Boston Globe
August 28, 2017
US forces and Afghan security police in Asad Khil near the site of a US bombing east of Kabul, Afghanistan. By Niall Ferguson August 28, 2017. “Is the world slouching toward a grave systemic crisis?” asked historian Philip Zelikow at the annual gathering of the Aspen Strategy Group earlier this month. Now that's what I callÃÂ ...
Lawfare (blog)
August 15, 2017
The Charlottesville tragedy came close to home for me because I teach at the University of Virginia and because it signaled the reappearance of a threat I had encountered before: the rise of well-armed private militia groups. For those close to the action, including the law enforcement personnel on duty,ÃÂ ...
The Atlantic
August 11, 2017
On August 5, Philip Zelikow delivered the following keynote address at the annual meeting of the Aspen Strategy Group, a discussion forum for experts and government practitioners. Zelikow, who is currently the White Burkett Miller Professor of History at the University of Virginia, has served at all levels ofÃÂ ...
Foreign Policy (blog)
July 31, 2017
Professor Philip Zelikow concludes that President Donald Trump has no constitutional authority to decide whether the military will “accept or allow” transgender individuals to serve. But the president does have that power, just as he has the power to continue the current Department of Defense policyÃÂ ...
WMRA Public Radio
December 3, 2017
PHILIP ZELIKOW: I remembered, from my own experience in litigation against right-wing extremist groups in the 1980s, back in Texas, that Texas, like most states, has laws that prohibit private armies. They prohibit paramilitary groups arming themselves and coming to political confrontations. They prohibitÃÂ ...
The Diplomat
November 7, 2017
A recent article by Philip Zelikow in the new Texas National Security Review (associated with the website War on the Rocks) investigates this ...
Hindustan Times
October 27, 2017
Five years later, Philip Zelikow, counsellor to Rice, now US secretary of state, said in a background briefing that the US wanted to “help India ...
Consortium News
October 26, 2017
It should come as no surprise that Salvetti, according to Shenon, is a former CIA career officer (and Staff Director Philip Zelikow's appointee to ...
October 26, 2017
Frankly, we always knew the Staff Director of the 9/11 Commission, Philip Zelikow, was close with Condoleeza Rice who was a so-called ...
Jacobin magazine
October 21, 2017
For the previous few years — as Philip Zelikow, the commission's staff director, revealed this morning — the CIA had issued several warnings ...
Lawfare (blog)
October 18, 2017
History professor and former senior government official Philip Zelikow calls for shutting down groups that seek to create private militias—that is, ...
Roanoke Times
October 15, 2017
University of Virginia History Professor Philip Zelikow provided some of the legal firepower to support the lawsuit's chances of succeeding in ...
The Daily Progress
October 14, 2017
University of Virginia history professor Philip Zelikow — who served as executive director of the 9/11 Commission, which reviewed responses to ...
October 8, 2017
Philip Zelikow, a State Department counselor under former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, said that "observant foreign governments have ...
Center for Research on Globalization
October 7, 2017
Some observers, including former high government official Philip Zelikow, believe that Iraq was attacked by the U.S. in 2003 to protect Israel.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
October 7, 2017
Philip Zelikow, a University of Virginia history professor who was Rice's counselor at the State Department, said foreign governments have ...
September 27, 2017
Philip Zelikow, a Bush aide who chaired the 9/11 Commission, said in 2002 that the war was being planned because of “the threat that dare not ...
Raw Story
September 21, 2017
Except for Israel, of course. Philip Zelikow, also Jewish, in a moment of candor, admitted that the Iraq War, in his opinion, was fought for Israel.”.
Foreign Policy (blog)
September 20, 2017
Such presidential United Nations General Assembly speeches rarely are. It is hard to conjure a theme. But this was a jangly speech about ...
PJ Media
September 12, 2017
“The FBI is telling the truth,” Philip Zelikow, executive director of the 9/11 Commission, told Newsweek. As for why the CIA not only failed to ...
September 11, 2017
But this story is murkier than it's sometimes described, says Philip Zelikow, co-author with Graham Allison of “Essence of Decision,” the classic ...
The Boston Globe
August 28, 2017
“Is the world slouching toward a grave systemic crisis?” asked historian Philip Zelikow at the annual gathering of the Aspen Strategy Group ...
History News Network (HNN)
August 17, 2017
Philip Zelikow is the White Burkett Miller Professor of History at the University of Virginia. He has practiced law and served in various ...
Slate Magazine (blog)
August 16, 2017
But University of Virginia professor Philip Zelikow argues that the Constitution does allow for restricting armed rallies. Writing in Lawfare, Zelikow notes that there is precedent for preventing groups of heavily armed white supremacists from gathering in intimidating mass assemblies: In 1981 an organizationÃÂ ...
Lawfare (blog)
August 15, 2017
The Charlottesville tragedy came close to home for me because I teach at the University of Virginia and because it signaled the reappearance ...
Lawfare (blog)
August 15, 2017
The Charlottesville tragedy came close to home for me because I teach at the University of Virginia and because it signaled the reappearance ...
The Atlantic
August 11, 2017
On August 5, Philip Zelikow delivered the following keynote address at the annual meeting of the Aspen Strategy Group, a discussion forum for ...
The New Yorker
August 4, 2017
“Yet the most disruptive force in the world today is the United States of America,” the former C.I.A. director said. The closest similarity to the Trump era was the brief Warren G. Harding Administration, in the nineteen-twenties, Philip Zelikow, who worked for the Reagan and two Bush Administrations, and whoÃÂ ...
Foreign Policy (blog)
July 31, 2017
Professor Philip Zelikow concludes that President Donald Trump has no constitutional authority to decide whether the military will “accept or ...
The Cipher Brief
December 31, 1999
In our continuing drive to spur healthy debate in the national security space, The Cipher Brief is sharing this op-ed from Philip Zelikow, the ...
Jacobin magazine
December 31, 1999
For the previous few years — as Philip Zelikow, the commission's staff director, revealed this morning — the CIA had issued several warnings ...
The National Law Journal
December 31, 1999
While I was on that post, I saw that Philip Zelikow, a history professor at the University of Virginia, posted an article about some cases he ...
Chicago Tribune
December 31, 1999
After the August rally, University of Virginia historian Philip Zelikow thought of a Texas case he'd worked on in the 1980s that relied on state law ...
Winston-Salem Journal
September 7, 2017
But this story is murkier than it's sometimes described, says Philip Zelikow, co-author with Graham Allison of “Essence of Decision,” the classicÃÂ ...
September 6, 2017
But this story is murkier than it's sometimes described, says Philip Zelikow, co-author with Graham Allison of "Essence of Decision," the classicÃÂ ...
August 30, 2017
PHILIP ZELIKOW: If we can't tell what our political strategy is on all these different subjects, I can't give the secretary of state a good grade.
August 29, 2017
KELEMEN: It was another topic that I raised at the University of Virginia when I caught up with Philip Zelikow. He was a top advisor inÃÂ ...
The Boston Globe
August 28, 2017
“Is the world slouching toward a grave systemic crisis?” asked historian Philip Zelikow at the annual gathering of the Aspen Strategy GroupÃÂ ...
August 23, 2017
A more radical approach comes from Philip Zelikow, a history professor at the University of Virginia and former executive director of the 9/11ÃÂ ...
Business Insider
August 21, 2017
A more radical approach comes from Philip Zelikow, a history professor at the University of Virginia and former executive director of the 9/11ÃÂ ...
August 18, 2017
A more radical approach comes from Philip Zelikow, a history professor at the University of Virginia and former executive director of the 9/11ÃÂ ...
History News Network (HNN)
August 17, 2017
Philip Zelikow is the White Burkett Miller Professor of History at the University of Virginia. He has practiced law and served in variousÃÂ ...
Lawfare (blog)
August 16, 2017
Philip Zelikow outlined legal responses to the dangers of unauthorized private military groups. Shannon Togawa Mercer answered someÃÂ ...
Slate Magazine (blog)
August 16, 2017
But University of Virginia professor Philip Zelikow argues that the Constitution does allow for restricting armed rallies. Writing in LawfareÃÂ ...
Lawfare (blog)
August 15, 2017
The Charlottesville tragedy came close to home for me because I teach at the University of Virginia and because it signaled the reappearanceÃÂ ...
news and opinion