updated Sun. November 12, 2023
St. Louis Jewish Light
April 12, 2018
In a parallel blunder, on July 25, 1990, April Glaspie, then U.S. ambassador to Iraq, told Saddam Hussein, that nation's dictator, in a face-to-face meeting: “We have no opinion of your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait.” She added that Secretary of State James Baker “has directed me toÃâà...
Mintpress News
March 29, 2018
Old-fashioned diplomacy involves direct communication between representatives of nations, a conversational give and take, often fraught with deception (see April Glaspie), but an exchange nonetheless. Public diplomacy, as defined by Beers, is something else entirely. It's a one-way street, a unilateralÃâà...
Center for Research on Globalization
March 28, 2018
For example, as far back as 1990 US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie told Saddam Hussein, “[W]e have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait,” in effect giving the green light to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and setting off the cascade of events that has led to theÃâà...
The National
March 18, 2018
Because without a clear answer, the ambiguity, deliberate or otherwise, might lead to something close to the April Glaspie scenario – the former US ambassador to Iraq who supposedly “lured” Saddam Hussein into the invasion of Kuwait by being vague about Washington's stance, even suggesting consentÃâà...
We Are The Mighty (blog)
February 8, 2018
... which was a U.S. ally that supplied America with oil. Hussein was angry that Kuwait kept oil prices down by overproducing, and even reportedly was slant-drilling Iraqi oil under the border. Knowing that an invasion of Kuwait might upset the U.S., Hussein infamously asked U.S. Ambassador April GlaspieÃâà...
We Are The Mighty (blog)
February 8, 2018
“President Trump is incredibly supportive of America's great service members who risk their lives every day to keep our country safe,” Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. “He has asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebration at which all Americans can show theirÃâà...
Business Insider
February 7, 2018
Hussein was angry that Kuwait kept oil prices down by overproducing, and even reportedly was slant-drilling Iraqi oil under the border. Knowing that an invasion of Kuwait might upset the US, Hussein infamously asked US Ambassador April Glaspie about the prospective invasion. Glaspie, under the ordersÃâà...
Business Insider
February 7, 2018
Hussein was angry that Kuwait kept oil prices down by overproducing, and even reportedly was slant-drilling Iraqi oil under the border. Knowing that an invasion of Kuwait might upset the US, Hussein infamously asked US Ambassador April Glaspie about the prospective invasion. Glaspie, under the ordersÃâà...
August 27, 2017
In July 1990, Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie reportedly assured Saddam Hussein, in careful diplomatese, that the Bush administration had no interest in adjudicating “Arab-Arab” border disputes between Iraq and Kuwait. A relieved Saddam invaded Kuwait a few weeks later. We might have wished thatÃâà...
July 22, 2017
Without them, senior leaders can end up in disastrous versions of he said she said; Ambassador April Glaspie's solo discussion with Saddam Hussein before the Gulf War being a prototypical case. Meetings where one or both sides lack a note taker give the more devious of the two free reign to issueÃâà...
Daily Sabah
July 6, 2017
Before Iraq invaded Kuwait, Saddam Hussein hosted a very important guest: then U.S. Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie. In her meeting with Saddam, Glaspie said the U.S. wished to be on amicable terms with Iraq while guaranteeing that they would remain impartial with regard to the border conflictÃâà...
August 2, 2016
You'll all remember the story of hapless April Glaspie, often blamed — unfairly, in my view — for the First Gulf War. She was accused of giving Saddam Hussein the very mistaken impression that the United States would remain neutral should he invade Kuwait. The transcripts of the meeting vary in theirÃâà...
Foreign Policy
January 8, 2011
I'm generally not inclined to take issue with my FP colleagues, but David Kenner's recent posting on the WikiLeaks release of a cable recounting Saddam Hussein's infamous meeting with U.S. ambassador April Glaspie deserves a response. In an article headlined "Why One U.S. Diplomat Didn't Cause theÃâà...
Foreign Policy
January 6, 2011
On July 25, 1990, Saddam Hussein summoned April Glaspie, the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad, to discuss Iraq's brewing dispute with Kuwait. Their discussion would eventually cost Glaspie her promising career as a diplomat. One week after the meeting, Saddam's troops would storm into Kuwait,Ãâà...
January 2, 2011
The cable, whose official title was “Saddam's Message of Friendship to President Bush” details the meeting between US Ambassador April Glaspie and Saddam Hussein on July 25, 1990, just a week before the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The meeting has long been a matter of speculation, as it had long beenÃâà...
Spiegel Online
December 6, 2010
Did one clumsy statement by the US ambassador in Iraq trigger the first Gulf War? The leaked US cables show diplomats failed to pick up signs that Saddam Hussein was preparing to invade Kuwait, and that they painted his regime in a consistently favorable light in the years leading up to the conflict.
December 31, 1999
On July 25, 1990, with Iraqi military forces massing on the border with Kuwait, U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie requested her first meeting with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. The two nations were in the grip of a dispute over oil rights and other matters, with Iraq laying claim to Kuwait as its 19th province as aÃâà...
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