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updated Thu. June 27, 2024

According to Reuters, the head of the CIA said on 19 Oct that a ... With U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson heading to South Asia and Middle ...
The C.I.A. is expanding its covert operations in Afghanistan, sending ... policies for Afghanistan and the rest of South Asia this summer, Mr.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo warned that Washington had to assume that ... out on the town before flying out of the country for his South Asia trip.
Wippl is a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer. ... Technology, with assignments in Washington D.C., East Asia, Africa, South Asia, ...
In December 2015, while I was serving overseas in South Asia, ... When I served at CIA, being in the incident response phase – or “to the right ...
Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo arrives for a closed briefing before the House Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill in ...

... a former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East in the National ... and was a political and media analyst at the CIA for 27 years.
According to Dulat even in the worst days of the Cold War, the CIA and ... the US South Asia policy thus further deepening regional tensions.
Denson says in 1997, Nicholson became the highest-ranking CIA officer .... Maguire had gotten crossways with his boss, the Near East Division ...
Operation HAT: How CIA Lost A Nuclear Device In India While Spying ... see if it was a threat to the US ambitions in South-Asia in the long run.
Wippl is a former Central Intelligence Agency officer, and spent a ... in Washington D.C., East Asia, Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East.
ISIS-Rapidly Spreading Its Tentacles in South Asia .... according to CIA, but estimates place this far higher at around 200,000 militants.” ... Edward Snowden, former US Central Intelligence Agency employee, admitted that the ...
As Ramadan began on May 27, a Taleban car bomber targeted a CIA-funded Afghan militia group, leaving 13 people dead and six injured in ...
The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) kept a hawk's eye on ... troops, a report sent by the Near East/African Branch of CIA notes.
WASHINGTON — The C.I.A. is pushing for expanded powers to carry out .... In Mr. Trump's speech last month outlining his policy for South Asia, ...
Woodward is a former Central Intelligence Agency officer who, during his twenty-year CIA career, served as an ... and Technology, with assignments in Washington D.C., East Asia, Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East.
Indeed, according to the Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook, birth rates in Pakistan have fallen from 32.1 in 2000 to 23.2 in 2014.

He did not even pull back from war in the Near East, but extended it to Libya and Syria, blundering into the Ukrainian coup as well.
Another lapse, shared with other writers on the subcontinent, is to describe the international community, and in particular the U.S.
How did the Israeli officials get the USA involved through the Pentagon-CIA duo? According to ... Today, thanks to support of USA and Europe, Israel is now a major arms exporter to third world, including South Asia's superpower India and some big nations.
But the neocon coterie at the CIA and State Department are undercutting his proposed rapprochement with Russia by forcing out General Flynn for starters.
Taking note of failure in its sinister designs, the agents of Mossad who were in collaboration with the CIA sympathizers and ISIL militants arranged terror attacks in Paris, Brussels, Orlando, San Bernardino, Nice, and Munich, and now in London.
The identity of this Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) mole remains classified to this day. On 9 December 1971, as Indian Army columns were racing towards Dhaka, and the navy and air force were pounding .... In 'Iran's Relation With Pakistan: A ...
Earlier this month, the Trump administration said it was moving ahead with plans to make it easier for the military and Central Intelligence Agency to target enemy forces with drones, even if it means more innocent people will be killed. Changes ...
More than 15 years of continuous U.S.-led war against Islamist militants in the Middle East, South Asia and North Africa have taken a heavy toll on civilians.
... to be passing from memory. Their credentials were often confusing, some coming out of brief or longer stays in East and South Asia, others out of encounters with visiting masters, and some, well, some seem to have just made the whole thing up ...
Robert Dreyfuss: Well, I think the most important thing is that while the CIA probably did not get very much right about Iraq, they were at least convinced, most of the intelligence agencies, that there was a lot of doubt, that there were a lot of ...
[But] We must use the army less than Hollande has done," Fillon declared. He went on to call France's war against the Islamic State (IS) militia in Syria a "failure," explaining, "We should have waged it together with Russia and its partners in the ...
It's ironical that when we asked the Americans to vacate the Badaber base in 1968, India under Mrs Gandhi promptly offered CIA a listening station on its territory in the Himalayas to spy on China! Second, China ... CPEC would help lessen political ...
He boasted about calling then-US president Barack Obama a "son of a whore" last year in response to criticism of the killings, as he repeated his unsubstantiated allegation that the US Central Intelligence Agency was plotting to kill him. "They ...
This 2004 map by Central Intelligence Agency (modified to show the official Indian map inset) shows the ground position of the areas illegally occupied by Pakistan and China - and that ceded illegally by Pakistan to China.
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy's Eric Trager is a staunch Brotherhood critic. In his book, Arab Fall, he derides scholars who claim the movement's willing to .... CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who has claimed that by failing to proactively ...
Indeed, according to the CIA World Factbook, birthrates in Pakistan have fallen from 32.11 in 2000 to 23.19 in 2014. The bad news is that even ... Hence birth and fertility rates in Pakistan exceed those in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and the rest of ...
Indeed, according to the CIA World Factbook, birthrates in Pakistan have fallen from 32.11 in 2000 to 23.19 in 2014. The bad news is that even ... Hence birth and fertility rates in Pakistan exceed those in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and the rest of ...
In efforts to massage Turkish feelings, CIA Director Mike Pompeo visited Ankara in February, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph F. Dunford met with Turkish Chief of the General Staff Hulusi Akar in the resort city of Antalya earlier this ...
The LoC Disputed Territory: Shown in green is Kashmiri region under Pakistani control. The orange-brown region represents Indian-controlled Jammu and Kashmir while the Aksai Chin is under Chinese control.
For example, he asserts that the Taliban are Deobandis which is "a revivalist, anti-imperialist strain of Islam that emerged as a reaction to British colonialism in South Asia" and al Qaeda "follow a radical current that emerged from the Muslim ...
One claimed to have worked for the CIA. When news of the Nixon administration's campaign to ..... She has written about international affairs for more than 16 years, beginning as the UN correspondent, and led the Star's Moscow and London bureaus and ...
After having drawn down the U.S. military presence to fewer than 10,000 troops by the end of 2016, the Obama administration's legacy in South Asia is that the Taliban have regained the initiative. Afghan and allied forces made some progress during the ...
I do not believe in the Pentagon and the CIA's campaigns for "hearts and minds," designed by people whose real training lies not in providing public health, but in killing.
The town's high-walled compounds served as jails for kidnapped westerners, and for many years, it was one of the CIA's best guesses as to where Osama bin Laden was hiding. Adding to Washington's frustration was the suspicion that Islamabad itself was ...
This book casts lexicographers as key figures in the political realignment of South Asia under British rule and in the years after independence.
Since the Trump presidency began with a characteristically pugnacious, divisive, and even course inaugural address, the flurry of executive orders and official announcements has put paid to those who argued that electoral stridency would be tempered by ...
Timber Sycamore, the covert CIA program to arm the so-called rebels, has been an unmitigated and not terribly surprising disaster.
"The possibility that forces being trained by the US now will eventually turn on the IDF, using enhanced skills and equipment, is exceedingly high," wrote David Bedein and Arlene Kushner in a 2009 study for the pro-Israeli Center for Near East Policy ...
Not only do the flakiest of Hollywood stars seem drawn to the cause like moths to a flame, but, much more seriously, the CIA and State Department have long supported the Tibetan government-in-exile. In the early 1960s, the CIA trained guerrillas to ...
At the end of January, an internal memo circulated within the CIA was leaked to media. It warns that ... Speaking at a congressional hearing in November 2012, after the Muslim Brotherhood had won Egypt's first democratic presidential election, Robert ...
Vaez noted that previous Iranian leaders placed under house arrest never reemerged - including Mohammad Mossadegh, ousted as prime minister in a CIA-backed coup in 1953, and Hossein-Ali Montazeri, a leader of the Islamic Revolution who was ...
Not only do the flakiest of Hollywood stars seem drawn to the cause like moths to a flame, but, much more seriously, the CIA and State Department have long supported the Tibetan government-in-exile. In the early 1960s, the CIA trained guerrillas to ...
The book by Riedel, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst who has served four US Presidents on the National Security Council, is a searing indictment of Pakistan's support to militant groups, and America's shortsightedness in continuing to ...


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