updated Fri. October 8, 2021
Center for Research on Globalization (blog)
October 17, 2017
Spies on Campus: The CIA and the FBI from the Indochina Wars to the “War on Terror” ... of the National Resources Division, the CIA's clandestine domestic service. ... Spanier's CIA medal, and a similar FBI award a year later, ...
October 9, 2017
A decade ago, the CIA secretly funded conferences to lure Iranian scientists to defect. .... enlist a suitable professor through the National Resources Division, .... on a history of Israel's central intelligence service, the Mossad.
BU Today
April 25, 2017
Mary Margaret Graham, Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency New ... Chief of the Directorate of Operation's National Resources Division and ...
Lawfare (blog)
January 25, 2017
For example, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) can point to the National .... Notably, the CIA's National Resources Division, which conducts ...
July 16, 2014
CIA logo Michigan's treasury department has slapped liens totaling over $20,000 on the ... Such domestic offices are run by the CIA's National Resources Division, ... As Newsweek reported last year, the NRD's “main business is to ... for unpaid taxes are addressed only to “Central Intelligence Agency, Attn:Â ...
Business Insider
November 19, 2013
The Central Intelligence Agency is suffering major attrition among officers ... The National Resources Division (NR), a highly-secretive domestic ...
November 18, 2013
That kind of covert activity is a specialty of the CIA's National Resources Division, a little-known, U.S.-based component of the agency's ...
CBS News
May 10, 2012
A former top CIA covert officer who ran one of the spy agency's ... As the chief of the CIA's National Resources Division, the highly-sensitive, ...
BU Today
April 25, 2017
Mary Margaret Graham, Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency New ... Chief of the Directorate of Operation's National Resources Division andÃÂ ...
Lawfare (blog)
January 25, 2017
For example, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) can point to the National .... Notably, the CIA's National Resources Division, which conductsÃÂ ...
Port City Daily
June 23, 2016
During her final years in the CIA, she held the position of deputy division ... after serving two years as chief of the National Resources Division.
The Hill
June 2, 2015
Henry “Hank” Crumpton, the former CIA official who led a covert ... He's also served as chief of the CIA's secretive National Resources Division.
July 16, 2014
CIA logo Michigan's treasury department has slapped liens totaling over $20,000 on the ... Such domestic offices are run by the CIA's National Resources Division, ... As Newsweek reported last year, the NRD's “main business is to ... for unpaid taxes are addressed only to “Central Intelligence Agency, Attn:ÃÂ ...
Business Insider
November 19, 2013
The Central Intelligence Agency is suffering major attrition among officers ... The National Resources Division (NR), a highly-secretive domesticÃÂ ...
CBS News
May 10, 2012
As the chief of the CIA's National Resources Division, the highly-sensitive, secret domestic operation, he conducted counter-intelligence withinÃÂ ...
January 23, 2017
As Pelton points out, Prince could continue to provide convenient cutouts for various military and civilian clients under what looks like a version of the CIA's National Resources division. It's a good bet that the man who insisted he would become a ...
PBS NewsHour
December 11, 2016
Chairman John McCain, incoming Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and others said in a joint statement Sunday that the CIA's report of Russia's efforts in the election "should alarm every American." ... The CIA, by law, is forbidden to act within ...
August 28, 2016
Was de CIA die later zo vreselijk zou miskleunen niet trots op de operaties waarmee de Koude Oorlog was gewonnen? Daarbij kon de regering-Reagan rekenen op ... Dit terwijl het M.O. en Nrd Afrika in brand staan. Henri Woutersz - woensdag 31 augustusÃÂ ...
Port City Daily
June 23, 2016
Ruth Eleanor 'Ellie' Duckett, 67, worked for the CIA for 33 years. from Wilmington Funeral & Cremation on June 23, ... After graduation from Mars Hill University in 1970, Ellie began her 33-year career with the Central Intelligence Agency as an ...
The Federalist
April 12, 2016
In 2012, former top CIA covert officer Hank Crumpton told CBS News there are more spies in America than during the peak of the Cold War.
The Hill
March 30, 2016
"I'm not sure we have adjusted, quite correctly, to the way we are going to respond to those activities here in the United States.
The Hill
March 30, 2016
"I'm not sure we have adjusted, quite correctly, to the way we are going to respond to those activities here in the United States.
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